Appropriate means to guard the beauty: 7 tricks for perfect makeup. No. 2 is my favorite.
It’s hard to imagine a woman without makeup. This is real art! You can change your image every day, and sometimes several times a day. And the occupation is very exciting: you feel like a real artist, but instead of the canvas your own face. Many people think that in order to makeupYou need to have a mountain of makeup and good skills.
It's actually a lot easier. It is enough to know a few tricks that will help save time and money. Today's edition. "Site" I'll tell you about some useful makeup tricks.
How to do makeup
These are easy-to-use tips you can use for your everyday and evening makeup. As you can see, many cosmetic products are widely used or easily replaced by other means. Share beauty tricks with your friends in social networks!

It's actually a lot easier. It is enough to know a few tricks that will help save time and money. Today's edition. "Site" I'll tell you about some useful makeup tricks.

How to do makeup
- The base under the shadows
It is often heard that shadows, even from the luxury segment, roll or not as bright as in the palette. That's because you have to use a substrate. It is not necessary to buy a base under the shadows, especially if you do not wear shadows every day. You can use a white pencil for your eyes, and all the shadows are very bright. In addition, they can bring the mucous membrane, and a pimple to draw before applying the tone. Under dark shadows, safely use a black or brown pencil. This trick is used by all makeup artists when making smoky to get a beautiful deep color. - Face contouring
Everyone has long understood that just smeared with a tonal cream face looks flat and a little unhealthy. To return it to the relief, you need to use contouring techniques. And mask Or hollows under your eyes, use a pink-colored console. It's coloristic to hide the blue. If there is no such thing, apply a little red lipstick strictly to the problem area and stew it. Use your tone on the top. No one will notice any signs of fatigue.
You can also use lipstick as a blush. Just stir it up on your cheeks. To allocate cheekbones, use gray-brown matte blush or shadows, or you can take a special powder for contouring. But keep in mind that for skin with a yellow subtone, you need to take a warmer shade. Many people are afraid of warm colors, but makeup should be harmonious. - vinyl
I played a record of matte lipstick. Now everything is shiny and glossy or vinyl. But that doesn’t mean throwing away all your matte and cream lipstick. You can safely use body oil on top of them. A pleasant and fashionable trend in makeup is observed. This trick is used for life-shooting. For example, oil is applied to the eyelids or cheekbones to achieve a wet flickering effect. - Eyelashes
For those who do not understand the meaning of forceps for perm eyelashes, we explain: in order for the eyelashes to be twisted and retain such a shape for a long time, the forceps must be heated. Hold them for a couple of seconds over the fire (matches, lighter) and use them as intended. So you do not have to tighten your eyelashes, thereby you will not severely injure them and break them. It's a beautiful soft curve. - Fat shine
If your face is too greasy, you need to use matted wipes to remove the shine without spoiling your makeup. There is a way to save money on buying them. Just buy tracing in any stationery store, cut it into small squares and carry it with you in a makeup. Cheap and even better. - Eyebrow gel
Now in fashion thick well-groomed eyebrows, combed up or in the direction of hair growth. For this, usually use a fixing gel for eyebrows. But you can find an alternative. Why waste extra money if you have hairspray? Spray them with an eyebrow brush (you can use the old one from the carcass) and brush your eyebrows. Reliable fixation and well-groomed appearance are guaranteed. This technique is used by the singer Glucose, who even has a blog about beauty and makeup. - Big eyes.
To make the eyes bigger and give the look a more sexy look, get the arrow closer to the nose. You can bring the inner corner with a pencil or eyeliner - it is now fashionable. In addition, such a trick will make the look more languid.
These are easy-to-use tips you can use for your everyday and evening makeup. As you can see, many cosmetic products are widely used or easily replaced by other means. Share beauty tricks with your friends in social networks!
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