Cabbage that will crunch all winter.

Every year with the arrival of autumn, the question of how to prepare tasty and crispy cabbage for the winter becomes relevant. After all, in the cold season it is the main source of vitamins! It is difficult to answer unequivocally, since the fermentation process is quite delicate. Even the most seemingly insignificant factor can negatively affect the taste of sauerkraut.


Let's try to gather together the experience of the best housewives and understand, How to make sauerkrautSo that it crunched all winter, and all who will try - praise and ask for supplements.

Delicious crispy cabbage Secrets and tricks of cooking
  1. It is necessary to leave cabbage after the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God – this is what my grandmother always did. This is due to the fact that the sugar content in cabbage reaches its maximum level after the first frost. And the fermentation of sugar to obtain lactic acid is the basis of the very process of fermentation.

  2. For fermentation, it is better to take cabbage of medium or late varieties. Cabbage should not be frozen, otherwise it will be soft. The pin on the cut should be light, dark for a long time lay in the warehouse. The lighter the color of cabbage leaves, the more sugar they contain.

  3. Sourdough should be done only on the growing moon, ideally on the 5th or 6th day after the new moon. Soured cabbage these days will be juicy and crispy.
  4. Carrots need to be added a little, on a three-liter jar no more than one, otherwise the cabbage will be soft.
  5. On 1 kg of cabbage you need to add about 20 g of table salt (in no case not iodized, and then cabbage will be soft).
  6. It is recommended to ferment cabbage in a glass, plastic or enameled container. It is impossible to use iron or aluminum dishes for fermentation. Contact of cabbage with metal will lead to deterioration of its taste.
  7. You can add a little horseradish root to the cabbage - tannins from it will go into cabbage and will not let it soften.
  8. To cabbage was crunchy, it is recommended to start the fermentation process at room temperature, and finish at approximately 0 ° C.

Recipe of crunchy cabbage in brine To obtain crunchy cabbage, prepare it in brine. The peculiarity is that according to this recipe, cabbage does not need to be minted to extract juice.

Ingredients for a three-litre can
  • 2–2.5 kg of cabbage
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • peppery

Ingredients for brine preparation
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 40-50g table salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar


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