Magnesium deficiency in the body: find out what threatens and what to do
Magnesium deficiency is a fairly common problem nowadays. The main task of magnesium is to control the hormones that regulate the amount of calcium in the body..
To date, the main method of diagnosing magnesium deficiency is to determine its serum level.
However, experts say that this technique is not fully reliable, since these indicators do not reflect the level of magnesium.
A more accurate method of diagnosis can be called the method of detection in erythrocytes, but it is unfortunately not yet widespread. By the poet,The only reliable way to determine the presence of a lack of magnesium in the body are manifested clinical signs.
According to recent studies, about 80% of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from a lack of magnesium.
This figure makes you think about the danger that the lack of this substance carries to humans. The thing is, exactly what? Magnesium deficiency is one of the favorable factors for the development of diseases such as diabetes and some heart diseases.
Symptomslack ofmagnesiumintoorganismIf we talk about the clinical symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body, the main ones are:
IndividualselectiondrugsmagnesiumModern pharmaceutical companies offer us a lot of drugs, the action of which is aimed at replenishing the reserves of magnesium in the body. Another thing is that not all of them fit the same person.
How to choose the right magnesium preparation?In principle, there are individual recommendations for each of the existing drugs. In particular, glycinate or magnesium taurate is used in the presence of stress, constant physical exertion that affects cardiac activity or with constant mental stress.
If you suffer from muscle pain or are dealing with daily large expenditures of energy, then malate and magnesium orotate will suit you. Another positive effect of taking these drugs is a significant improvement in performance.
Also, when choosing magnesium preparations, it is necessary to take into account their digestibility. In particular, in this regard, citrate, glycinate or magnesium taurate are considered one of the most optimal.
A little worse the body absorbs malate, succinate and magnesium fumarate.
Drugs such as carbonate, sulfate, gluconate and magnesium oxide are most difficult to perceive, and this also affects the cost - they are one of the cheapest.
It is also worth noting the laxative effect of oxide, carbonate and magnesium citrate.
If we talk about the highest digestibility, it is observed in drugs of external use, such as: Magnesium oil and preventive baths with Epsom salt. This effect is achieved by getting drugs directly into the tissues, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such substances for external use have another positive effect. They greatly facilitate the process of removing toxins from the body.
The standard daily dose of magnesium preparations is about 300-400 milligrams 1-2 times a day.
At the same time, when you first take the drug, it is better to start with the minimum dose shown.
In order to calculate the ideal dosage for a particular person, it is necessary to carefully evaluate both his eating habits and the characteristics of the clinical symptoms of deficiency of this substance in the body.
The standard dosage is about 6-10 milligrams per kilogram of ideal weight.
In this case, this dose is divided into several receptions on average 2-3.
If we talk about side effects, then the only one of them is some laxative effect of such drugs.
In principle, magnesium has almost no contraindications.
However, people suffering from heart and kidney failure to use such drugs is strictly not recommended. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor before starting the reception.
In order for magnesium preparations to have the most favorable effect on the human body, it is advisable to carefully review your diet before taking them.
In particular, natural, unrefined food will be an excellent addition to the above drugs.
The thing is that such food has a unique molecular structure, the content of which some vitamins and minerals, allows you to interact with them magnesium from the point of view of the principle of synergy.
Due to this, magnesium intake has the most beneficial effect on your body, because you take the most nutrients from the drug. One of the interesting side effects of taking magnesium in conjunction with the correct diet is rejuvenation effect, It is well known to all those who have been in space.
The fact is that it is there that the aging process is significantly accelerated, and the risk of kidney stones increases by about 5 times.
In order to minimize all these negative processes, astronauts take special complex preparations, one of the components of which is magnesium. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112172-defitsit-magniya-v-organizme-uznayte-chem-grozit-i-chto-delat
To date, the main method of diagnosing magnesium deficiency is to determine its serum level.
However, experts say that this technique is not fully reliable, since these indicators do not reflect the level of magnesium.
A more accurate method of diagnosis can be called the method of detection in erythrocytes, but it is unfortunately not yet widespread. By the poet,The only reliable way to determine the presence of a lack of magnesium in the body are manifested clinical signs.

According to recent studies, about 80% of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from a lack of magnesium.
This figure makes you think about the danger that the lack of this substance carries to humans. The thing is, exactly what? Magnesium deficiency is one of the favorable factors for the development of diseases such as diabetes and some heart diseases.
Symptomslack ofmagnesiumintoorganismIf we talk about the clinical symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body, the main ones are:
- Sleep problems, in particular insomnia;
- frequent urination;
- deterioration of general health;
- Increased craving for chocolate consumption.
IndividualselectiondrugsmagnesiumModern pharmaceutical companies offer us a lot of drugs, the action of which is aimed at replenishing the reserves of magnesium in the body. Another thing is that not all of them fit the same person.
How to choose the right magnesium preparation?In principle, there are individual recommendations for each of the existing drugs. In particular, glycinate or magnesium taurate is used in the presence of stress, constant physical exertion that affects cardiac activity or with constant mental stress.
If you suffer from muscle pain or are dealing with daily large expenditures of energy, then malate and magnesium orotate will suit you. Another positive effect of taking these drugs is a significant improvement in performance.
Also, when choosing magnesium preparations, it is necessary to take into account their digestibility. In particular, in this regard, citrate, glycinate or magnesium taurate are considered one of the most optimal.
A little worse the body absorbs malate, succinate and magnesium fumarate.
Drugs such as carbonate, sulfate, gluconate and magnesium oxide are most difficult to perceive, and this also affects the cost - they are one of the cheapest.
It is also worth noting the laxative effect of oxide, carbonate and magnesium citrate.
If we talk about the highest digestibility, it is observed in drugs of external use, such as: Magnesium oil and preventive baths with Epsom salt. This effect is achieved by getting drugs directly into the tissues, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such substances for external use have another positive effect. They greatly facilitate the process of removing toxins from the body.

The standard daily dose of magnesium preparations is about 300-400 milligrams 1-2 times a day.
At the same time, when you first take the drug, it is better to start with the minimum dose shown.
In order to calculate the ideal dosage for a particular person, it is necessary to carefully evaluate both his eating habits and the characteristics of the clinical symptoms of deficiency of this substance in the body.
The standard dosage is about 6-10 milligrams per kilogram of ideal weight.
In this case, this dose is divided into several receptions on average 2-3.
If we talk about side effects, then the only one of them is some laxative effect of such drugs.
In principle, magnesium has almost no contraindications.
However, people suffering from heart and kidney failure to use such drugs is strictly not recommended. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor before starting the reception.
In order for magnesium preparations to have the most favorable effect on the human body, it is advisable to carefully review your diet before taking them.
In particular, natural, unrefined food will be an excellent addition to the above drugs.
The thing is that such food has a unique molecular structure, the content of which some vitamins and minerals, allows you to interact with them magnesium from the point of view of the principle of synergy.
Due to this, magnesium intake has the most beneficial effect on your body, because you take the most nutrients from the drug. One of the interesting side effects of taking magnesium in conjunction with the correct diet is rejuvenation effect, It is well known to all those who have been in space.
The fact is that it is there that the aging process is significantly accelerated, and the risk of kidney stones increases by about 5 times.
In order to minimize all these negative processes, astronauts take special complex preparations, one of the components of which is magnesium. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112172-defitsit-magniya-v-organizme-uznayte-chem-grozit-i-chto-delat