Husband met with no mood and then turned on a recording of a conversation between my mother and sister
If your husband is constantly dissatisfied, do not look for a reason in yourself. Best. ask him about what it is. Perhaps you can solve the problem together and it will not become a scandal. accumulated unexpressed emotions. But what if the cause of the quarrel is your relatives who cannot accept your spouse as he is?
Recently, my friend faced a rather difficult situation. Someone scratched her husband's car, which was right under the windows of the house. To find the intruder, the husband left the camera on the windowsill for the night.
In the morning, everyone went on their own business: the friend went to take the child to kindergarten, and the husband ran away to work. My friend's mother and sister had to come in to pick up baby clothes for my sister's baby.
When my friend came back, my husband was already home. He was apparently released earlier than usual. Husband was something. upset. After a brief silence and questioning, he turned on the camera. The video showed what was happening on the street, but The sound clearly came from the apartment.
It was a mother-sister conversation. And the conversation is quite unpleasant. Mom complained that son-in-law: earns little, does not follow himself, always sits in front of the TV Of course, the husband of my friend was very upset by what he heard. Nobody wants to hear that about themselves.
Family vs. husband I'm sure the most important thing in this situation wifehood. She chose her own partner. And if she is satisfied with her husband, then there is no concern for arrogant relatives. If the wife were in all She expressed her support for her husband.It would be much easier for him to deal with the humiliation. On the other hand, relatives could express wife-fearWhich she kept from her husband.
A good idea in this case is to directly tell your spouse your opinion, but try to express it. without criticism. You also need to listen to your spouse’s opinion. Perhaps the misunderstanding was due to misinformation. For example, the husband could recently get a promotion, and in front of the TV, he has not been sitting for a couple of months. What would you do in a situation like this?
A week later, my friend’s husband found me. Other, more profitable jobs I went to the gym. He had been offended for a long time. And now does not seek to communicate with the family of his wife.
Recently, my friend faced a rather difficult situation. Someone scratched her husband's car, which was right under the windows of the house. To find the intruder, the husband left the camera on the windowsill for the night.
In the morning, everyone went on their own business: the friend went to take the child to kindergarten, and the husband ran away to work. My friend's mother and sister had to come in to pick up baby clothes for my sister's baby.
When my friend came back, my husband was already home. He was apparently released earlier than usual. Husband was something. upset. After a brief silence and questioning, he turned on the camera. The video showed what was happening on the street, but The sound clearly came from the apartment.
It was a mother-sister conversation. And the conversation is quite unpleasant. Mom complained that son-in-law: earns little, does not follow himself, always sits in front of the TV Of course, the husband of my friend was very upset by what he heard. Nobody wants to hear that about themselves.
Family vs. husband I'm sure the most important thing in this situation wifehood. She chose her own partner. And if she is satisfied with her husband, then there is no concern for arrogant relatives. If the wife were in all She expressed her support for her husband.It would be much easier for him to deal with the humiliation. On the other hand, relatives could express wife-fearWhich she kept from her husband.
A good idea in this case is to directly tell your spouse your opinion, but try to express it. without criticism. You also need to listen to your spouse’s opinion. Perhaps the misunderstanding was due to misinformation. For example, the husband could recently get a promotion, and in front of the TV, he has not been sitting for a couple of months. What would you do in a situation like this?
A week later, my friend’s husband found me. Other, more profitable jobs I went to the gym. He had been offended for a long time. And now does not seek to communicate with the family of his wife.
What awaits a man who does not provide for a family
A mother from a Ukrainian village passed the recipe for her signature spicy dressing, similar to sauce from Uzbekistan