This is how I cured my pancreas. I want to share my great-grandmother’s recipe.
Pancreas This is a kind of adjuster of our body: its enzymes start the work of the liver and intestines, break down food and help other cells absorb the substances they need.
The most common diseases of the pancreas are pancreatitis (acute and chronic) and diabetes of various types.
The best results in the treatment of the pancreas are given by an integrated approach based on medication, the use of traditional medicine and dietary nutrition.
To assist and support your pancreas can be with the help of folk recipes at home. Folk remedies will restore the gland and supply it with everything necessary, unload, relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and discomfort. Many ingredients for them can be found in the kitchen and in the garden.
The most effective recipe for the treatment of pancreatitis - fasting. This dish stimulates the pancreas, renews its cells, relieves pain, controls the concentration of sugar in the blood, reduces the degree of inflammation.
Treatment with buckwheat with kefir is suitable for those who have the disease in remission. In addition, the dish can be used for preventive purposes.
The ingredients
You can not include in the diet raw, albeit soaked, cereals to people with acute pancreatitis. It is undesirable to use buckwheat with kefir immediately after severe exacerbations of the chronic process.
Effectively treat pancreatic problems allows ordinary oats, the biological and chemical properties of which have analgesic and enveloping effects. Substances that make up flakes relieve inflammation. A noticeable result is the use of oat milk and jelly from oats.
The ingredients
Potato juice
They say that potatoes are the second bread. This product in the treatment of inflamed pancreas is one of the most effective. Methods of treating pancreas at home include the use of both boiled potatoes and its juice.
To obtain juice, sod potatoes on a grater and scudi in a clean container of juice using conventional medical gauze. Drink the resulting folk remedy should be in an amount of 100 ml 2 hours before each meal. Additionally, 5 minutes after potato juice, kefir is drunk no fatter than 3%.
The course of such treatment should be 2 weeks and repeated 3-4 times. Potato juice can also be mixed with carrot juice (in a ratio of 1: 1), arranging after taking such a “cocktail” 30-minute rest in a horizontal position.
Treatment of the pancreas with herbs is based on their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing properties. So, a decoction of birch buds and tincture of lingonberry perfectly relieve the body of glucose accumulated by it.
The decoction of sage stimulates the production of insulin in the right amount, and decoctions of iris and bitter wormwood improve digestion. Tincture of chamomile dried or ordinary and immortal helps to quickly remove the attack, thanks to the pain-mitigating properties of plants.
Currant, chamomile and black ash Ingredients
Chamomile and Immortal Ingredients
Wormwood and iris Ingredients
Milk thistle with pancreatitis becomes a real salvation, it allows you to alleviate attacks and normalize the condition of the pancreas. In the composition of milk thistle there are many useful trace elements, the plant helps to improve the pancreas in any form - decoction, meal, oil.
In pharmacies, fees with milk thistle are sold specifically for the pancreas. Some drugs contain extracts or extracts of the plant. But natural options without synthetic processing are more useful to the body.
Milk thistle Ingredients
To get a greater effect from treatment according to folk recipes, it is necessary to coordinate their use with a doctor. It should be noted that some drugs are more effective at the initial stage of the disease. Others are useful in exacerbating the disease or the appearance of seals. In addition, certain rules must be followed.
Rules for the use of folk remedies
If you know about other folk methods that can successfully treat the pancreas, tell about them in the comments. Be healthy and share this information with your friends!

The most common diseases of the pancreas are pancreatitis (acute and chronic) and diabetes of various types.
The best results in the treatment of the pancreas are given by an integrated approach based on medication, the use of traditional medicine and dietary nutrition.

To assist and support your pancreas can be with the help of folk recipes at home. Folk remedies will restore the gland and supply it with everything necessary, unload, relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and discomfort. Many ingredients for them can be found in the kitchen and in the garden.
The most effective recipe for the treatment of pancreatitis - fasting. This dish stimulates the pancreas, renews its cells, relieves pain, controls the concentration of sugar in the blood, reduces the degree of inflammation.
Treatment with buckwheat with kefir is suitable for those who have the disease in remission. In addition, the dish can be used for preventive purposes.

