What products harm the pancreas
Experts in the field of natural medicine believe that the quality and duration of our life depends on the work of the pancreas. In simple words, the faster it wears out, the higher the risk of premature death. Excessive inadequate nutrition destroys the pancreas. How can we protect this important body and avoid many problems?
Problems with the pancreas Marva Ohanyan - a physician, biochemist, professional with 45 years of experience - knows where most modern ailments come from. “As you know,” says Marva Vagharshakovna, “the pancreas is responsible for the breakdown in the intestine of food eaten by a person and the production of the hormone insulin.”
From birth, we ruthlessly exploit this gland, forcing it to work around the clock and synthesize enzymes. In the process, the body is overloaded, expending a large amount of energy. Late meals deplete energy reserves and the pancreas, there is diabetes, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, self-digestion and necrosis of the gland. Therefore, it is necessary to understand once and for all what the proper nutrition should be.”
The properties of food should correspond to our physiology. Raw fruits, vegetables, sprouted cereals, nuts, food herbs are broken down with a minimum amount of enzymes. Digestion occurs naturally, without discomfort, bloating, heaviness, diarrhea or constipation. But breaking down stewed or fried dishes requires 100 times more enzymes than raw foods.
Eating heat-treated food, we force the pancreas to work a hundred times more actively, which is why it wears out more and more every year. Boiled, fried, stewed food has no energy value, so we need to eat large portions to saturate. So we expose the digestive tract and pancreas to an uncharacteristic load. They say, “With a knife and fork we dig our own grave.”
Digestive enzymes cease to be produced after 18 hours. That's why all nutritionists ban dinner after six: eaten in the evening food rots in the duodenum until 9 am, and in the afternoon the mass follows further into the small intestine, colon, poisoning everything in its path.
The liver has to take on the released poisons and filter the blood. As a result, hepatocholecystitis, calculous cholecystitis, infectious jaundice, viral hepatitis and, as a result, cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment of the liver and pancreas It can be long and require a change in lifestyle.
Meat products do not belong to quality food. Why? Our digestive system is unable to process protein That’s why it starts to rot. Only the short digestive tract of predators is designed to digest meat. In humans, the digestive system is much longer, protein is in them for almost 8 hours, and human food enzymes are not enough to break down meat products.
Alien animal protein is the strongest allergen. In the process of its decay, poisonous gases (ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide) and toxins (putrescin, cadaverine, ptomains) are released. The liver is able to neutralize them only partially, as a result they accumulate and enter the bloodstream, which leads to the emergence of various diseases.
It is absolutely impossible to feed babies with sweet manna and rice milk porridge! There are no vitamins in these cereals, and in a mixture with milk protein and sugar, a substance fermenting and rotting in the stomach is obtained. Hence children's skin diatheses and bronchial asthma. Careful parents mistakenly connect to the diet of meatessential and the protein needed by the growing organism.”
Healthy liver. And the intestinal microflora, spleen and bone marrow themselves can perfectly synthesize amino acids. Having its own “native”, and not taken from a dead animal, amino acids, the child’s body independently produces protein molecules that do not cause rejection and the formation of antibodies.
Every day meal regimen
Traditional nutrition does not meet the real needs of our body. You need to understand and realize: to provide yourself with adequate healthy nutrition and protect yourself from diseases, habits, tastes will have to change. It is necessary to limit the eating of meat and heat-processed food, so as not to exceed the possibilities of the pancreas, on which our lives depend.
Earlier we wrote about products that have a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Remember them and try to use them more often.
Traditional medicine knows, How to cure the pancreas Simple and affordable products without resorting to pharmaceuticals. These rules have proven effective in the fight against pancreatitis. We hope that this knowledge about your body will be useful to you and you will change your views on the way of nutrition.

Problems with the pancreas Marva Ohanyan - a physician, biochemist, professional with 45 years of experience - knows where most modern ailments come from. “As you know,” says Marva Vagharshakovna, “the pancreas is responsible for the breakdown in the intestine of food eaten by a person and the production of the hormone insulin.”

