10 flaws in the design of the human body: it could be different
You have no idea how awful it is. humanoid! To say that God created us intelligently and flawlessly is to insult him. Because our body has nothing to do with thoughtful design.
The Greeks were obsessed with the mathematically perfect human body. Unfortunately, we are not created by Pygmalion, the mythical sculptor who sculpted a statue of the perfect woman. “And so it will go!” – decided evolution, blinding our body from the biological equivalent of scraps of lumber and insulation.
Anatomists and biologists lament that these serious flaws prevent us from living normally. After reviewing their research, the editorial board "Site" Here are the top 10 mistakes in the human body.
Human body structure
To give credit to our body, it has outstripped the bodies of other species in many ways through natural selection, even though it was poorly designed. We have developed a large, complex brain capable of abstract thinking and foresight. We bipeds are curious, resourceful and enjoy a relatively long life. Many qualities have allowed us to spread across the planet and thrive.
Man, like any other creature on earth, continues to evolve. Evolution does not stand still, and many of the features we have today may disappear in 2,000 years, such as toes or male nipples. This is the diversity of species and the infinity of existence.
What kind of anatomy do you want to get rid of? Or do you think everyone humanoid perfect? It will be interesting to know your thoughts on this. Connect your friends to the discussion – click the “Share on Facebook” button!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
The Greeks were obsessed with the mathematically perfect human body. Unfortunately, we are not created by Pygmalion, the mythical sculptor who sculpted a statue of the perfect woman. “And so it will go!” – decided evolution, blinding our body from the biological equivalent of scraps of lumber and insulation.

Anatomists and biologists lament that these serious flaws prevent us from living normally. After reviewing their research, the editorial board "Site" Here are the top 10 mistakes in the human body.
Human body structure
- Unsafe back
Our back is overloaded. It happened when our ancestors got up from four to two feet. We hold the head and torso directly due to the pronounced S-shaped spine. But this bending creates an additional burden on all internal organBy squeezing and squeezing them. Therefore, we constantly have back pain and chronic fatigue. Even an active lifestyle will not solve the problem - over time, the vertebrae simply wear out from stress.
DepositPhotos - Weak legs.
The human foot consists of 30 bones, considering the thigh. Thanks to this structure, our ancestors deftly moved through the trees. Then they decided that walking on the ground was more interesting. Many of the movable parts and ligaments became unnecessary for the walking process, but still remained. Because of this, we have such troubles as sprains, dislocations and fractures.
DepositPhotos - A lot of sweating.
Like all mammals, we sweat to maintain normal body temperature. But we lose too much fluid from simple exercises or experiences. Most animals don’t have as many sweat glands as we do. We are the least efficient thermostats in the mammalian world. Horses and our monkey relatives have many sweat glands and sweat as much as we do.
DepositPhotos - Too narrow a pelvis
Because of this, the process of birth has become for women not only hellishly painful, but also dangerous. Add to this the huge size of the infant’s skull, which increases the risk of birth injuries in the mother and child. The unreasonably narrow birth canal is a consequence of our rapid evolutionary leap from quadrupeds to bipeds. It would be safer if babies were born from around the navel area. That would be a miracle of birth! The situation is worse only in spotted hyenas - their puppies come out of the mother's extremely narrow clitoris. Sympathize with the poor.
DepositPhotos - Double function of the pharynx
We cannot swallow and breathe at the same time. Food and air enter our body in the same way. When food is swallowed, a mobile cartilage called the epiglottis covers the trachea so that the chewed mass passes into the esophagus. Choking occurs when a person laughs or talks while eating. This stupid flaw has cost millions of lives in history. If our larynx were at the very top of our head, food and air would pass through separate independent channels. Unfortunately, we would lose the ability to talk. But they would be able to communicate with songs, like whales, creating vibrations in their nostrils.
DepositPhotos - Can't live without air.
But other animals can. Sea turtles can not breathe for 3 hours. Some animals begin to breathe much less when they winter. A person without oxygen for more than four minutes can experience severe brain damage and death. We have never been adapted to survive without air, because there is no evolutionary need for it. For example, it's rare for primates to die from drowning because they don't swim.
DepositPhotos - One set of teeth
Here, evolution has unnecessarily saved us one set of permanent teeth for life. Despite the fact that tooth enamel is the hardest tissue of the human body, it is not able to recover. At the same time, we grow an absolutely useless wisdom tooth, delivering only pain and discomfort. As soon as we pass the 35-year age line, enamel becomes intensely thinning, teeth become more vulnerable and destroyed. Tooth loss is one of many signs that evolution is using us for one purpose: reproduction, followed by a short period of parenting. And then leaves us with nothing...
DepositPhotos - Do not produce vitamin C
The most important role in the synthesis of collagen and the fight against cancer cells is performed by vitamin C. However, our body has lost the ability to produce this vital substance on its own. Guinea pigs, monkeys and we are forced to consume vitamins all our lives From the outside, although most animals produce it themselves. Because we can’t synthesize all the vitamins we need, we’ve given shelter to a host of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system that produce vitamins for us. But when this process is disrupted, the most dangerous diseases arise.
DepositPhotos - Intimate organs close to the anus
The prize in the contest “The most terrible design” is the location of the same organs for waste removal and reproduction. This neighborhood is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also unhygienic. It's like putting a playground next to a sewer. In the process of proximity of a man and a woman, the wrong bacteria can get into the urethra or birth canal, which leads to inflammation, infections, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cystitis, urethritis and other “charms”.
DepositPhotos - Tribal hostility
The hormone oxytocin is to blame, which fuels a hostile distrust of the other group. This adaptive trait unites small communities of people and prevents them from wandering or joining other groups. This feature made sense while we were living in clans or tribal unions. But these days, it leads to a variety of social problems, including racism, prejudice and an inability to empathize with strangers.
To give credit to our body, it has outstripped the bodies of other species in many ways through natural selection, even though it was poorly designed. We have developed a large, complex brain capable of abstract thinking and foresight. We bipeds are curious, resourceful and enjoy a relatively long life. Many qualities have allowed us to spread across the planet and thrive.
Man, like any other creature on earth, continues to evolve. Evolution does not stand still, and many of the features we have today may disappear in 2,000 years, such as toes or male nipples. This is the diversity of species and the infinity of existence.
What kind of anatomy do you want to get rid of? Or do you think everyone humanoid perfect? It will be interesting to know your thoughts on this. Connect your friends to the discussion – click the “Share on Facebook” button!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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