90% of the working population suffers from cervical osteochondrosis. Stop this cycle!
Few people will believe the fact that cervical osteochondrosis It can be much more dangerous than cancer. But it's still true! Numerous patients of the rehabilitation doctor Alexander Shishonin argue that it is better to twist the neck correctly than to suffer from hypertension and fear a sudden onset of a heart attack or stroke.
Shishonin is convinced that it is cervical osteochondrosis that becomes the root cause of hypertension, and only in 5% of cases the disease is a consequence of adrenal tumors, thyroid and kidney pathology. The doctor proves a close connection between osteochondrosis and high blood pressure.
The fact is that with age, the cervical vertebrae tend to shift and squeeze the vessels that feed the brain. As a result, the latter receives extremely little oxygen and commands the heart to pump blood with greater frequency.
If a person has a weak heart, the brain takes control of the vessels and capillaries, ordering them to shrink what urine is. If the capillaries are weakened, the brain loads the kidneys, forbidding them to remove water from the body. All in order to maintain the pressure inside the system.
As a result of this restructuring, the composition of the blood changes and the amount of sugar increases, because the brain needs increased nutrition! And when the reserves run out, there is a stroke. But such consequences can be avoided if the clamping of the arteries of the cervical vertebrae is removed in time.
The cause of vascular clamping, oddly enough, often becomes a nervous shock. There is a spasm of the muscles of the cervical and thoracic regions. Because of this, blood circulation and the work of the intervertebral discs are disrupted - the vertebrae become unstable and compress the vessels.
Often the main culprit of all troubles is the first vertebra – the Atlanteans. This is where the maximum load is placed. To help his patients get rid of osteochondrosis, Dr. Shishonin developed a special exercise technique called cervical therapy.
If necessary, it should be supplemented with a special diet or training with the help of rehabilitation devices. Exercises can be performed at home, but if after a month there is no significant relief, you should seek help from a doctor. Perhaps in your case, the vertebra or vessel is located in an atypical way.
Bless you and your loved ones! Do not forget to share with your friends a useful set of exercises.

Shishonin is convinced that it is cervical osteochondrosis that becomes the root cause of hypertension, and only in 5% of cases the disease is a consequence of adrenal tumors, thyroid and kidney pathology. The doctor proves a close connection between osteochondrosis and high blood pressure.

The fact is that with age, the cervical vertebrae tend to shift and squeeze the vessels that feed the brain. As a result, the latter receives extremely little oxygen and commands the heart to pump blood with greater frequency.

If a person has a weak heart, the brain takes control of the vessels and capillaries, ordering them to shrink what urine is. If the capillaries are weakened, the brain loads the kidneys, forbidding them to remove water from the body. All in order to maintain the pressure inside the system.

As a result of this restructuring, the composition of the blood changes and the amount of sugar increases, because the brain needs increased nutrition! And when the reserves run out, there is a stroke. But such consequences can be avoided if the clamping of the arteries of the cervical vertebrae is removed in time.

The cause of vascular clamping, oddly enough, often becomes a nervous shock. There is a spasm of the muscles of the cervical and thoracic regions. Because of this, blood circulation and the work of the intervertebral discs are disrupted - the vertebrae become unstable and compress the vessels.

Often the main culprit of all troubles is the first vertebra – the Atlanteans. This is where the maximum load is placed. To help his patients get rid of osteochondrosis, Dr. Shishonin developed a special exercise technique called cervical therapy.
If necessary, it should be supplemented with a special diet or training with the help of rehabilitation devices. Exercises can be performed at home, but if after a month there is no significant relief, you should seek help from a doctor. Perhaps in your case, the vertebra or vessel is located in an atypical way.
Bless you and your loved ones! Do not forget to share with your friends a useful set of exercises.
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