How to get the courage to start a romantic relationship

At a young age, people are always surrounded by other people. In childhood, adolescence and youth, it is difficult to be alone, because next to you are classmates, classmates, colleagues, relatives, neighbors. But in old age, maintaining social activity becomes much more difficult.

Especially difficult in old age are women - more dependent on the surrounding people creatures. It is not surprising that, remaining alone, older women often want to start new relationships, and not only friendly, so that they always have support and support. But is it possible? old-age?

I recently turned 70, but at heart I feel 25 years old, no more. And after 12 years as a widow, I want to start a family again. The problem is that the stupid courtship of men of the same age disgusts me. I understand that these old men have nothing to offer but nagging, nagging, sores and material helplessness.”

“But it is embarrassing to cling to young men, and the desire for intimacy seems a shame. Will I ever be able to have a normal relationship? And what to do, not to be alone Until the end of his days, asks the subscriber Natalia.

The days when a person felt like an old man at 50 are over. Today, people are often hook up They play weddings in their 60s and 70s and even later in life. When children grow up, a person realizes that he has closed his social debts, there is a time to recover, look back and start a new, freer stage of his life.

A person can find himself in new hobbies, travel or love. And relationships can now be built not only on passion and spontaneity, as in youth, but also on the wisdom accumulated over the years of life. But how do you prepare yourself for a new relationship and prove to yourself that you can still do a lot?

“Marrying an interesting person is a normal desire for a free woman at any age. What is more important is the qualities that attract you, Natalia. And irritating traits like laziness or grumpyness are found in men and young people. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the younger man will be interesting to you, — explains psychologist Inna Chirkova.


Chirkova is sure that a woman is able to attract enthusiastic glances at any age, if her eyes are burning, if energy is raging in her. After all, when a person lives and enjoys life, when he is really passionate about an interesting thing, then his attractiveness to other people, including the opposite sex, is huge.

“Perhaps the biggest problem is that you find a close relationship with a younger man shameful. But even at a good age, you can look better than many young women. And if you accept age-related changes and work on physical fitness, what could be the reason to be ashamed of yourself, your body and natural desires?

Age limits today are not as rigid as they used to be. This is especially true when you look at older people in the developed world. men and women in old age They take maximum pleasure from life. We just have to learn to be progressive on this.

So recently we talked about elderly women from Milan, who can not be called old, despite the fact that they are 70, 80 or 90 years. These ladies even a trip to the store is regarded as a walk on the catwalk. And their personal lives, by the way, are also in perfect order.


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