How to properly use cosmetics for the face
There are women who spend a lot of money on face-careThey do not get the desired result from them. This is because they are using them incorrectly.
Even Professional cosmetics for the face will not improve the condition of the skin if applied incorrectly or in the wrong order.
Many forget that basic skin and neck care includes the following stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, protection.
For example, if you apply such a useful coconut oil to untreated skin, it can clog the pores or thin the lipid layer. Let’s look at the most common mistakes that women make when looking after their faces.
Face cosmetics
On how to prepare high-quality and effective home cosmetics, read in our articles. Follow the links.
Even Professional cosmetics for the face will not improve the condition of the skin if applied incorrectly or in the wrong order.
Many forget that basic skin and neck care includes the following stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, protection.
For example, if you apply such a useful coconut oil to untreated skin, it can clog the pores or thin the lipid layer. Let’s look at the most common mistakes that women make when looking after their faces.

Face cosmetics
- Do not use wipes to remove makeup everyday. They do not cleanse the skin deeply enough. This is a road option for travel, designed for demakiazh without micellar water. Makeup residues can become a breeding ground for bacteria and cause inflammation. In addition, the napkins themselves are often made of a fuzzy material that stretches, dries the skin, causes irritation.
DepositPhotos - It is not recommended to apply a tonal cream on the face without first wetting the sponge. First, in the dry state, sponges absorb a lot of tonal means into themselves and do not distribute it evenly over the skin. They damage the skin, no matter how soft.
DepositPhotos - Cleansing only in the evening is another mistake. There are women who think that during the night their skin is not contaminated and immediately apply makeup. The skin requires cleansing of sebum, dead cells, sweat and toxic substances contained in it in the morning and evening. Therefore, gels or foams for washing are recommended to be used always.
DepositPhotos - Using alcohol-based lotion dries the skin. The lotion or tonic is designed to restore the pH balance - the acid-base environment after using alkaline cleansers. They should be moisturizing, not drying. If you can not pick up store lotion without alcohol, you can successfully use rice water or green tea.
DepositPhotos - Micellar water needs to be flushed. Even the one whose bottle says the opposite. It consists of surfactants (micelles), the contaminants collected by them will remain on the skin if not washed. Micellar water is not a nutritious or moisturizing indelible remedy, but a soft and gentle means for demakiyazh.
DepositPhotos - Masks should not be left overnight. Also, you should not wait until the fabric masks are so dry that they begin to tighten the skin. Masks made of clay should be applied in a thick layer so that moisture evaporates more slowly, and washed off while the clay is still sticky. A mask left for a long time will begin to absorb moisture from the skin, instead of moisturizing and nourishing it.
DepositPhotos - Conciliator and proofreader are different things. The first is used only for the area around the eyes, and the second for the skin of the whole face. Before using the console and proofreader, the skin must be moisturized. They should be applied not with smearing, but with massage movements in one layer.
DepositPhotos - Serums, essences, emulsions are not independent means. They should not be applied to unprepared skin. It should be cleaned and toned. After applying the serum, essence or emulsion or all together, it is recommended to apply the cream if the procedure is carried out in the morning. Or stop there if it's tonight.
On how to prepare high-quality and effective home cosmetics, read in our articles. Follow the links.