Means to strengthen nails.
1) Natural mask for the treatment of brittle nails Take a few tablespoons of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice and just a couple of drops of iodine, all mixed. Lower the nails into the mixture and hold for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with water without soap.
2) Iodine from the bundle nail for the treatment of brittle nails and bundle at night need to smear nails iodine. He quickly absorbed and if it is done in the evening, then morning yellow nails will not be.
3) Lemon to treat brittle nails Lemon - a good remedy for brittle nails. Cut slices of lemon 2, a thickness of 1 cm. Stick to slices at the same time all the nails in one - right hand, the other - the left. Keep as 5 min., Then rinse with water.
4) sour grapes to strengthen nails for the treatment of brittle nails are useful, such as cranberries, currants, cranberries. Lubricate the juice of berries nails and skin around the nails.
5) Vegetable oil with lemon juice treatment of brittle nails Apply to nail a mixture of vegetable oil with the addition of drops of essential oil of lemon or lemon juice squeezed. Apply every day for 10 days.
6) Salt and Iodine to strengthen nails Sol has long been used as a remedy for brittle nails. Put a glass of water 1 tbsp. large spoonful of common salt and a few drops of iodine. Wet cotton wool in the solution and rub into the nails. After relaxing by the sea is often observed the same effect.
7) Red pepper and cream layer and to strengthen brittle nails nails superimposed on a mask of 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp and any cream for 5 min., It is possible and more. Very effective in the layer and brittle nails.
8) Ointment to harden nails Take cool boiled egg yolk and 4 grams of beeswax melted in a water bath, adding a little peach butter until a ointment. This ointment to rub every night marigolds.
9) Natural wax treatment against brittle nails brittle nails will beeswax. Fingertips dipped in melted on a steam bath pure wax and immediately dipped in cold water. On the fingers after such a procedure are formed, as it were "thimbles", then put x / cotton gloves and go to bed. Keep all night. Doing the procedure twice a week. A total of six treatments. Perfect nails stronger. One course is enough to get rid of brittle nails for life.