13 stunning reasons that will convince you to buy magnesium sulfate today! Oh, shit.
Our editorial staff every day finds for you the best recipes for beauty and health. What have we tried? But it seems that we have found a product worthy of the highest praise. Today. "Site" He will tell his favorite readers about the amazing properties of such an inconspicuous substance as magnesium. We believe that English salt is a product that should be in every home. And here's why.
English salt
Our editors will certainly try out the amazing properties of magnesia, because how can you stand here! And don’t forget to share in the comments what useful uses of magnesium sulfate you know.

English salt
- Home air conditioning for clothes
Mix 1 cup of magnesium sulfate with 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add the resulting mixture to the appropriate compartment of the machine during washing, and your things will be soft and tender. You'll only need 1/4 cup. A real find! - Skin rejuvenation
Massage with English salt will help remove dead skin cells and make it soft and velvety. Conduct such a procedure in the bathroom, massaging the problem areas with your hands and fingers. - To remove splinters
Mix salt with a small amount of water until the gruel forms. Apply the product to the affected area of skin and leave for 10 minutes. To soften the skin and easily pull out an annoying chip, you can make a warm bath with bitter English salt. - Face cleanser
It is not difficult to prepare a cleansing scrub for the face using magnesia. Just mix any cream with equal amounts of magnesium sulfate. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for a few minutes. Wash well with warm water. Such a scrub cleanses the face well, relieves acne and excessive fat. The skin is elastic, well-groomed and attractive! - Against bruising
Compress with English salt is an excellent tool in the treatment of bruises and their cosmetic consequences. Dissolve 2 cups of salt in hot water, mix well. Use the resulting gruel for a compress, applying it to the affected areas. - For weight loss
A salt bath with magnesia is one of the quick ways to remove extra centimeters. Magnesium sulfate removes toxins and toxins from the body, cleansing it in the best way. It is important to know that during such a procedure, the body loses a large amount of fluid, so heavy drinking on the day of bathing is necessary! Take such a bath before going to bed and only in a sitting position, dissolving 0.5-1 kg of salt in water. It will be enough 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a month to feel the desired result. Magnesia purification - something everyone should try. - A dishwasher
With the help of magnesium sulfate, you can make an effective home remedy for the dishwasher. Such home “pills” are many times cheaper than store ones, and the effect of them is really amazing. - Laxative
Magnesium sulfate is an excellent laxative, besides inexpensive. 10–30 g of salt solution in half a glass of water and take overnight or on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. English salt is an excellent sorbent, removes toxins from the intestines and is completely not absorbed by the body. The effect of such a laxative is very mild, but effective. - To clean the washing machine
Pour a few spoons of magnesia into the washing machine drum and turn on the fast wash mode. Voila, the drum is clear of plaque and contamination. Now the washing process will bring only pleasure. - Against pain and seizures
Magnesia salt removes fluid from the body, and with it lactic acid, which contributes to the occurrence of muscle pain. Take a hot relaxing bath with 2 cups of salt and you will feel a noticeable relief. - For leg health.
Bath with English salt is able to return the most tired and callosum feet beauty and freshness. In a small pelvis, mix 2 cups of magnesia salt, 1 tbsp olive oil, 0.5 tsp peppermint oil and 1/4 cup of oatmeal. Well soak your legs, and then remove the remains of keratinized skin with pumice. Rinse your feet in cold water and dry well. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with Vaseline and wear warm socks overnight. Amazing effect! - For hair care.
Adding a little magnesium sulfate in a ratio of 1: 1, you will greatly help your hair. Apply the resulting mixture on dry hair and leave for 2-3 minutes. Wash the water like you usually do. Voila, the hair is clean and radiant for a long time. - Against insect bites
If you suffered from bites of annoying insects, and you can not get rid of itching, magnesia will come to the rescue! Mix 2 tbsp salt with 1 glass of water, mix thoroughly. Dip a cotton towel in the resulting mixture and apply such a compress to the affected area. Itching and unpleasant sensations as a hand removes.
Our editors will certainly try out the amazing properties of magnesia, because how can you stand here! And don’t forget to share in the comments what useful uses of magnesium sulfate you know.
Neighbor Zina is already far behind... The secret of cheerfulness in the soup she has been cooking for 17 years!
To the stomach "retracted" in 3 days! Please drink on an empty stomach mixed with water.