Can I sleep on the bed or couch of a deceased relative? After all, the dead...
If your thoughts revolve around death, your life path will be straightforward and simple. Every night refresh your mind with thoughts of death, samurai said. That's what we're going to do now, dear friend!
Today I came across a note saying that under no circumstances should you sleep on someone else’s deathbed. “Better to sleep on a dead man’s grave than on his bed!” began a short Facebook post. Very strange, isn't it?
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you will surely understand me, dear reader. I remember my mother sleeping on his couch for a long time after her father’s death, which I think helped her cope with the pain of loss in the first months. You couldn't do that? The image of a peacefully sleeping mother stood before my eyes. I had to deal in detail with this restless issue.
First, the medical aspect. If a person died on the bed not from a terrible infectious disease, this ordinary piece of interior does not carry any danger. It is enough to disinfect all possible surfaces with alcohol, and the bed is again ready for use.
DepositPhotos can also be used quartz lamp for decontamination of the room and all objects in it, this is especially appropriate if the disease of the deceased was still associated with a viral infection. Quartz lamp is used in medical institutions, emits ultraviolet rays, disinfecting everything around!
So, the bed is sanitized, the bed linen of the deceased is burned, but the question remains: Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased relative?? The priests do not consider this action sinful. Why not?
Do not confuse dark superstitions with faith. Yes, it is better to sprinkle the sleeping place of a relative who has departed into the world with holy water, even better to call a clergyman to the house. consecration. All, this is quite enough to use the bed as intended, inherited.
A man's life is so fleeting! No one knows when his time will strike, and how long he will be able to be with his loved ones. Death comes to all, the great and the simple. She is ruthless, whether we are ready for this moment or not.
Can I sleep on the bed of the deceased?? Psychics who communicate with otherworldly forces believe that it is not worth doing this if a person was a medium or magician during his lifetime. The explanation is simple: a strong energy field of a person with supernatural abilities can disturb a vacationer on his bed. There may be disturbing dreams and even choking.
I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I haven’t met a single powerful magician yet. If the deceased is not engaged in magic, sleep on his bed is allowed. Don't forget. candlelight Leading it over and under the bed to remove all the negative energy accumulated, the fire cleanses.
Not superfluous will be sprinkling holy water, and sprinkling the bed with salt, which is also known for its cleansing properties. After such rituals, the sleeping place becomes suitable for use.
Thoughts of death did not make me a samurai. Thinking about the dead and their beds unwittingly entails other, more important thoughts. All people strive for bliss during life and think about eternity, because so you want to prolong life, and the mortal mortal body is a serious obstacle to this. What if we are eternal, if the desire for eternity is natural to us, if it is our real essence? What if each of us is an eternal soul temporarily trapped in a mortal body?
Can I sleep on the bed of the deceased?? It's up to you, dear friend. If you are not inclined to believe in witchcraft, if you are not afraid of sudden night rustles perpetrated by neighbors or a cat, if you sleep soundly and do not remember your dreams, I think you can. What do you think? Answer me in the comments, I will be very grateful. May the sun of peace and happiness shine upon you.
Today I came across a note saying that under no circumstances should you sleep on someone else’s deathbed. “Better to sleep on a dead man’s grave than on his bed!” began a short Facebook post. Very strange, isn't it?

If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you will surely understand me, dear reader. I remember my mother sleeping on his couch for a long time after her father’s death, which I think helped her cope with the pain of loss in the first months. You couldn't do that? The image of a peacefully sleeping mother stood before my eyes. I had to deal in detail with this restless issue.
First, the medical aspect. If a person died on the bed not from a terrible infectious disease, this ordinary piece of interior does not carry any danger. It is enough to disinfect all possible surfaces with alcohol, and the bed is again ready for use.

DepositPhotos can also be used quartz lamp for decontamination of the room and all objects in it, this is especially appropriate if the disease of the deceased was still associated with a viral infection. Quartz lamp is used in medical institutions, emits ultraviolet rays, disinfecting everything around!

So, the bed is sanitized, the bed linen of the deceased is burned, but the question remains: Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased relative?? The priests do not consider this action sinful. Why not?
Do not confuse dark superstitions with faith. Yes, it is better to sprinkle the sleeping place of a relative who has departed into the world with holy water, even better to call a clergyman to the house. consecration. All, this is quite enough to use the bed as intended, inherited.

A man's life is so fleeting! No one knows when his time will strike, and how long he will be able to be with his loved ones. Death comes to all, the great and the simple. She is ruthless, whether we are ready for this moment or not.
Can I sleep on the bed of the deceased?? Psychics who communicate with otherworldly forces believe that it is not worth doing this if a person was a medium or magician during his lifetime. The explanation is simple: a strong energy field of a person with supernatural abilities can disturb a vacationer on his bed. There may be disturbing dreams and even choking.

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I haven’t met a single powerful magician yet. If the deceased is not engaged in magic, sleep on his bed is allowed. Don't forget. candlelight Leading it over and under the bed to remove all the negative energy accumulated, the fire cleanses.
Not superfluous will be sprinkling holy water, and sprinkling the bed with salt, which is also known for its cleansing properties. After such rituals, the sleeping place becomes suitable for use.

Thoughts of death did not make me a samurai. Thinking about the dead and their beds unwittingly entails other, more important thoughts. All people strive for bliss during life and think about eternity, because so you want to prolong life, and the mortal mortal body is a serious obstacle to this. What if we are eternal, if the desire for eternity is natural to us, if it is our real essence? What if each of us is an eternal soul temporarily trapped in a mortal body?
Can I sleep on the bed of the deceased?? It's up to you, dear friend. If you are not inclined to believe in witchcraft, if you are not afraid of sudden night rustles perpetrated by neighbors or a cat, if you sleep soundly and do not remember your dreams, I think you can. What do you think? Answer me in the comments, I will be very grateful. May the sun of peace and happiness shine upon you.
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