Riciniol is my ambulance! Restoration of the skin, eye treatment, improvement of vision and not only.

“One day, unexpected guests came to me, and I decided to quickly cook a hearty dish. I took the meat out of the freezer and started cutting it. The knife jumped off the piece and cut my finger hard, bleeding. I did not despair, and quickly dripped a little emulsion "Riciniol" on the wound. The blood stopped.

I smeared the sore spot with medicine several times, and the next day I saw a scratch instead of a wound. What a miracle! On the Internet you can find a lot of similar reviews about an unusual emulsion called "Ricinil". What is this magic and what is it made of? Read in our article.

What is "Ricinil"? If you enter the name "Riciniol" in the search box, you can be surprised by the fact that this medicine is represented by a huge series of dozens of names - from the beginning. "Ricinil Basic." to "Ricinio Sage." This makes it possible to purchase exactly the product, the impact of which will be aimed at caring for a specific part of the body.

For example, "Ritsiniol-K" is designed to carefully remove the cuticle from the nail plate, "Ritsiniol-O" helps to care for the skin of the feet, and "Ritsiniol-C" helps to strengthen the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, nasopharynx and oral cavity. Depending on personal needs, you can purchase a product of a narrower spectrum of action. But our editorial board advises you to definitely buy "Ricinil Basic".

This emulsion is designed to care for all the integuments of the body. The use of the drug has no age and physiological restrictions: it is suitable for children, adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Emulsion is a complex of different types of fatty acids. The main component is monounsaturated oxygen-containing ricinoleic acid.

A special complex provides active nutrition, hydration and rapid regeneration of the skin. That is why "Basic Riciniol" can be used without fear for various cosmetic and medical purposes.

  1. Burns.
    With thermal burns of a small degree, the emulsion will be an excellent tool for eliminating pain and effective healing. To begin with, you should cool the sore spot with cold water, and then apply the tool with a thin layer on the skin. The procedure should be repeated at least 5 times a day.

  2. Contusions and abrasions
    With such injuries, you need to rub 2-3 drops of emulsion into the skin several times a day. This will prevent the occurrence of swelling and hematomas.

  3. SARS and ENT diseases
    In the cold period of the year and during outbreaks of infectious diseases, it is necessary to lubricate the mucous membranes with the emulsion "Ritsinil base" at least 3 times a day.

  4. Hair strengthening
    To strengthen the hair follicles, it is necessary 1 time a month to do a therapeutic massage with the help of the “Ricinil basic”. To do this, apply 5-6 drops of emulsion to the fingertips and massage the scalp for 5 minutes. After the procedure, the head should be thoroughly washed.

  5. Hygienic skin care
    "Ricinil base" can be used as a moisturizer. It is enough to apply a few drops on the skin with patting movements.

Have you used this powerful emulsion before? Be sure to share your impressions about the product in the comments!


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