Why is the Sukshma-vyayama Yoga Complex Good for?
Sukshma-vyayama yoga is a set of exercises aimed at working out energy channels. This is a set of simple asanas and breathing techniques that affect the physical body by influencing energy flows. Simple complex yoga Can do real miracles.
Editorial "Site" He talks about the intricacies of Sukshma-vyayama yoga and shows a couple of the most popular asanas.
How to practice yoga Sukshma-vyayama is a treasure for all who want to understand the essence of yoga, improving their body and mind. The complex helps to strengthen muscles, as well as heal the body. Asanas from this complex help to relax the mind and body by affecting the nervous system.
Thanks to this effect, a person acquires internal balance and harmony, eliminating negative processes caused by stress and overstrain. No less pros and on the physical level: the implementation of the complex allows you to eliminate blocks and clamps in the muscles, strengthen the muscle corset, increase flexibility, and strengthen immunity.
This complex is also called yoga. All because the complex heals the joints, strengthens them and stops inflammatory processes. Asanas can be performed at any age, as long as there is a desire. Let's get to the exercises.
Sukshma-vyayama: exercises
Here, as promised, is a video of a bhastrika breathing technique.
These are just some of the exercises of the Sukshma-vyayama complex, there are many more. If you like this wonderful set of exercises, be sure to share them with friends, and also watch a video that contains even more asanas from sukshma vyayama.
And recently we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!

Editorial "Site" He talks about the intricacies of Sukshma-vyayama yoga and shows a couple of the most popular asanas.
How to practice yoga Sukshma-vyayama is a treasure for all who want to understand the essence of yoga, improving their body and mind. The complex helps to strengthen muscles, as well as heal the body. Asanas from this complex help to relax the mind and body by affecting the nervous system.
Thanks to this effect, a person acquires internal balance and harmony, eliminating negative processes caused by stress and overstrain. No less pros and on the physical level: the implementation of the complex allows you to eliminate blocks and clamps in the muscles, strengthen the muscle corset, increase flexibility, and strengthen immunity.

This complex is also called yoga. All because the complex heals the joints, strengthens them and stops inflammatory processes. Asanas can be performed at any age, as long as there is a desire. Let's get to the exercises.
Sukshma-vyayama: exercises
- Clearing the throat
To start the exercise, stand in tadasana (standing, hands along the body, legs together, back straight), raise your chin a few centimeters above the clavicle fossa. Pull the back of your head back. In this position, perform the breath of a bhastrika: deep and intense breaths and exhalations. Breathe hard and quickly without pause. If it is difficult to do this technique, then just breathe deeply. Focus on your vocal cords. It is enough to do 10-20 cycles of breathing.
If you are not familiar with the technique of breathing bhastrika, below will be a video in which it is clearly shown. This asana helps clear the throat and strengthen the vocal cords. - Strengthening the mind
The starting point is tadasana. Put your head back, eyes wide open. Take the breath of a bhastrika, but this time concentrate on the top of your head. 10-20 cycles of breathing if you are a beginner. Over time, the number of cycles can be increased. - Strengthening memory
Same starting point. The head is straight, the top reaches up. Focus on a point on the floor, removed from the toes by about one and a half meters. Having fixed this position and focusing on the crown of the head, breathe deeply. Hold in position for 10-20 cycles of breathing. This exercise is well suited for those who are engaged in mental work. It helps relieve stress and improves memory and concentration. - Strengthening intelligence
Now the eyes are closed, the chin is lowered as close as possible to the key fossa. Focus on the depression in the upper part of the neck (under the back of the head). Breathe as in the previous exercises. In the upper part of the neck, under the back of the head, there is a center of mental energy of a person. In Chinese medicine, this is called the Confucius point. This exercise stimulates her and improves blood flow to the head, activating the brain. - Strengthen vision
Put your head back as hard as you can. Eyes open, eyes slanted into the interbrow. Concentrate on the eyebrow point and try not to blink. If the eyes begin to water, you can take a short break, and then return to the performance. Stay in position as long as you can. This exercise improves vision, clears the tear canals and helps relieve nervous exercise. It is very useful for those who work a lot at the computer. - Strengthened shoulder girdle
Same tadasana, hands along the body, palms clenched into fists, thumbs inside the palms. Take a deep breath and hold your breath while pulling your chin down. Eyes covered. Now, push your shoulders up and down. Hold your breath as long as possible. When you want to breathe in, open your eyes, straighten your shoulders and raise your head while taking a deep breath. Repeat the exercise several times. This exercise tone the shoulder girdle and the entire upper body, and also improves blood supply. - Elaboration of the chest
Stand in the tadasana, hands along the trunk, palms pointing back. Raise your hands up and back behind your head. Follow your hands, try to bend the whole body, bending in the lower back. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times. This exercise develops the chest and helps with diseases of the lungs and heart. - Back strengthening
Place your legs wide, put your palms on your pelvis so that your thumbs look forward. On the inhalation, bend back as much as you can, and then on the exhalation, bend forward and try to touch the top of the floor. Repeat 5 times. This exercise has a restorative effect, and also helps to work out a muscle corset. It's irreplaceable for the spine!
Here, as promised, is a video of a bhastrika breathing technique.
These are just some of the exercises of the Sukshma-vyayama complex, there are many more. If you like this wonderful set of exercises, be sure to share them with friends, and also watch a video that contains even more asanas from sukshma vyayama.
And recently we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!
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