"You're a father!" is no longer an argument, and genetics proves it. Here are some amazing...
When a child appears in the family, all relatives immediately begin to determine what he has from his father, what from his mother, and what from his grandparents. Sometimes all these assumptions are quite rational, and sometimes completely violate all the laws of genetics. It is time to shed light on these facts and finally deal with all this.
Editorial "Site" I will share with you a couple of amazing and true facts from the world of genetics.
First of all, let's find out the genetic features. What color of the eyes the child will have depending on the color of the eyes of the parents. Find out this probably will not work, because it affects not only the color of the eyes of parents, but all great-grandparents.
For example, there is a very common misconception that brown-eyed parents will necessarily have children with brown eyes. But it's not. They may have a blue-eyed baby, especially if close relatives had eyes of a different color. There are several patterns that work for sure.
And now the most interesting thing, because everyone knows these notorious reproaches: “Yes, you are all like a father!” and others like this. So let's find out, childlike They are determined by their parents. Genetics won't let you lie!
Of course, these are only theories, and research in this area is still ongoing. For example, Robert Lerke argued that a large part of children’s intelligence depends on the X chromosome, and since women have two, they are more likely to transfer intellectual abilities to children. Although this hypothesis has been disputed by many.
Another interesting study was conducted by the Department of Medical Research and Social Sciences in Glasgow. They found that the average IQ of young people differed by only 15 points from that of the mother.
"This is an interesting phenomenon," the Scottish scientists said in a report. We used to believe that the genes of the father and mother are equally involved in the creation of a new life. But it turns out that there are areas where maternal genes dominate. Just as there are areas where male genes play the first violin.”
Men should not be upset about this, because their contribution is important, especially emotionally. And it is always worth remembering that the set of qualities with which we were born is not everything. Also, the child needs to educate and develop these qualities in him or instill others. With the color of the eyes will have to accept, but mental abilities can always be improved.
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Editorial "Site" I will share with you a couple of amazing and true facts from the world of genetics.
First of all, let's find out the genetic features. What color of the eyes the child will have depending on the color of the eyes of the parents. Find out this probably will not work, because it affects not only the color of the eyes of parents, but all great-grandparents.
For example, there is a very common misconception that brown-eyed parents will necessarily have children with brown eyes. But it's not. They may have a blue-eyed baby, especially if close relatives had eyes of a different color. There are several patterns that work for sure.
- If a man and a woman have blue eyes, they are 99% more likely to have blue or light gray eyes. And only 1% that they will be green.
- If one parent has blue eyes and the other has green eyes, then the child has an equal chance of both colors.
- If both parents have green eyes, then 75% of the child’s eyes will be green, 24% will be blue and only 1% will be brown.
- The combination of brown and blue eyes gives an equal chance of both eye color.
- If one parent has brown eyes and the other has green eyes, then 50% of the child will have brown eyes, 37.5% green and 12.5% blue.
- In brown-eyed parents, in 75% of cases, a brown-eyed child will be born, in 19% - a green-eyed child and only in 6% of cases - a blue-eyed child.
And now the most interesting thing, because everyone knows these notorious reproaches: “Yes, you are all like a father!” and others like this. So let's find out, childlike They are determined by their parents. Genetics won't let you lie!
- The mind is not passed from father to son. Only from my mother.
- But there is a plus, the low intelligence of the father son will not get.
- The daughter will inherit half of her mental abilities from her father.
DepositPhotos - A son inherits intelligence from his mother, who inherited it from his father.
- If a father is a genius, his daughter will be half as smart as he is. But the son will be a genius.
- Women are more likely to have a high level of intelligence, but less likely to be born geniuses.
Of course, these are only theories, and research in this area is still ongoing. For example, Robert Lerke argued that a large part of children’s intelligence depends on the X chromosome, and since women have two, they are more likely to transfer intellectual abilities to children. Although this hypothesis has been disputed by many.
Another interesting study was conducted by the Department of Medical Research and Social Sciences in Glasgow. They found that the average IQ of young people differed by only 15 points from that of the mother.
"This is an interesting phenomenon," the Scottish scientists said in a report. We used to believe that the genes of the father and mother are equally involved in the creation of a new life. But it turns out that there are areas where maternal genes dominate. Just as there are areas where male genes play the first violin.”
Men should not be upset about this, because their contribution is important, especially emotionally. And it is always worth remembering that the set of qualities with which we were born is not everything. Also, the child needs to educate and develop these qualities in him or instill others. With the color of the eyes will have to accept, but mental abilities can always be improved.
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