Doing nails stronger

1. Garlic varnish to strengthen nails:
- 1-2 fresh garlic cloves
- Nail polish, better transparent
Put nail polish in 7-10 days chopped garlic. Then just cover it with varnish nails. After such garlic polish your own nails will be better and stronger overhead.
2. Lemon juice to strengthen and lighten the nail:
Cut the lemon in half and dip into the flesh of his fingertips - for 10 minutes. Then wrap both halves in foil and place in refrigerator. You can use this lemon for a week on a daily basis. Spend lemon bath every other day for 2 weeks. Citric acid is useful to the cuticle and nail.
3. Sea salt to strengthen nails:
In 250 ml of warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda, salt, and any shampoo. You can drop a few drops of aromatic oils: rosemary, juniper, lemon, lavender - to your taste. Dip your hands in the solution for 15-20 minutes, at least cooling poured into the tub with warm water. You can do almost every day.
In a small container of warm water and pour a tablespoon of sea salt, keep your hands for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate with a nourishing cream.
4. Iodine to strengthen nails and prevent delamination:
Before going to bed, apply to the nail plate normal iodine with a brush. First, nails turn yellow, but by the morning iodine will be absorbed and nails will return to their normal color.
5. The gelatin bath for weak nails:
Gelatine perfectly feeds and strengthens nails. Dissolve in a glass of boiling water half a tablespoon of gelatin wait until the mixture has cooled down, and then immerse the nails for 10-15 minutes. Foot can be used 2-3 times a week.
6. Mask with red pepper to strengthen and accelerate nail growth:
Mix half a teaspoon of red pepper, 10 drops of boiled water and one teaspoon of fat hand cream. Hold the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath and let cool, then brush her nails even layer, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. Use a mask can be no more than once a month.