Why Yulia Menshova is blooming every year

Yulia Menshova is a famous Russian actress, beloved by many viewers. As well as beauty, at the age of “under 50” she manages to look at a maximum of 35. She shared the secrets of her beauty with Elena Malysheva in the program “Life is great!”

Menshova steadily weighs 67-68 kilograms with a height of 177 centimeters and feels absolutely healthy. What helps them maintain their form and look younger many of your peers?

The Life of Julia Mensheva About sport

Julia is very active in everyday life, but she does not like gyms, says that she is bored with repeating the same movements, they seem meaningless to her.

It is better to do a lot of things during this time: “I am not afraid of the load, I am repelled by routine. Stupid swing of the press irritates after five minutes. I just can't imagine getting on a treadmill, sticking headphones in my ears and running. I'd be stupefied. I like team sports – volleyball, basketball, which involve a goal, interaction with a partner.

It was for these reasons that she participated in the Stars on Ice project: “There was a struggle for the first place, and subtle psychologicalism, and the need to create a certain image.”

On nutrition.

Julia takes food often, but in small portions. To satisfy hunger, he drinks green tea with lemon and ginger. Or eat a portion of vegetable puree made of cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, carrots and greens, ground in a blender, with the addition of olive oil. Such light snacks and saturate, and the figure does not harm.

“Every woman should develop a special food system for herself, because we are all individual. You should listen to your body and its needs, says Yulia Menshova, and live in harmony with yourself, without raping the body.

On the diet, the actress sat only once, after the birth of her second child. Then excluded from the diet meat, butter, dairy products, bread, pasta and potatoes. She ate cereals, fresh and stewed vegetables, seasoned with sunflower oil, drank a lot of liquids. When the weight returned to normal, began to eat all the products, but not forgetting about the sense of proportion.

Taking care of yourself

Menshova uses oxygen cosmetics and products containing hyaluronic acid. And once a year he visits a beautician to make “beauty shots”. It uses only biodegradable solutions.

Yulia Menshova is a public woman, so she always needs to be in shape. She starred in films and television series, plays in the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov, the International Theater Agency “Art Partner XXI”.

As a director, he works at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin and the production company M-Art, leads a talk show on the First Channel.

And together with her husband, actor Igor Gordin, brings up two children, personal life of Julia Mensheva Not a taboo topic for the press. Children of Yulia Menshova They see their mother as a role model. It's admirable, isn't it?


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