Menu for the day from Ekaterina Medushkina

A healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. Those who promote it quickly become popular. Recently, for example, a lot began to talk about Katya Medushkina, sports nutritionist, fitness coach, specialist in the preparation of nutrition programs and training for weight correction.

The girl participates in various competitions and leads an online project of healthy weight loss "Bikini-boom with Katya Medushkina". Katya believes that the key to a beautiful and slender figure of any woman is proper and rational nutrition.

To show what this food should be, Katya decided to paint in detail her daily menu. Its calorie content is 1,990 calories on balance and 1,600 on deficit.

  1. Breakfast: 50 g of oatmeal, 1 boiled egg, 1 large seasonal fruit. BCJR ratio: 333/18/11/41.

  2. First snack: 150 g of cottage cheese, another fruit, 1 tsp of honey. BCJS: 228/27/8/11.


  3. Lunch: 50 g buckwheat, 120 g baked chicken breast in kefir sauce with mustard, 200 g salad of seasonal vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. BCJU: 413/30/13/44.


  4. Second snack: a salad of vegetables and canned tuna (150 g), seasoned with olive oil. BCJU: 163/15/3/2.

  5. Dinner: 150 g of low-fat fish varieties, 200 g of vegetable salad. BCJS: 279/14/15/22.


  6. Half an hour before bedtime: a glass of kefir or yogurt and 50 g of cottage cheese of 5% fat. BCJS: 100/7/2.5/10.


“Often people simply lack knowledge about proper nutrition, healthy weight loss and sports. And hungry diets and improperly organized physical activity lead to deplorable results and complete disappointment, says Katya.

Medushkin is usually trained three times a week. Says that this is enough to maintain shape, and to gain muscle mass. Depending on the goal, only the training scheme changes.

The woman started playing sports as an adult only after realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Since then, her figure and attitude to life have changed a lot: “Not only her body but her face has changed. Swelling, bags under the eyes have gone, the skin has become dense and more elastic. Even the oval of the face has changed.”

“So beauty for me is also a constant movement forward and striving for the best not only in oneself but also in others.” A woman feels beautiful when she begins to love herself more, feel her body, take care of herself and her health. As for me personally, I was always happy with myself - in any form and in any condition, says Katya.

Katya Medushkina He considers nutrition the first important component of a healthy lifestyle, so he pays so much attention to it in his courses on weight loss. Training with Katya Medushkina They are always discussing the diet and regime of the day.

If you want to take the path of health and harmony, you do not need to study in the hall. The main thing is, in principle, to move more. We offer you to familiarize yourself with home cardio training, which does not need either a stadium or a running simulator. We also share an excellent set of home exercises for the press used in Pilates. If you do not have enough self-organization and motivation to work at home, you can always seek help from a specialist.


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