Get rid of high acidity in 10 days, knowing these 5 recipes! If you don’t like rice water, try it.
Heaviness, abdominal pain, heartburn - here they are, faithful companions of gastritis. And this ailment, by the way, suffers everyone and everything. And although each of us tries one way or another to devote proper time to proper nutrition, you can not hide anywhere from the modern rhythm of life: improper nutrition, food on the go, exhausting diets are the main enemies of your stomach.
It seems that you should not talk about gastritis for the hundredth time, but it is better to talk about its treatment! "Site" He shares with you effective home recipes that will help get rid of the disease one or two times.
These are golden recipes of traditional medicine In no case should they become a substitute for a visit to the doctor and an excuse to ignore the treatment prescribed by a specialist, but they are an excellent additional therapy that will help to cope with the debilitating symptoms of gastritis much faster and more effectively!
Effective treatment of gastritis
As you can see, effective treatment of gastritis with folk remedies - not fiction. However, it is important to understand that what helps one does not necessarily help the other. Try it and you will find the most effective way for yourself. And most importantly - do not forget to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician, then the success of complex treatment will be guaranteed!
And what folk recipes for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms of gastritis do you know? Be sure to share your secrets with us in the comments, and do not forget to tell your friends in social networks about the article.

It seems that you should not talk about gastritis for the hundredth time, but it is better to talk about its treatment! "Site" He shares with you effective home recipes that will help get rid of the disease one or two times.
These are golden recipes of traditional medicine In no case should they become a substitute for a visit to the doctor and an excuse to ignore the treatment prescribed by a specialist, but they are an excellent additional therapy that will help to cope with the debilitating symptoms of gastritis much faster and more effectively!
Effective treatment of gastritis
- Rice water
Rice itself is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, and its components best affect the condition of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, help reduce body weight and have a positive effect on the nervous system. In therapeutic nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases, rice is a component of the daily diet, and rice broth is generally an indispensable product! Bring to a boil 1 liter of water, add 150 g of rice and cook over a slow heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain the healing fluid immediately until the rice has absorbed it, and use half a glass 2 times a day. This recipe works unconditionally! After a week of home therapy, you will feel much better. - Apple and chamomile
In 500 ml of water, add one finely sliced apple, bring to a boil, add 1 tbsp of chamomile flowers and cook over a slow heat for several minutes. Let it infuse and cool. To feel great, drink 200 ml of healing broth before breakfast and 200 ml before lunch for 10 days. You'll see the weight and heartburn of your hand! - Sea buckthorn oil
Another irreplaceable product! Sea buckthorn oil carefully covers the digestive tract with a protective film, cleanses the mucosa from pathogenic microflora, regenerates tissues in ulcerative areas, improves overall well-being and accelerates the healing process. The oil can be taken both during exacerbation and to prevent exacerbation of the disease. This is especially true in the autumn-spring period, when the immune system is weakened, and gastritis does not leave poor people and a chance. Only 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach for a month will be enough to prevent unpleasant symptoms of the disease. And if taking sea buckthorn oil causes vomiting, you can dilute a portion of oil in 50 ml of sweetened warm water. - Carrot juice
Many adherents of traditional medicine to reduce the acidity of the stomach and get rid of the debilitating symptoms of gastritis use freshly prepared carrot juice. Take healthy juice in the morning, on an empty stomach, half a glass. The course of treatment is not limited in time and can last as long as necessary. - Potato juice
This useful vegetable contains a unique combination of useful substances that are extremely effective for the treatment and prevention of gastritis. Potato juice is rich in amino acids, minerals and fiber, which help get rid of pain, improve peristalsis and accelerate the regeneration process mucous membrane. To prepare juice from potatoes, you should not use sprouted and greened fruit, but to get healing juice, you can use a juicer or rub potatoes on a grater. Take the juice immediately after cooking 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. After a 10-day course, take a short break, and then repeat the therapy, increasing the dose to 1/2 cup.
As you can see, effective treatment of gastritis with folk remedies - not fiction. However, it is important to understand that what helps one does not necessarily help the other. Try it and you will find the most effective way for yourself. And most importantly - do not forget to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician, then the success of complex treatment will be guaranteed!
And what folk recipes for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms of gastritis do you know? Be sure to share your secrets with us in the comments, and do not forget to tell your friends in social networks about the article.
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