From birth, we ruthlessly exploit this gland, forcing it to work around the clock and synthesize enzymes. In the process, the body is overloaded, expending a large amount of energy. Late meals deplete energy reserves and the pancreas, there is diabetes, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, self-digestion and necrosis of the gland. Therefore, it is necessary to understand once and for all what the proper nutrition should be.”

The properties of food should correspond to our physiology. Raw fruits, vegetables, sprouted cereals, nuts, food herbs are broken down with a minimum amount of enzymes. Digestion occurs naturally, without discomfort, bloating, heaviness, diarrhea or constipation. But breaking down stewed or fried dishes requires 100 times more enzymes than raw foods.
Eating heat-treated food, we force the pancreas to work a hundred times more actively, which is why it wears out more and more every year. Boiled, fried, stewed food has no energy value, so we need to eat large portions to saturate. So we expose the digestive tract and pancreas to an uncharacteristic load. They say, “With a knife and fork we dig our own grave.”

Digestive enzymes cease to be produced after 18 hours. That's why all nutritionists ban dinner after six: eaten in the evening food rots in the duodenum until 9 am, and in the afternoon the mass follows further into the small intestine, colon, poisoning everything in its path.
The liver has to take on the released poisons and filter the blood. As a result, hepatocholecystitis, calculous cholecystitis, infectious jaundice, viral hepatitis and, as a result, cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment of the liver and pancreas It can be long and require a change in lifestyle.

Meat products do not belong to quality food. Why? Our digestive system is unable to process protein That’s why it starts to rot. Only the short digestive tract of predators is designed to digest meat. In humans, the digestive system is much longer, protein is in them for almost 8 hours, and human food enzymes are not enough to break down meat products.
Alien animal protein is the strongest allergen. In the process of its decay, poisonous gases (ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide) and toxins (putrescin, cadaverine, ptomains) are released. The liver is able to neutralize them only partially, as a result they accumulate and enter the bloodstream, which leads to the emergence of various diseases.

It is absolutely impossible to feed babies with sweet manna and rice milk porridge! There are no vitamins in these cereals, and in a mixture with milk protein and sugar, a substance fermenting and rotting in the stomach is obtained. Hence children's skin diatheses and bronchial asthma. Careful parents mistakenly connect to the diet of meatessential and the protein needed by the growing organism.”
Healthy liver. And the intestinal microflora, spleen and bone marrow themselves can perfectly synthesize amino acids. Having its own “native”, and not taken from a dead animal, amino acids, the child’s body independently produces protein molecules that do not cause rejection and the formation of antibodies.

Every day meal regimen
- Morning. You should start with herbal tea with honey, lemon or berry juice. It is much more useful than coffee and black tea. In the drink you can add rosehip, green tea, karkade (petals of the Sudanese rose). After that, a glass of freshly squeezed juice from seasonal vegetables or fruits will be ideal.
DepositPhotos - Breakfast From 10 to 11 hours should be fruity. In the warm season - fresh fruits, in winter and spring - dried fruits. After a half to two hours, drink a large mug of herbal tea or juice.
- Lunch It should consist of fresh vegetables with greens. Grated vegetables are filled with crushed greens, homemade sour cream or vegetable oil, chicken egg. It will be very useful to add to the dish sprouted grains of wheat, buckwheat, peas, seeds of flax, sunflower. After lunch, wait 1.5 hours and you can drink any of the above.
- Dinner. From 17 to 18 hours should be fruit or vegetable. To the salad you can add bran, nuts, hard cheeses. Appropriate will be dairy products: yogurt, kefir, fermented meat. Instead of bread - sandwiches of rye crackers with butter and garlic sauce. In autumn, you need to focus on all fruits of red and orange color - rich vitamin-producerMicronutrients and antioxidants.
Traditional nutrition does not meet the real needs of our body. You need to understand and realize: to provide yourself with adequate healthy nutrition and protect yourself from diseases, habits, tastes will have to change. It is necessary to limit the eating of meat and heat-processed food, so as not to exceed the possibilities of the pancreas, on which our lives depend.
Earlier we wrote about products that have a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Remember them and try to use them more often.
Traditional medicine knows, How to cure the pancreas Simple and affordable products without resorting to pharmaceuticals. These rules have proven effective in the fight against pancreatitis. We hope that this knowledge about your body will be useful to you and you will change your views on the way of nutrition.