A simple mindfulness test
In social networks, bloggers are increasingly conducting social experiments, checking people for sensitivity, desire to help. Sometimes such checks fail, and sometimes people are not indifferent. Is it possible to call a person indifferent because he did not help the petitioner? Everyone has a choice and their reasons.
Look carefully at the picture and tell me which of these people does not deserve financial help.
Homeless People: Helping or not helping homeless people? Some argue that the homeless themselves chose this path, while others are without a shadow of a doubt ready to give the last penny and help those in need.
Every homeless person has his or her own story and cannot be compared to others. If you want to help from the heart, keep in mind that some of these people are not homeless at all and they have relatives and housing, and vagrancy is a way to earn money without straining.
Usually, such people do not have a sad expression and demand money instead of food, whereas people who really need it are embarrassed to ask for help. Instead, they try to make some money: grandmothers with flowers, grandfathers selling books, children, washing windows for pennies.
Of course. homelessness It is necessary, but it must be done not only sincerely, but also reasonably. There are numerous organizations where the homeless are helped to get on their feet and there is a place for caring volunteers.
It is impossible not to say that due to the habit of street life, some do not want to work, because they know that they can get money for nothing. Many people need psychological help because it can be more effective than money.
Man No. 3 That’s who is trying to steal money. Take a closer look and think: why would this man have shoes if he had no legs?
Mindfulness will never be superfluous. homelessness Sometimes it can be useless and even dangerous. Trials on the path of life are not for everyone, and few can preserve human dignity.
Such people should be helped to inspire hope and give them the strength to start life from scratch. You can always get out of a difficult situation, you just need to want to.
Share your mindfulness test with your friends on social media.
Look carefully at the picture and tell me which of these people does not deserve financial help.

Homeless People: Helping or not helping homeless people? Some argue that the homeless themselves chose this path, while others are without a shadow of a doubt ready to give the last penny and help those in need.

Every homeless person has his or her own story and cannot be compared to others. If you want to help from the heart, keep in mind that some of these people are not homeless at all and they have relatives and housing, and vagrancy is a way to earn money without straining.
Usually, such people do not have a sad expression and demand money instead of food, whereas people who really need it are embarrassed to ask for help. Instead, they try to make some money: grandmothers with flowers, grandfathers selling books, children, washing windows for pennies.

Of course. homelessness It is necessary, but it must be done not only sincerely, but also reasonably. There are numerous organizations where the homeless are helped to get on their feet and there is a place for caring volunteers.
It is impossible not to say that due to the habit of street life, some do not want to work, because they know that they can get money for nothing. Many people need psychological help because it can be more effective than money.

Man No. 3 That’s who is trying to steal money. Take a closer look and think: why would this man have shoes if he had no legs?

Mindfulness will never be superfluous. homelessness Sometimes it can be useless and even dangerous. Trials on the path of life are not for everyone, and few can preserve human dignity.
Such people should be helped to inspire hope and give them the strength to start life from scratch. You can always get out of a difficult situation, you just need to want to.
Share your mindfulness test with your friends on social media.