Let me tell you about the biggest shock I experienced once.
Awkward situations at a party arise mainly due to the fault of the owner of the house. When guests are on the way, you need not only to take care of a delicious treat, but also to put your house in order. Most of all, little things catch the eye - unpleasant ones, because of which the guest may become uncomfortable.
Aggressive hospitality There are such hospitable hostess who always try to shine with new dishes. For guests, they always set the table with the best snacks and desserts. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to the owner that you are not hungry or just do not eat certain foods for some reason. So if you've invited guests, it's best to know what they're eating. And if the guest tries to politely refuse food, do not push the meatballs into it by force!
“When we visit my aunt, she always cooks food for a horde, even though she invites several relatives or friends to visit. Each time she tries to put on the plate a piece of everything on the table. I can't stand the sight of meat dishes, but I don't want to hurt my aunt either, so I always put everything on my husband's plate.
Say a few words: Who likes toast? One of the most embarrassing moments for most guests is to toast in circles. While relatives praise the birthday boy, in the far corner sits a modest man who very much hopes that he will not have to talk. He just wanted a good meal.
“I know a man who says the same thing at all holidays. And it works! Whoever is sitting at the table, he always says: “All the good words have already been said, so once again I wish the birthday boy health and happiness in his personal life.”
There are specific topics for the hosts to talk about. Not everyone is comfortable when someone begins to talk about higher forces, the universe and other controversial things. You never know who is sitting next to you at the table. The opposite view can create a conflict.
The most important thing in the bathroom is toilet paper, no matter what anyone says. This item must be present in a prominent place, even if you use the bidet. In someone else’s bathroom, like on a minefield: the guest does not know what you can wipe your hands about when a whole set of towels and rags hang in the bathroom. It is better to remove all unnecessary and personal items from the bathroom before the guests arrive.
In the literal sense, showing your underwear to guests is a bad tone. What does it feel like not a very close person when he sees with his own eyes what tailoring you wear underwear? It is better not to wash things before the arrival of guests if there is nowhere to dry them, except in the room, so as not to get into awkward situations at home. Put the washed things in the closet, and the dirty things in the laundry basket, and it's over.
Lightning-fast cleaning "Sit-sit, I'll wash the plates while, if you don't mind" - even in front of close friends, you should not do this. After all, a man came to visit you to pay attention to him. And if you stand in the middle of a conversation and do the dishes, the guest will be uncomfortable. It will seem that he is not welcome here, since they immediately get up to wash the dishes after him.
The dishes will be unpleasant. If a person sees that from a mountain of dirty dishes, the owner takes out a mug, rinses and makes tea in it. Unwashed dishes, mugs with a crack or traces of tea cause bewilderment and disgust. I don’t want to go to such a sloppy host anymore.
The most annoying thing is when you come to visit a cleaner who tries to lick every corner and apologizes for the mess, even though he just has a sweater on the couch and not in the closet. Do not apologize for the animals or children who scattered toys, and especially along the way to pick them up. This will make the guest think he is not on time.
It may seem logical that the cat toilet should be placed away from the bedroom. And many owners put the tray right at the door. When a guest comes to visit, the stench from the cat’s toilet is over him with a cloud, and then do not be upset that he does not want to eat.
There are various awkward situations, after which you do not want to return to visit certain people. Everyone lives their best. The best thing a well-educated guest can do is not to notice or expose the owner of the house in a bad light. Have you ever had such a visit?

Aggressive hospitality There are such hospitable hostess who always try to shine with new dishes. For guests, they always set the table with the best snacks and desserts. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to the owner that you are not hungry or just do not eat certain foods for some reason. So if you've invited guests, it's best to know what they're eating. And if the guest tries to politely refuse food, do not push the meatballs into it by force!
“When we visit my aunt, she always cooks food for a horde, even though she invites several relatives or friends to visit. Each time she tries to put on the plate a piece of everything on the table. I can't stand the sight of meat dishes, but I don't want to hurt my aunt either, so I always put everything on my husband's plate.

Say a few words: Who likes toast? One of the most embarrassing moments for most guests is to toast in circles. While relatives praise the birthday boy, in the far corner sits a modest man who very much hopes that he will not have to talk. He just wanted a good meal.
“I know a man who says the same thing at all holidays. And it works! Whoever is sitting at the table, he always says: “All the good words have already been said, so once again I wish the birthday boy health and happiness in his personal life.”

There are specific topics for the hosts to talk about. Not everyone is comfortable when someone begins to talk about higher forces, the universe and other controversial things. You never know who is sitting next to you at the table. The opposite view can create a conflict.

The most important thing in the bathroom is toilet paper, no matter what anyone says. This item must be present in a prominent place, even if you use the bidet. In someone else’s bathroom, like on a minefield: the guest does not know what you can wipe your hands about when a whole set of towels and rags hang in the bathroom. It is better to remove all unnecessary and personal items from the bathroom before the guests arrive.

In the literal sense, showing your underwear to guests is a bad tone. What does it feel like not a very close person when he sees with his own eyes what tailoring you wear underwear? It is better not to wash things before the arrival of guests if there is nowhere to dry them, except in the room, so as not to get into awkward situations at home. Put the washed things in the closet, and the dirty things in the laundry basket, and it's over.

Lightning-fast cleaning "Sit-sit, I'll wash the plates while, if you don't mind" - even in front of close friends, you should not do this. After all, a man came to visit you to pay attention to him. And if you stand in the middle of a conversation and do the dishes, the guest will be uncomfortable. It will seem that he is not welcome here, since they immediately get up to wash the dishes after him.

The dishes will be unpleasant. If a person sees that from a mountain of dirty dishes, the owner takes out a mug, rinses and makes tea in it. Unwashed dishes, mugs with a crack or traces of tea cause bewilderment and disgust. I don’t want to go to such a sloppy host anymore.

The most annoying thing is when you come to visit a cleaner who tries to lick every corner and apologizes for the mess, even though he just has a sweater on the couch and not in the closet. Do not apologize for the animals or children who scattered toys, and especially along the way to pick them up. This will make the guest think he is not on time.

It may seem logical that the cat toilet should be placed away from the bedroom. And many owners put the tray right at the door. When a guest comes to visit, the stench from the cat’s toilet is over him with a cloud, and then do not be upset that he does not want to eat.

There are various awkward situations, after which you do not want to return to visit certain people. Everyone lives their best. The best thing a well-educated guest can do is not to notice or expose the owner of the house in a bad light. Have you ever had such a visit?
How to ask your mother-in-law for all the money left to her
Guests strive to drag zucchini flan home, the hostess did not have time to try