Is it possible to sleep on the bed or couch of a relative who has gone to heaven?
Recently in the family of Olga there was a rather serious quarrel. It would seem that her children simply did not like their bed, but in fact the question was more complicated. Tomboys made a real fuss because they did not want to lie on an old bed. So. where to sleepWhat if someone in this room gave God a soul?
Oli has five-year twins Nikita and Darin. What they can sometimes fad, even imagine scary. Constantly screaming, shouting, dividing toy property, children's quarrels. Olga and her husband Vadim decided send the children to grandma With Grandpa for a week. So that small parents rest, and parents restore their nervous system.
But the desired peace Olya never waited. Her mother called and said that they could not calm Darina. The girl is crying and does not want to fall asleep. The baby asked her mother. Nikita at first kept cheerful, but then made his own copy of the company and also began to cry because of the absence of his mother. Olga and Vadim had to go after the twins in the middle of the night, because the children did not calm down.
Nikita told me that if I slept on Masha’s great-grandmother’s bed, she would come for me. I'm afraid to sleep there. I do not want to go to my grandparents anymore, said little Darina. “Tolya told me about Masha when we were playing outside. I was not afraid at first, and then I also wanted to go home, Nikita supported her sister.
Olga realized that her children were just heard the dark stories from the boy next door. At first she was very angry with the kids, but then she thought about it. Where better to sleep? Is it possible to do this on the bed of a relative who went to the angels? What is the right thing to do in such a situation? How do you explain it to a child?
Total peace of mind definitely not In a situation like this, it's like being hysterical like little Darina. There is nothing to fear and rely on baseless superstitions. It is certainly possible to use such a bed. Just do not forget that all old underwear must be removed, and all surfaces in the room must be disinfected.
If there is no order in the soul, then you can priest. He will sanctify the room, read the necessary prayers and give instructions to the person who needs it. Do not be afraid to do this, because sometimes you can not do without wise advice.
Assistance and support is considered to be an important aspect psychological state of loved ones People who are no longer in this world. Perhaps they know where to sleep better, so they prefer to settle in the place of a loved one. It is perfectly normal for a person to experience their loss. Do not try to prohibit it or take away such an item of furniture by force.
Needless to say, to believe rumors and gossip is definitely not necessary. The choice, of course, is for everyone, but is it worth relying on superstitious opinions in the modern world? This is more of a rhetorical question, because if people believe in all sorts of omens, they will definitely be point And about where to sleep better.
The story of Darinka and Nikita ended happily. Olya reassured the children and assured them that even on the old bed no one sleepless. She explained that their great-grandmother Maria was a very kind woman, and also sincerely rejoiced at the appearance of babies. Olga recalled how old Maria joked that she would take the kids to school and walk at two weddings at once. Now the twins know that the soul of their grandmother is in the best of worlds, because she received long-awaited peace and endless memory of relatives.
Agree, explain to the kids, where to sleep In an old house, sometimes difficult. We will be very happy to hear your story or arguments as to what it would be wise to do in such a situation. We appreciate the opinion of each subscriber and are grateful for their sincerity.

Oli has five-year twins Nikita and Darin. What they can sometimes fad, even imagine scary. Constantly screaming, shouting, dividing toy property, children's quarrels. Olga and her husband Vadim decided send the children to grandma With Grandpa for a week. So that small parents rest, and parents restore their nervous system.
But the desired peace Olya never waited. Her mother called and said that they could not calm Darina. The girl is crying and does not want to fall asleep. The baby asked her mother. Nikita at first kept cheerful, but then made his own copy of the company and also began to cry because of the absence of his mother. Olga and Vadim had to go after the twins in the middle of the night, because the children did not calm down.

Nikita told me that if I slept on Masha’s great-grandmother’s bed, she would come for me. I'm afraid to sleep there. I do not want to go to my grandparents anymore, said little Darina. “Tolya told me about Masha when we were playing outside. I was not afraid at first, and then I also wanted to go home, Nikita supported her sister.
Olga realized that her children were just heard the dark stories from the boy next door. At first she was very angry with the kids, but then she thought about it. Where better to sleep? Is it possible to do this on the bed of a relative who went to the angels? What is the right thing to do in such a situation? How do you explain it to a child?

Total peace of mind definitely not In a situation like this, it's like being hysterical like little Darina. There is nothing to fear and rely on baseless superstitions. It is certainly possible to use such a bed. Just do not forget that all old underwear must be removed, and all surfaces in the room must be disinfected.
If there is no order in the soul, then you can priest. He will sanctify the room, read the necessary prayers and give instructions to the person who needs it. Do not be afraid to do this, because sometimes you can not do without wise advice.

Assistance and support is considered to be an important aspect psychological state of loved ones People who are no longer in this world. Perhaps they know where to sleep better, so they prefer to settle in the place of a loved one. It is perfectly normal for a person to experience their loss. Do not try to prohibit it or take away such an item of furniture by force.
Needless to say, to believe rumors and gossip is definitely not necessary. The choice, of course, is for everyone, but is it worth relying on superstitious opinions in the modern world? This is more of a rhetorical question, because if people believe in all sorts of omens, they will definitely be point And about where to sleep better.

The story of Darinka and Nikita ended happily. Olya reassured the children and assured them that even on the old bed no one sleepless. She explained that their great-grandmother Maria was a very kind woman, and also sincerely rejoiced at the appearance of babies. Olga recalled how old Maria joked that she would take the kids to school and walk at two weddings at once. Now the twins know that the soul of their grandmother is in the best of worlds, because she received long-awaited peace and endless memory of relatives.

Agree, explain to the kids, where to sleep In an old house, sometimes difficult. We will be very happy to hear your story or arguments as to what it would be wise to do in such a situation. We appreciate the opinion of each subscriber and are grateful for their sincerity.
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