Why fish oil is good in every way

All our experiences, all our experiences, all joyful and sad events leave a mark on our face as a reminder of the journey of life, and therefore wrinkles are the inevitable fate of every mature person. And if men don't really care about these little prints of emotions, then for us women, they become a tragedy.

Each of us wants to remain attractive and mysterious longer, without betraying the secrets stored in our history. Wrinkles, on the other hand, betray us by letting us know how often we smile, how much time we have spent working hard, and how many tears have been shed over the years.

However, having chosen the right wrinklerYou don’t have to worry about exposure. Editorial "Site" will tell you a couple of simple and effective masks, from which your face will again shine carefree youth and beauty.

The best remedy for wrinkles, and the best remedy for wrinkles is fish oil. It contains a large amount of vitamin A and E, which accelerate the process of skin regeneration, as well as provide it with smoothness and elasticity.

If you struggle with small wrinkles and pigment spotsTry to mix fish oil with fatty cream or sour cream and lemon juice - all you need to take one teaspoon. After applying the product to the skin, wait 20-30 minutes and remove with a cosmetic spatula. Wash the remains of the mask with a pre-prepared decoction of chamomile.

To smooth out deep wrinkles A mask of fish oil and honey will do. To one teaspoon of liquid honey add a teaspoon of fish oil and mix thoroughly. Light movements evenly apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face and hold for 20-30 minutes, no more. After removing the mask with a paper towel and wash the remains with warm water. Doing this mask twice a week, you will soon see the desired result in the mirror.

In its pure form, fish oil is the most effective wrinkler. Dermatologists recommend applying it before bedtime. It is enough to hold the emulsion on the skin for 20 minutes and then wash off with clean water. By the way, to enhance the effect, it can be used comprehensively: both externally and internally in the form of vitamins.

If you do not have an individual intolerance to the components of fish oil, you can safely begin to bring beauty, since in addition to this, it has no contraindications.

By the way, fish oil helps to get rid of acne and extra pounds, which is why I take fish oil daily and, admittedly, very happy with the result.

If you need 3 more good reasons to eat fish oil, we are ready to give them to you right now. Follow the links and share useful information with friends in social networks.


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