The Secret of Youth by Jennifer Lopez

On July 24, Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 49th birthday. At her beach party was attended by friends, family, son Max, daughter Emmy and lover, whom the singer met last year – baseball player Alex Rodriguez. There was fun and joy at the festival.


The celebrity posted a photo from the celebration and gave the opportunity to fans to rejoice for themselves and send congratulatory messages. What struck me most was the shape that J. Lo was in. She's almost 50, and she looks at 25 highs. Time has no power over her.

Jennifer Lopez photo in a swimsuit He doesn't post much. But in every picture, shown every few years, it looks perfect. Her figure doesn't deteriorate over the years.

Jennifer Lopez in swimsuit

The phenomenon of eternal youth Jennifer Lopez is explained by her special attitude to life. Here are some of her secrets.

Secrets of the Star
  1. Proper nutrition
    “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’ve completely given up caffeine – these are the main enemies of the skin, the culprits of wrinkles and dull complexion,” says Jennifer. On her menu there is neither sweet nor fried, only boiled or steamed dishes. Celebrity diet consists mainly of fresh seasonal foods. From vegetables, the star prefers broccoli, asparagus, greens. om proteins it serves as fish and chicken, a source of carbohydrates - brown rice and quinoa.


    Jennifer is very hard on herself. In the Hollywood environment, the star is even called a bore for the fact that she does not allow herself liberties and excesses. Even during noisy parties, J. Lo is always sober and with the right food on her plate. She is a true adept of a healthy lifestyle.


  2. Sport
    Jennifer has been physically active all her life. At the age of five, she began taking dance lessons. In school years she was engaged in gymnastics, running, was part of the school softball team, took part in national running competitions. Jennifer began her career as a dancer and choreographer, and only then took place as an actress, singer and businesswoman. Publicity kept J. Lo in good shape, she worked hard on herself.

    Even now, at 49, she has a beautiful abs, slender legs and a luxurious fifth point - this is the result of methodical work in the gym. Three times a week, she does fitness in the evenings: half an hour is spent on cardio and 40 minutes on power loads. Each morning begins with a 20-minute yoga class.

  3. Taking care of yourself
    Celebrity considers the best cosmetics healthy night sleep. In her opinion, you need to fall asleep before 24:00, and wake up no later than half past eight in the morning to rest and the body, mind and psyche.

    DepositPhotos The right mode of the day increases working efficiency, and for Jennifer this is very important. After all, she is still actively filming, touring, leading a TV show, producing her own personal line of clothes and perfumes, and even raising two children.


“Control and self-control” - Jennifer's motto. Everyone makes their own choices. For some, the star lifestyle seems too boring to inherit. Some people admire their organization. Last suggest to follow the example of J. Lo and discover a great program for weight loss.

J. Lo is not looking for idle entertainment, her goal is harmony and perfection. Looks like she's quite there. Jennifer Lopez in a swimsuit without Photoshop It looks great. She is one of the few celebrities who can boast of such a body in adulthood.


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