Recipe for a dish to stimulate the pancreas

The pancreas is the most important organ about which most of us know little. But this happens until the pancreas begins to seriously disturb. Pain and cramps quickly bring us to our senses, make us quit everything and run to the pharmacy. However, such haste only hurts.

With problems with the pancreas, we poison it with pharmacy medicines and tablets, hoping for a quick recovery, but in reality only aggravate the situation, simply finishing the organ.


Our ancestors approached the treatment of the pancreas as carefully as possible and used only folk remedies, without any chemistry. Yes, perhaps at that time there were not as many dubious products as now, because people did not have sugar soda and fast food. However, the problem with poor quality and heavy food has always been.

Diseases of the liver and pancreas are not uncommon these days. The worst thing is that such problems occur not only in the elderly, but also in young people. Not surprisingly, pancreatics They are now sold in every pharmacy.

But how safe are these medications? No one is immune from side effects. But folk remedies can be influenced much softer. And the therapeutic effect often exceeds all expectations.

In just 2 weeks, you can treat the pancreas with the help of infusion of herbs. Simply pour into the container 1 tablespoon of chamomile and immortal, pour a glass of boiling water (200 ml) and let stand for half an hour. After that, strain the tincture and consume half a glass 30 minutes before meals twice a day.


For lovers of buckwheat also found. remedy. Just grinded buckwheat into flour and poured a glass of kefir. Leave to brew at night, and in the morning eat this dish instead of the usual breakfast.

Dairy products for the pancreas are a real salvation. Grind the parsley and pour it with boiled milk to lightly cover the greens. Tomi for a few minutes on a slow fire, not letting boil. Eat 2 tablespoons of the mixture every hour throughout the day.

Healing for the pancreas is also considered an infusion of bay leaf. Simply take 10 bay leaves, wash them, put them in a container and pour 3 glasses of boiling water. Let me brew for a day. Take half an hour before meals for 50 ml of tincture.

And finally, we have saved the most delicious and effective way to revive the pancreas with the help of pumpkin and millet.

The ingredients
  • 200g millet
  • 300g peeled pumpkin
  • 2 liters of drinking water
  • 1 tbsp butter

  1. Boil water and pour washed millet into it, broil until ready.


  2. Rub the pumpkin and add to the porridge, cook until you get mashed.
  3. Rub the finished butter porridge.

Hold this healing dish for dinner. You can eat all day as usual. The positive effect is noticeable after a couple of days.

Pancreatic recovery - an important matter that does not tolerate urgency, but in order not to harm yourself, it does not hurt to first hear the opinion of the attending physician.


We have already told you what products it is better to abandon, so as not to completely destroy your pancreas. People who already have this organ need to be doubly careful.

But there is good news: nutritionists have compiled a list of the 10 most useful products for the pancreas. Some of them we have already used above in healing potions, but the rest also deserve to get into your daily diet.

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