How to be beautiful in old age
When does old age begin? Answering this question, the doctor will begin to operate in professional terms, say something about the extinction of the “children’s function” and “irreversible changes in physiology.” However, the main thing to understand from this is that everyone ages at different ages and at different speeds. So much depends on the person himself.
Our compatriots respond differently to the question of old age, but the average figures are about 63 years old. At the age of 63, according to the average person, old age. And when he feels himself old, it manifests itself both in appearance and in the way of life.
And today we're going to talk about older people, women from Milan, a city that is rightly called the fashion capital of the world. Even an 80-year-old woman has no time to think about diseases, problems and old age, because the main worries are what to dress up and what bag to pick up under your favorite shoes.
When a boy from the Italian province named Angelo came to study in Milan, he was struck by the local women. And struck not with exquisite manners or beauty, namely their grooming. Even lady He does not forget about fashionable clothes and makeup.
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Io che per il ponte ho preso un volo intercontinentale per andare a fare shopping oltre oceano.
Publication from @ sciuraglam 29 April 2018 at 5:10 PDT
For a resident of Milan, going to the store is akin to walking on the catwalk. It is not customary to go outside in a dirty sweater and indoor slippers. It feels like every woman is ready to meet a personal photographer at any time.
At first, Angelo was jealous of these women. The guy regretted that he has so little free time and he must constantly hurry to study, while the local ladies live at a measured pace and devote all the time to entertainment and entertainment. care.
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Giovedì shopping per sfoggiare nuovi look nel weekend.
Posted by @ sciuraglam 24 May 2018 at 6:01 PDT
The guy kept looking. cute-ass, and soon even started a channel in Instagram, where he shared photos of these Milanese fashionistas. His observations were a revelation to thousands of netizens, and today the channel has more than 130,000 subscribers. People around the world admire older Italian women and leave mostly positive comments.
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Scegliere i posti in cui pranzare in base all'abbigliamento:fatto #sciuraglamgoestoParis
Publication from @ sciuraglam 3 Mar 2018 at 5:53 PST
It seems that the ability to age slowly and with dignity in Italians is laid down at the genetic level. And the love for beautiful things among local women is noticeable with the naked eye. And when you consider that the average life expectancy of Italian women is an impressive 86 years, it is not surprising that at 60 they feel great.
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Sempre fashion week quando sei pazzesca.
Posting from @ sciuraglam 10 Sep 2018 at 4:36 PDT
It remains to admire these women on Instagram and reflect on domestic realities. When our grandmothers will be able not only to dig in the beds, sit with loud grandchildren and sell greens in the markets, but also to do what really pleases and inspires them. It's not just about money.
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Il mio sorriso durante e dopo la sfilata #guccifw18 / nel backstage con Queen Rossana? thanks @Gucci
Publication from @ sciuraglam 25 Feb 2018 at 7:59 PST
We have one. lady He will appear in the yard in a beautiful dress and with makeup, then those around him will probably turn their finger at the temple and whisper something like: “Grandma is crazy.” In recent years, the elderly have been neglected. And it's upsetting.
Old people ride free on public transport - take away benefits, they do not need to ride 5 times a day. The old man is in pain and he asked for help, and what he wanted was his age. The old man has nothing to pay for food and medicine - well, where to take money for retirement, the treasury is empty.
Sooner or later, each of us will be in place. elderlyBut we will no longer be able to fight the established system. So, you will not have to enjoy a decent and carefree old age, but to suffer in the “age of survival”, vainly hoping for help.
Our compatriots respond differently to the question of old age, but the average figures are about 63 years old. At the age of 63, according to the average person, old age. And when he feels himself old, it manifests itself both in appearance and in the way of life.

And today we're going to talk about older people, women from Milan, a city that is rightly called the fashion capital of the world. Even an 80-year-old woman has no time to think about diseases, problems and old age, because the main worries are what to dress up and what bag to pick up under your favorite shoes.
When a boy from the Italian province named Angelo came to study in Milan, he was struck by the local women. And struck not with exquisite manners or beauty, namely their grooming. Even lady He does not forget about fashionable clothes and makeup.
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Io che per il ponte ho preso un volo intercontinentale per andare a fare shopping oltre oceano.
Publication from @ sciuraglam 29 April 2018 at 5:10 PDT
For a resident of Milan, going to the store is akin to walking on the catwalk. It is not customary to go outside in a dirty sweater and indoor slippers. It feels like every woman is ready to meet a personal photographer at any time.
At first, Angelo was jealous of these women. The guy regretted that he has so little free time and he must constantly hurry to study, while the local ladies live at a measured pace and devote all the time to entertainment and entertainment. care.
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Giovedì shopping per sfoggiare nuovi look nel weekend.
Posted by @ sciuraglam 24 May 2018 at 6:01 PDT
The guy kept looking. cute-ass, and soon even started a channel in Instagram, where he shared photos of these Milanese fashionistas. His observations were a revelation to thousands of netizens, and today the channel has more than 130,000 subscribers. People around the world admire older Italian women and leave mostly positive comments.
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Scegliere i posti in cui pranzare in base all'abbigliamento:fatto #sciuraglamgoestoParis
Publication from @ sciuraglam 3 Mar 2018 at 5:53 PST
It seems that the ability to age slowly and with dignity in Italians is laid down at the genetic level. And the love for beautiful things among local women is noticeable with the naked eye. And when you consider that the average life expectancy of Italian women is an impressive 86 years, it is not surprising that at 60 they feel great.
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Sempre fashion week quando sei pazzesca.
Posting from @ sciuraglam 10 Sep 2018 at 4:36 PDT
It remains to admire these women on Instagram and reflect on domestic realities. When our grandmothers will be able not only to dig in the beds, sit with loud grandchildren and sell greens in the markets, but also to do what really pleases and inspires them. It's not just about money.
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Il mio sorriso durante e dopo la sfilata #guccifw18 / nel backstage con Queen Rossana? thanks @Gucci
Publication from @ sciuraglam 25 Feb 2018 at 7:59 PST
We have one. lady He will appear in the yard in a beautiful dress and with makeup, then those around him will probably turn their finger at the temple and whisper something like: “Grandma is crazy.” In recent years, the elderly have been neglected. And it's upsetting.
Old people ride free on public transport - take away benefits, they do not need to ride 5 times a day. The old man is in pain and he asked for help, and what he wanted was his age. The old man has nothing to pay for food and medicine - well, where to take money for retirement, the treasury is empty.
Sooner or later, each of us will be in place. elderlyBut we will no longer be able to fight the established system. So, you will not have to enjoy a decent and carefree old age, but to suffer in the “age of survival”, vainly hoping for help.