How to Make a Christmas Coat
Kutya, or sochivo, is an integral attribute of Christmas and the central dish on the festive table. From kutya begin a Christmas meal, gathering at the table on Christmas Eve with the first star, and end with a spoonful of this delicacy, exchanging wishes and remembering the departed ancestors. And if all 12 dishes on the table failed to try, then no one will refuse a spoonful of sweet kutya! They say the more generous. Christmas-coatThe richer the harvest will be and the better the family will live this year - in prosperity and harmony.
Traditionally, kutyu was made from wheat, adding honey, nuts and poppy. Today there are many variations of this ceremonial dish and, it seems, every year it becomes only tastier! "Site" will tell cookTo observe all traditions and please your beloved household.
Christmas kutya - lean, or rich. Such a kutya is traditionally eaten by all family members, it is carried to godparents, relatives and even fed to domestic animals and livestock so that they do not get sick and bring offspring in the coming year. Ancestors put wheat spikelets under a bowl with a coil and stored them for a whole year as a talisman. Be sure to leave a bowl of Christmas delicacies for the souls of deceased ancestors.
The grain from which traditional kutya is prepared symbolizes eternal life and abundance. Honey is a symbol of heavenly bliss, health and well-being, and poppy and nuts are symbols of prosperity, fertility and love.
DepositPhotos The main secrets of delicious kutya
We prepared for you. 3 successful kutya recipesThis will be a real decoration of the Christmas table. Cook with pleasure!
Wheat kutya with dried fruits Ingredients
Kutya recipe Julia Vysotskaya Ingredients
Bukovinskaya kutya with halva and chocolate Ingredients
Preparation of traditional kutya is a rather troublesome process, and so that the dish is not just hearty, but also very tasty, you can safely experiment with the ingredients. In order for the family to live in prosperity and well-being throughout the coming year, each hostess wizards her kutya in order to make her the best, special and, of course, rich!
What traditions of cooking kutya for Christmas are honored in your family? Tell us in the comments, and do not forget to share the article with friends. Love, prosperity and delicious kutya!

Traditionally, kutyu was made from wheat, adding honey, nuts and poppy. Today there are many variations of this ceremonial dish and, it seems, every year it becomes only tastier! "Site" will tell cookTo observe all traditions and please your beloved household.
Christmas kutya - lean, or rich. Such a kutya is traditionally eaten by all family members, it is carried to godparents, relatives and even fed to domestic animals and livestock so that they do not get sick and bring offspring in the coming year. Ancestors put wheat spikelets under a bowl with a coil and stored them for a whole year as a talisman. Be sure to leave a bowl of Christmas delicacies for the souls of deceased ancestors.
The grain from which traditional kutya is prepared symbolizes eternal life and abundance. Honey is a symbol of heavenly bliss, health and well-being, and poppy and nuts are symbols of prosperity, fertility and love.

DepositPhotos The main secrets of delicious kutya
- To make wheat cooked quickly, and the main dish of the Christmas table was not spoiled, you should choose peeled and polished cereals - this is cooked no longer than 1 hour. Externally, such wheat is lighter, husks are removed from it, matte grains and absorb moisture well. Wheat must be washed before cooking!
- Cooking wheat is necessary in a pot with a thick bottom. So the cereal is evenly cooked and will not burn.
- Mac, like wheat, also needs to be washed. By the way, to get more milk from the poppy, you can not just steam it with boiling water, but boil it in a glass of water for 30 minutes. So that the poppy does not bitter, experienced housewives advise adding sugar to it - 2 tbsp. l. per 100 g of dry poppy.
- It is not necessary to use wheat for kutya! If you can not stand wheat porridge, do not harass yourself - prepare a kutya from rice, barley or bulgur. Buckwheat, unfortunately, is not suitable for these purposes.
- And most importantly - you need to cook in a good mood, and serve in the most beautiful dishes in the house!

We prepared for you. 3 successful kutya recipesThis will be a real decoration of the Christmas table. Cook with pleasure!
Wheat kutya with dried fruits Ingredients
- 500g wheatgrass
- 300g poppy
- 400g nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts)
- 300g dried fruit (raisins, dried apricots)
- 150g honey
- Wash it thoroughly and soak it in cold water for 2 hours. Wash the wheat again, pour water in a 1:2 ratio, cover the lid and boil until ready for about 1 hour. The cereal should be crumbly. Wheat washed with boiled water.
- Pour the poppy with boiling water for 30 minutes, and then grind with a blender until a uniform white mass is formed.
- Raisins and apricots pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Grind the apricots and leave the raisins intact.
- Dry the nuts in the oven or on a dry pan, clean the skin and shreds.
- Combine porridge, poppy, dried fruit and nuts, add honey and stir. If the kutya turned out too thick, you can safely dilute it with boiled water or uzvar. Put the finished cutew in the refrigerator and serve on the festive table chilled.

Kutya recipe Julia Vysotskaya Ingredients
- 200g wheat
- 100g walnuts
- 300g poppy
- 100g raisins
- 10 pcs of dungeons
- 100g almonds
- 2 tbsp lemon peel
- 150g honey
- Wash the wheat and soak it in water overnight. In the morning, boil it on a small fire for about 1 hour. If the wheat is hard, cook until ready. Wheat washed with cold water and left to cool.
- Wash the Mac and pour boiling water. Leave it for 2-3 hours. Bloated poppy to cast on gauze or sieve, and then rub with a blender to a state of white gruel.
- Pour the almonds with boiling water and then peel off the nuts. Heat the honey in a water bath, mix it with poppy and lemon peel. Grind the dried apricots with a knife and break the nuts with a roller.
- Mix all the ingredients and send them to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
- Delicious kutya served in portioned pots or on a beautiful dish, decorated with halves of walnuts, slices of apples or dried fruits.

Bukovinskaya kutya with halva and chocolate Ingredients
- 0.5 stacks of wheat
- 0.5 stac. walnuts.
- 0.5 stack raisins
- 100g poppy
- 3-4 tbsp honey
- 3-4 tbsp Uzvar
- 100g halva
- 50g dark chocolate
- Wheat grains rinse under running water and soak overnight. In the morning, place the swollen wheat in a pot with a thick bottom, pour water in a ratio of 1: 2 and broth until ready on a slow heat (if necessary, add boiled water).
- Mac steam with boiling water and then grind in a mortar or with a blender before the poppy jelly is excreted.
- Wash the raisins, pour boiling water for 20 minutes, dry. Roast the nuts in a dry pan for 3-4 minutes and cut with a knife.
- Mix wheat, poppy, raisins and nuts, add honey. Add uzvar to make the kutya more liquid.
- Chocolate and halva cut in small pieces and carefully enter into the kutya. 30 minutes in the fridge - and you can safely serve the original delicacy on the Christmas table!

Preparation of traditional kutya is a rather troublesome process, and so that the dish is not just hearty, but also very tasty, you can safely experiment with the ingredients. In order for the family to live in prosperity and well-being throughout the coming year, each hostess wizards her kutya in order to make her the best, special and, of course, rich!
What traditions of cooking kutya for Christmas are honored in your family? Tell us in the comments, and do not forget to share the article with friends. Love, prosperity and delicious kutya!
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