How to strengthen facial muscles

Today we want to tell you about face building. This is a special set of exercises developed by German cosmetologist and plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. This complex is recognized as one of the most popular methods for strengthening facial muscles.

Editorial "Site" I have already prepared for you detailed instructions on how to perform faceliftDesigned by a surgeon.

It is best to perform exercises in the morning, immediately after waking up, or in the evening, before going to bed. Before you start directly in the implementation of the complex, you must thoroughly clean your face and wash your hands.

You need to practice at least 5 times a week at the same allotted time no more than 15 minutes. To feel and consolidate the effect, the duration of the course should be at least three months.

First, you need to do a light warm-up to improve blood circulation and prepare the face for exercise.

At the same time, open your eyes and mouth so that the lower lip reaches down as much as possible. Make sure that the eyebrows remain motionless, if not, hold them with your hands. Repeat it 10 times.

Then stretch your neck with circular movements and tilts to the sides.

Start with the study of the zygomatic muscle, it is very important to pay special attention to it, since it holds the entire frame of the face. Round your mouth and fix this position. Then begin to contract and relax the zygomatic muscles, as if pressing them against the eyes. Pull the upper lip down, trying to control the corners of the lips so that they remain still. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Next, proceed to an exercise that helps get rid of the second chin, as well as prevent its appearance. Start with a warm-up: relax your upper lip and lightly stretch your lower jaw forward until you feel a slight tension in the chin area. Repeat it 10 times.

The exercise itself is as follows: open your mouth, slightly wrap your lower lip behind your teeth, without straining the corners of your mouth, and make draw movements forward and up, slightly straining the upper part of the chin. Repeat 20 times and do the exercise the last 3 times, stay in this position.

Then work on your hyoid muscle. Open your mouth and reach for your tongue. You need to feel the muscle tightening. Say the same thing 15 times. This exercise also helps to work out the area under the chin and get rid of fat deposits.

Then relax your face, fix the nasolabial zone with your index fingers and in this position start moving only the upper lip. It is important not to draw the lip inside, but to strain and relax. This tones the nasolabial zone and helps improve the outline of the upper lip. Repeat it 10 times.

Next area is the forehead. Place your palms on the entire surface of the forehead before the beginning of the eyebrows to fix the skin. This helps not only fix the skin, but also creates an additional load. Start raising your eyebrows. Do not be afraid to overstress the muscles, you should clearly feel the muscles on the forehead above the eyebrows. Repeat the procedure 15 times.

And in conclusion, work on the circular muscles of the eyes. Start with a warm-up – intensively blink your eyes 15 times so that your eyebrows remain motionless. Then move on to the exercise itself. With your index and middle fingers, hold the corners of your eyes so that goose feet do not form. Close your eyes and open your eyes completely. Repeat it 10 times.

If you perform the complex daily, then after 2 weeks you will be able to enjoy the first results.

Earlier we have already told a complex facial massage from Benita Cantieni, which helps smooth the nasolabial folds and make the cheeks elastic. Try both methods and choose the one that you prefer.

Face after facebuilding It just shines with youth and health! Be sure to share useful information with friends.


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