Causes of early gray hair
Gray hair sooner or later appears in everyone, it is a natural and natural phenomenon. Usually in men after the age of thirty, and in women after forty years.
But there are exceptions when young people already in 20 years notice gray hair, especially on the temples. Is that normal? Should we fear early gray hair and fight it?
Early gray hair turns gray when the body stops producing coloring pigment - melanin. It is responsible for hair color and skin tone.
With age, the body produces less and less melanin, and in old age it completely stops its production. Therefore, red, dark, and blonde hair lose their color and become gray.
The structure of the hair also changes. There are more air bubbles in it, which makes them lighter and less durable.
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But there are exceptions when young people already in 20 years notice gray hair, especially on the temples. Is that normal? Should we fear early gray hair and fight it?
Early gray hair turns gray when the body stops producing coloring pigment - melanin. It is responsible for hair color and skin tone.
With age, the body produces less and less melanin, and in old age it completely stops its production. Therefore, red, dark, and blonde hair lose their color and become gray.
The structure of the hair also changes. There are more air bubbles in it, which makes them lighter and less durable.
- Premature gray hair can appear for several reasons. One is genetic. There are people genetically predisposed to early gray hair. Look at your parents. If most of their hair has turned gray before forty, then you probably will. Early gray hair in men Most often it appears for genetic reasons. You should not worry, everything is fine with health, but you can not escape from predisposition anywhere. You can paint over the gray hair and solve all the problems. It would be much worse if you were predisposed to early baldness, then there would be nothing to paint. Appreciate what you have.
DepositPhotos - The second reason is stress. Early gray hair in women It's mostly because of him. From severe stress can be gray in a day. And experiences gradually and imperceptibly earn yourself new and new gray hairs. During an unusual critical situation, the body spends all its strength on survival and salvation. It is simply not enough to restore and maintain hair health. The impact of adverse factors affects them especially noticeable.
But that doesn’t mean that nothing suffers from stress anymore. The whole body experiences it on itself, you can quickly lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. Bags under the eyes may appear, the skin will gray, metabolism will be disturbed.
DepositPhotos - The third reason is the wrong lifestyle, smoking, exposure to ultraviolet light. People can and should deal with these factors. Nicotine itself does not lead to graying of hair, but can provoke an acceleration of this process due to the presence of toxins in it that affect the scalp. She begins to experience oxygen deficiency, more exposure to free radicals. This affects the hair follicles. Autoimmune diseases such as alopecia and vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause the development of early gray hair.
Be sure to see a doctor, take all the tests to see what your body lacks. Usually, a change in lifestyle (nutrition, daily regimen) in combination with taking the missing vitamins and trace elements solves this problem. Deficiency of minerals and elements such as B, C, iron, copper and iodine is often the main cause of early graying in genetically undisposed people.
Read more about hair care in our articles. Follow the links.