Nail fungus is treated with a normal horseradish! Just do it twice a day...
Many have faced such trouble as the fungus of the nails on the legs. The most unpleasant sore, what to say, and still appears out of nowhere and often at no time. Treatment of neglected fungus The process is long and time-consuming. Therefore, it is better to act quickly and radically.
Editorial "Site" share one with you fungusThat will make this sickness disappear once and for all.
Quick treatment of fungus You can always go to the pharmacy and buy funds that help fight the fungus. But they are expensive, and most of them are empty. Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus are no less effective than purchased ones. If you follow all the rules and regularly perform procedures - you can cure even the most advanced cases.
Whatever remedy for the treatment of fungus you choose, there is one rule: before the procedure, make a special bath. In very hot water, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and grated soap (household). Soar the legs in this solution for 10-15 minutes, after drying and trimming the softened areas. Only after that, use the therapeutic means.
So let's move on to our miracle cure. Its main component is ordinary horseradish. This product is known not only for its unusual and spicy taste, but also medicinal properties that help get rid of the fungus.
In order to prepare the remedy, you will need the root of horseradish. It needs to be rubbed in a fine grater. Here's the tool ready. Take a grated horseradish, put it on a sick nail and bandage tightly. Now you have to be patient. It is better to perform the procedure immediately before bedtime, so that the bandage does not slide. Repeat the procedure every night.
If possible, it would be nice to change the bandage in the morning and attach a new portion of the product. But, of course, this is not always possible. So do it at least once a day. And so on until a new nail grows. This can take some time, depending on how much fungus you have (from 1 to 6 months). In no case should you interrupt the course of procedures, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
Rosemary showed its effectiveness in the treatment of nail fungus. As an additional tool, you can use therapeutic baths with it. To prepare such a bath, pour three liters of water into a bowl, add 10 drops of lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil. Soar your legs for 15-20 minutes, then wipe dry. After that, you can also apply a remedy from horseradish.
This treatment has shown very good results, but one thing to remember is that everything is individual. If it doesn’t help, it might make sense to look for another recipe.
What remedies did you use to treat the fungus? Which ones helped you and which ones were ineffective? Share with us in the comments!

Editorial "Site" share one with you fungusThat will make this sickness disappear once and for all.
Quick treatment of fungus You can always go to the pharmacy and buy funds that help fight the fungus. But they are expensive, and most of them are empty. Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus are no less effective than purchased ones. If you follow all the rules and regularly perform procedures - you can cure even the most advanced cases.

Whatever remedy for the treatment of fungus you choose, there is one rule: before the procedure, make a special bath. In very hot water, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and grated soap (household). Soar the legs in this solution for 10-15 minutes, after drying and trimming the softened areas. Only after that, use the therapeutic means.

So let's move on to our miracle cure. Its main component is ordinary horseradish. This product is known not only for its unusual and spicy taste, but also medicinal properties that help get rid of the fungus.
In order to prepare the remedy, you will need the root of horseradish. It needs to be rubbed in a fine grater. Here's the tool ready. Take a grated horseradish, put it on a sick nail and bandage tightly. Now you have to be patient. It is better to perform the procedure immediately before bedtime, so that the bandage does not slide. Repeat the procedure every night.

If possible, it would be nice to change the bandage in the morning and attach a new portion of the product. But, of course, this is not always possible. So do it at least once a day. And so on until a new nail grows. This can take some time, depending on how much fungus you have (from 1 to 6 months). In no case should you interrupt the course of procedures, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Rosemary showed its effectiveness in the treatment of nail fungus. As an additional tool, you can use therapeutic baths with it. To prepare such a bath, pour three liters of water into a bowl, add 10 drops of lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil. Soar your legs for 15-20 minutes, then wipe dry. After that, you can also apply a remedy from horseradish.

This treatment has shown very good results, but one thing to remember is that everything is individual. If it doesn’t help, it might make sense to look for another recipe.
What remedies did you use to treat the fungus? Which ones helped you and which ones were ineffective? Share with us in the comments!
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