People go into loans and debts to get the coveted crust, but it does not give any guarantees.
Whether to receive higher education? So now some figures of modernity raise the question and themselves are happy to answer it. In general, they sound criticism and words that higher education is now greatly overvalued. What can I say about that? Perhaps, to begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the arguments that these figures offer.
Editorial "Site" I am already familiar with the opinion that in some cases, the tower can really be abandoned. However, not entirely from the acquisition of knowledge, namely from education, which sometimes can not keep up with the speed of development and application of technology. In the paradigm of challenges of today, highly qualified specialists have to learn almost all their lives. But everything in order.
American businessmen say that if you calculate educationAnd to try to do it as objectively as possible, it is quite possible to come to the conclusion that students pay too much for it. Another important point is that everyone is absolutely convinced that classical higher education is necessary. It's like a seal of success. If you put a lot of money into university and you have a degree, you're handsome.
Moreover, people are willing to get into loans and debts just to get this coveted crust. And in general, everyone does. I mean, they do. But what if you think about it? Taking out a loan and using it to pay for an education that doesn’t really give you anything seems to be serious. strategy.
Now, before entering a higher education institution, you should try to assess what exactly is the purpose of this or that education? Some might say that college years generally make people smarter and raise their academic level. At least in the corner of your ear, but you still gain knowledge, and in the future it will help you.
Others will say that universities are simply engaged in selecting talented people, and for everyone else it is just a chance to experience their own determination, perseverance, planning and everything that in most cases and pays attention to the real employer. What about this catchphrase: "Forget everything you were taught in college"?
If you think about leisure, you can come to the conclusion that education It really went up in price. But the most grotesque thing about all this is putting off your own future. Here you graduated from general education school and instead of trying to open your horizons from the same moment, you bet on a university and give it the opportunity to think for you for another four years. What's out there?
In one way or another, today’s world, with its pace of development, assumes not only that. theoreticalBut also practical. The statistics are amazing. She tells us that there are now many more office workers than mere steelworkers or builders. Working professions in general are experiencing a kind of crisis, because it is “not prestigious”. Few people think about the future bread.
Most likely, few parents who have invested in the education of their children are happy that after university they return to them under the wing. There is only one road – experience and qualities are required everywhere that can make a person organize and work. Oh, do you have a degree? Great! Then you should not have any problems with the checkout count!
Of course, there are specialties that cannot be mastered without specific knowledge. This applies, for example, to medicine. I'm sure everyoneIf you go to the clinic, I would like to see a qualified specialist. It is not so that “if I think what kind of engineer I am, it is so scary to see a doctor.” The builders are also concerned.
As for us, we will not postulate that higher education No need. The logic is as follows: a young person should have time to form his request for the general education period and deepen his knowledge. If there is no request, then you can safely go into life, comprehend it and learn in parallel, depending on what agenda is formed. You may have to learn for the rest of your life!
You may ask, how to do this practically so that the child can assess his own potential at the start? This is probably a question of social institutions in the first place. Write in the comments about what you think about higher education and whether it is really worth spending on it precious-time?
It's kind of a dilemma. graduate. Someone is really able to “collect cream”, and someone with a sloppy look goes to the cashier in fast food. Read our article on why work experience can be more important than higher education and why an employer would prefer an experienced job seeker. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" I am already familiar with the opinion that in some cases, the tower can really be abandoned. However, not entirely from the acquisition of knowledge, namely from education, which sometimes can not keep up with the speed of development and application of technology. In the paradigm of challenges of today, highly qualified specialists have to learn almost all their lives. But everything in order.
American businessmen say that if you calculate educationAnd to try to do it as objectively as possible, it is quite possible to come to the conclusion that students pay too much for it. Another important point is that everyone is absolutely convinced that classical higher education is necessary. It's like a seal of success. If you put a lot of money into university and you have a degree, you're handsome.

Moreover, people are willing to get into loans and debts just to get this coveted crust. And in general, everyone does. I mean, they do. But what if you think about it? Taking out a loan and using it to pay for an education that doesn’t really give you anything seems to be serious. strategy.
Now, before entering a higher education institution, you should try to assess what exactly is the purpose of this or that education? Some might say that college years generally make people smarter and raise their academic level. At least in the corner of your ear, but you still gain knowledge, and in the future it will help you.

Others will say that universities are simply engaged in selecting talented people, and for everyone else it is just a chance to experience their own determination, perseverance, planning and everything that in most cases and pays attention to the real employer. What about this catchphrase: "Forget everything you were taught in college"?
If you think about leisure, you can come to the conclusion that education It really went up in price. But the most grotesque thing about all this is putting off your own future. Here you graduated from general education school and instead of trying to open your horizons from the same moment, you bet on a university and give it the opportunity to think for you for another four years. What's out there?

In one way or another, today’s world, with its pace of development, assumes not only that. theoreticalBut also practical. The statistics are amazing. She tells us that there are now many more office workers than mere steelworkers or builders. Working professions in general are experiencing a kind of crisis, because it is “not prestigious”. Few people think about the future bread.
Most likely, few parents who have invested in the education of their children are happy that after university they return to them under the wing. There is only one road – experience and qualities are required everywhere that can make a person organize and work. Oh, do you have a degree? Great! Then you should not have any problems with the checkout count!

Of course, there are specialties that cannot be mastered without specific knowledge. This applies, for example, to medicine. I'm sure everyoneIf you go to the clinic, I would like to see a qualified specialist. It is not so that “if I think what kind of engineer I am, it is so scary to see a doctor.” The builders are also concerned.
As for us, we will not postulate that higher education No need. The logic is as follows: a young person should have time to form his request for the general education period and deepen his knowledge. If there is no request, then you can safely go into life, comprehend it and learn in parallel, depending on what agenda is formed. You may have to learn for the rest of your life!

You may ask, how to do this practically so that the child can assess his own potential at the start? This is probably a question of social institutions in the first place. Write in the comments about what you think about higher education and whether it is really worth spending on it precious-time?
It's kind of a dilemma. graduate. Someone is really able to “collect cream”, and someone with a sloppy look goes to the cashier in fast food. Read our article on why work experience can be more important than higher education and why an employer would prefer an experienced job seeker. Thank you for staying with us!
Pickles with pepper, brine can be drunk
No such problems were imposed on anyone under the Union, and modern youth suffers.