The ingredients
- 1 tbsp buckwheat
- 0.5 l low-fat kefir
- Pour well-washed buckwheat with kefir.
- Let me sit for 12 hours.
- One part of buckwheat eat for breakfast, the second - 2 hours before bedtime.
- The course of treatment lasts 10 days, after which you should take a break for a similar period and take the course again. Treat pancreatitis in this way can be 2 or 3 times a year.
You can not include in the diet raw, albeit soaked, cereals to people with acute pancreatitis. It is undesirable to use buckwheat with kefir immediately after severe exacerbations of the chronic process.
Effectively treat pancreatic problems allows ordinary oats, the biological and chemical properties of which have analgesic and enveloping effects. Substances that make up flakes relieve inflammation. A noticeable result is the use of oat milk and jelly from oats.

The ingredients
- 100g oatmeal
- 1 liter of water
- Pour the cereal with water.
- Cook for 40 minutes on medium heat.
- After that, it is necessary to grind the oats to a state of gruel.
and cook for another 20 minutes. - After boiling, strain the resulting “milk”.
- Take the decoction 3-4 times a day for 100 ml 10 minutes before meals.
Potato juice

They say that potatoes are the second bread. This product in the treatment of inflamed pancreas is one of the most effective. Methods of treating pancreas at home include the use of both boiled potatoes and its juice.
To obtain juice, sod potatoes on a grater and scudi in a clean container of juice using conventional medical gauze. Drink the resulting folk remedy should be in an amount of 100 ml 2 hours before each meal. Additionally, 5 minutes after potato juice, kefir is drunk no fatter than 3%.
The course of such treatment should be 2 weeks and repeated 3-4 times. Potato juice can also be mixed with carrot juice (in a ratio of 1: 1), arranging after taking such a “cocktail” 30-minute rest in a horizontal position.
Treatment of the pancreas with herbs is based on their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing properties. So, a decoction of birch buds and tincture of lingonberry perfectly relieve the body of glucose accumulated by it.
The decoction of sage stimulates the production of insulin in the right amount, and decoctions of iris and bitter wormwood improve digestion. Tincture of chamomile dried or ordinary and immortal helps to quickly remove the attack, thanks to the pain-mitigating properties of plants.

Currant, chamomile and black ash Ingredients
- 1 tbsp blackcurrant leaves
- 1 tsp chamomile flowers pharmacy
- 2 tsp cherry fruit
- 1 tsp oregano grass
- 0.5 liters of water
- Boil the water, pour the ingredients.
- Insist 5-6 hours. Strain.
- Take 0.25 glasses of infusion 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Chamomile and Immortal Ingredients
- 1 tbsp chamomile flowers pharmacy
- 1 tbsp immortal
- 1 tbsp boiling water
- Pour the ingredients with boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Strain after that.
- Take 120-125 ml 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, a period of 2-3 weeks.

Wormwood and iris Ingredients
- 0.5 tbsp. l wormwood bitter
- 0.5 tbsp. l of ordinary iris
- 1 tbsp boiling water
- Mix the ingredients and pour boiling water. Insist for 1 hour, then strain.
- Take 0.5 cups half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
Milk thistle with pancreatitis becomes a real salvation, it allows you to alleviate attacks and normalize the condition of the pancreas. In the composition of milk thistle there are many useful trace elements, the plant helps to improve the pancreas in any form - decoction, meal, oil.
In pharmacies, fees with milk thistle are sold specifically for the pancreas. Some drugs contain extracts or extracts of the plant. But natural options without synthetic processing are more useful to the body.

Milk thistle Ingredients
- 30g milk thistle meal
- 0.5 liters of water
- Pour the powder with water. Cook on a slow heat until the volume is reduced by about half.
- Drink the decoction for a short time up to three weeks, 1 tablespoon before meals.
To get a greater effect from treatment according to folk recipes, it is necessary to coordinate their use with a doctor. It should be noted that some drugs are more effective at the initial stage of the disease. Others are useful in exacerbating the disease or the appearance of seals. In addition, certain rules must be followed.
Rules for the use of folk remedies
- Eliminate alcohol.
- Stick to the diet.
- Do physical education, especially running.
- Consider allergies to recipe components.
If you know about other folk methods that can successfully treat the pancreas, tell about them in the comments. Be healthy and share this information with your friends!
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