Can I wear the cross of a deceased relative? The clergyman replied, “If the cross....”
The cross is a personal object, strong, with powerful energy. And it often happens that in the event of the death of a loved one, relatives do not know what to do with his paternal cross - a grace-filled symbol of faith. Someone burys the cross with the deceased, someone leaves it to himself, keeping it in a box, and someone even wears it. crossHe's gone.
Editorial "Site" I found out what the church thinks about this, and how to do with the cross of a deceased relative: keep at the heart or get rid of the talisman as soon as possible?
It happens that the deceased is not buried with a paternal cross, and the reasons for this are different: this personal object goes to relatives after the death of a loved one or is transmitted from generation to generation as an inheritance and a symbol of memory. And then there is the conflicting question: how to deal with the resulting value and Is it possible to wear a cross of the deceased??
People believe that together with the cross you can get the fate and vitality of its owner. And even if the fate of the deceased was lucky, each of us wants to live his own life, because few people dare to wear someone else’s cross. No way!
The Church states: “The saying that you take over the fate of the deceased with the cross is nothing but stupid superstition. The main thing is to wear a cross not as an ornament, but as a symbol of the Christian faith.
The cross of a loved one can and even should be worn around the neck, then stored accurately. This religious subject has a deep semantic meaning: it helps to cope with adversity, diseases, protects from evil and evil.
“Like any thing used by men, a cross can be filled with power and grace in the pious way of life of its possessor. With a sinful lifestyle of a person and indulging in their sinful passions, a wearable cross, as a material object, can be charged with these passions, explains the clergyman Oleg Molenko.
Therefore, a cross left by a relative specially or accidentally buried with him, should be consecratedAnd then wear it without fear.
If you do not want to wear a cross, you can put it in a box and store it in a secluded place. To carry a cross on the grave of the dead is foolish. Firstly, it will not help the deceased in any way, and secondly, it is likely to be taken by completely strangers. Many people bring the crosses of deceased relatives to the temple and leave them there, which the church allows.
It should be understood that if a person who has received a cross constantly thinks about its negative impact, this will certainly affect his existence and fate in one way or another. Keep the cross of a loved one without fears and worries! This is not only a strong amulet, but also an invaluable memory of the departed person.
In your opinion, Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased person?? Tell us in the comments, and this informative article shared with friends in social networks.

Editorial "Site" I found out what the church thinks about this, and how to do with the cross of a deceased relative: keep at the heart or get rid of the talisman as soon as possible?
It happens that the deceased is not buried with a paternal cross, and the reasons for this are different: this personal object goes to relatives after the death of a loved one or is transmitted from generation to generation as an inheritance and a symbol of memory. And then there is the conflicting question: how to deal with the resulting value and Is it possible to wear a cross of the deceased??

People believe that together with the cross you can get the fate and vitality of its owner. And even if the fate of the deceased was lucky, each of us wants to live his own life, because few people dare to wear someone else’s cross. No way!

The Church states: “The saying that you take over the fate of the deceased with the cross is nothing but stupid superstition. The main thing is to wear a cross not as an ornament, but as a symbol of the Christian faith.
The cross of a loved one can and even should be worn around the neck, then stored accurately. This religious subject has a deep semantic meaning: it helps to cope with adversity, diseases, protects from evil and evil.

“Like any thing used by men, a cross can be filled with power and grace in the pious way of life of its possessor. With a sinful lifestyle of a person and indulging in their sinful passions, a wearable cross, as a material object, can be charged with these passions, explains the clergyman Oleg Molenko.
Therefore, a cross left by a relative specially or accidentally buried with him, should be consecratedAnd then wear it without fear.

If you do not want to wear a cross, you can put it in a box and store it in a secluded place. To carry a cross on the grave of the dead is foolish. Firstly, it will not help the deceased in any way, and secondly, it is likely to be taken by completely strangers. Many people bring the crosses of deceased relatives to the temple and leave them there, which the church allows.

It should be understood that if a person who has received a cross constantly thinks about its negative impact, this will certainly affect his existence and fate in one way or another. Keep the cross of a loved one without fears and worries! This is not only a strong amulet, but also an invaluable memory of the departed person.
In your opinion, Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased person?? Tell us in the comments, and this informative article shared with friends in social networks.
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