I wonder why these birds are so small. Are people capable of that?
The human imagination is limitless! And if it is also backed by talent, the world receives amazing and unusual works of art. Proof of this is Aki Nakata, who creates animals that look like real animals. stone-painting. Since childhood, she loved collecting stones. But one day, as a teenager, Aki held a stone in her hand and realized that it looked like a hare. So I drew it. Since then, she has created many amazing works.
Drawing on stones Acrylic paints are now a popular hobby. But the editorial board "Site" Just fascinated by the work of Aki Nakata, because immediately you can not say that these are stones, and not live animals. We want to show you the work of a talented girl.
Painting on stones
Such stones can safely decorate vases with indoor plants or use pebbles as accents in the interior. Some people create drawings on large stones to decorate their plot or house.
Unusual pictures always excite the mind. For example, drawings on the body of Johannes Stotter. This artist also depicts nature, not on stones, but on the human body.
Admit it, you thought this bird was real, didn't you? Tell us in the comments how you were impressed by the creations of Aki Nakata. Share the pictures on the stones with your friends on social networks!

Drawing on stones Acrylic paints are now a popular hobby. But the editorial board "Site" Just fascinated by the work of Aki Nakata, because immediately you can not say that these are stones, and not live animals. We want to show you the work of a talented girl.
Painting on stones
- These owls look very realistic. You might think it's some kind of tiny new subspecies. But no, they're just rocks.
- This fox is just fascinating! I want to put it in the winter garden.
- "I feel the breath of life in every stone and talk to them while I paint," Aki says.
- Dreamed of a pocket dog? There she is. You can wear it this year as a happy mascot.
- This leopard is not only very similar to the living, the stone also fully conveys the spirit of the predator.
- Aki believes her work is finished when she sees life in the eyes of an animal.
- Interestingly, each stone is placed in the palm of your hand. Just imagine how hard it is to draw every villi or feather of an animal.
- If we didn’t know it was a painted stone, we would consider it a small hamster.
- The wolf is not just resting on the rock, but watches everyone cautiously.
- Also note that Aki not only paints one side of the stone, but creates a three-dimensional figure. So no matter how you turn an animal out of stone, it will look realistic.
Such stones can safely decorate vases with indoor plants or use pebbles as accents in the interior. Some people create drawings on large stones to decorate their plot or house.
Unusual pictures always excite the mind. For example, drawings on the body of Johannes Stotter. This artist also depicts nature, not on stones, but on the human body.
Admit it, you thought this bird was real, didn't you? Tell us in the comments how you were impressed by the creations of Aki Nakata. Share the pictures on the stones with your friends on social networks!
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