Died a relative: call an ambulance or a funeral agent?
Life is so arranged that at some point, close people leave us. At the same time, it is impossible to predict someone's death, and often such a misfortune takes you by surprise. What do I do? Who should I talk to? Call the ambulance or immediately to the funeral home, which will take all the trouble?
Editorial "Site" will tell you about the main and primary actions, if dead. And the connection between the funeral agents, the ambulance and the police.
One day we came across a post from a man saying that it is better to immediately contact a funeral agent in this case, and he already let him handle the whole procedure. Let us note in advance that this is not the best solution. After all, there are so many pitfalls that can add a lot of fuss to your personal grief of loss.
“My funeral agent friend asked me to call him first, and he will take care of everything. My grandmother lived a few more hours and her heart stopped. I immediately called the agent, he arrived 20 minutes later and called the ambulance and the police. But he did not dial 02 and 03, but some other numbers from his phone book. It turns out there are a lot of informants in the funeral business.
After receiving a message of death, the dispatcher of the ambulance, the duty officer of the police department, the district and other persons first of all call the ritualists, informing them of the contact details of the relatives of the deceased. The standard Whistleblower premium in a city of 500,000 is about 10,000 rubles. Yes, this kickback will then be included in the final bill, which will be paid by one of the relatives of the deceased.”
Perhaps in large cities and operates such a system between employees of the public sphere. Usually people choose who to turn to, or do all the trouble on their own. Besides, no one can force an agent on you. But there is a course of action that everyone should follow.
Conclusion: the ambulance and the police should be called by the person who first saw that the person died (relative, neighbor, cohabitant). No need to involve third parties in this case. They may or may not be responsible for what you do. The business of funeral agencies is the organization of the funeral itself (time, priests, funeral service, dressing of the corpse, transport, memorial dinner).
They should not do paperwork because they have nothing to do with the deceased. They can only resolve these issues through their own channels, which is illegal and will ultimately cost you dearly.
We wish you and your family good health and long life! Share the article with your friends on social networks so that they also have information.

Editorial "Site" will tell you about the main and primary actions, if dead. And the connection between the funeral agents, the ambulance and the police.
One day we came across a post from a man saying that it is better to immediately contact a funeral agent in this case, and he already let him handle the whole procedure. Let us note in advance that this is not the best solution. After all, there are so many pitfalls that can add a lot of fuss to your personal grief of loss.

“My funeral agent friend asked me to call him first, and he will take care of everything. My grandmother lived a few more hours and her heart stopped. I immediately called the agent, he arrived 20 minutes later and called the ambulance and the police. But he did not dial 02 and 03, but some other numbers from his phone book. It turns out there are a lot of informants in the funeral business.

After receiving a message of death, the dispatcher of the ambulance, the duty officer of the police department, the district and other persons first of all call the ritualists, informing them of the contact details of the relatives of the deceased. The standard Whistleblower premium in a city of 500,000 is about 10,000 rubles. Yes, this kickback will then be included in the final bill, which will be paid by one of the relatives of the deceased.”

Perhaps in large cities and operates such a system between employees of the public sphere. Usually people choose who to turn to, or do all the trouble on their own. Besides, no one can force an agent on you. But there is a course of action that everyone should follow.
- You call an ambulance to ascertain the fact of death. Upon arrival, medical specialists record the fact of death and issue death certificate. They should call the police. In the daytime, you should also hire a district doctor to find out whether a person has fatal diseases, whether he has recently prescribed medications or been undergoing treatment, as well as take a medical card.
- But to be safe, we advise after calling the ambulance to call also law enforcement agencies. They should make up check-in. Before the arrival of the police and the ambulance, it is forbidden to change the position of the body of the deceased and objects surrounding it.
- Note that certificates received from doctors and police will be taken if the body is taken to the morgue for examination (for people who died under the age of 60 years). After that, you can already find a funeral company that will deal with various chores and organize the whole process according to requirements and traditions.
- Having a passport of the deceased, your own passport, a medical death certificate and a report of the examination of the corpse, you should go to the local prosecutor's office to obtain a certificate of death. burial permit.
DepositPhotos - Then we should go to the registry office. You'll get it. death certificate In exchange for the deceased's passport. In addition to the certificate, you will be given a certificate, with the help of which you can receive a benefit for ritual services or a pension of a deceased blood relative.
DepositPhotos - It's only after you get all the papers that you can have a funeral. Also carefully ensure that all documents were correctly spelled out the data of the deceased. Otherwise, you will have to spend a long time in the city.
DepositPhotos - To discharge a deceased relative from the apartment, contact the district passport office with a statement, in which you set out a request to deregister the deceased citizen. Attach a copy of the death certificate to this statement. This case, unlike the previous ones, can be done not on the day of death (or the next), but later.
Conclusion: the ambulance and the police should be called by the person who first saw that the person died (relative, neighbor, cohabitant). No need to involve third parties in this case. They may or may not be responsible for what you do. The business of funeral agencies is the organization of the funeral itself (time, priests, funeral service, dressing of the corpse, transport, memorial dinner).
They should not do paperwork because they have nothing to do with the deceased. They can only resolve these issues through their own channels, which is illegal and will ultimately cost you dearly.
We wish you and your family good health and long life! Share the article with your friends on social networks so that they also have information.
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