Soon it will be possible to forget about the gray hair
Specialists from the Medical center at new York University identified in the human protein, which is responsible for the appearance of gray hair, and changing that, you can forget about it.
According to the researchers, or that the color of our hair due to the presence in the follicles of the special stem cells that work in tandem with cells that produce pigment in the coloring of the hair (called melanocytes). They are located at the very base of the hair follicle and the growth of the hair gives it the corresponding color. But with age, the pigment stops being produced. Until recently, scientists could not solve this riddle, but a few years ago, an American researcher, dermatologist Amy Nishimura accidentally figured it out. And researched it is not the causes of gray hair, and searched for a cure against skin cancer – melanoma. But it turned out that as cancer, and gray in one and the same source – the stem cells that reside in the hair follicles.
How else, then, said Dr. Nishimura, cancer occurs when uncontrolled division of the above-mentioned stem cells. Gray – on the contrary – because of their lack.
Now the discovery is that scientists have discovered stem cells previously unknown protein WNT, which coordinates the pigmentation. The lack of this protein in mn stem cells and causes the graying of hair.
"If the implementation of the relevant genetic manipulation with WNT proteins, can prevent graying of hair. says Professor Mayumi ito – This technology has already been successfully tested on rodents. The next stage is testing on volunteers."
It is quite possible that soon the stores will be a special shampoos that can return hair to its natural color.
But that's not all miracles. Overcoming the gray hair is only the first vital step. Further – more, the color of the hair with the help of the introduction of special genes.
Genetics Ronald Hoffman from the Oncology center in California managed to grow in rodents hair a different color. We are not talking about hair dyeing, namely about their farming. Coloring hair is very original – bright green and glow in the dark, but, says the researcher, you can try out other colors.
The fact that in hair follicles of mice was hooked the jellyfish genes that are responsible for the pigment such extreme colors. The gene was introduced with the help of the common cold virus, programmed to hit only the hair cells. Thus, animals were in fact "infected" with the new colors.
The technology of obtaining the extreme-green colouring of the hair is already fully developed, however, the researcher understands that palette of colors here is an obvious flaw. So now comes the search for alternative genes for transplantation, which can give a decent color.
Source: /users/104

According to the researchers, or that the color of our hair due to the presence in the follicles of the special stem cells that work in tandem with cells that produce pigment in the coloring of the hair (called melanocytes). They are located at the very base of the hair follicle and the growth of the hair gives it the corresponding color. But with age, the pigment stops being produced. Until recently, scientists could not solve this riddle, but a few years ago, an American researcher, dermatologist Amy Nishimura accidentally figured it out. And researched it is not the causes of gray hair, and searched for a cure against skin cancer – melanoma. But it turned out that as cancer, and gray in one and the same source – the stem cells that reside in the hair follicles.
How else, then, said Dr. Nishimura, cancer occurs when uncontrolled division of the above-mentioned stem cells. Gray – on the contrary – because of their lack.
Now the discovery is that scientists have discovered stem cells previously unknown protein WNT, which coordinates the pigmentation. The lack of this protein in mn stem cells and causes the graying of hair.

"If the implementation of the relevant genetic manipulation with WNT proteins, can prevent graying of hair. says Professor Mayumi ito – This technology has already been successfully tested on rodents. The next stage is testing on volunteers."
It is quite possible that soon the stores will be a special shampoos that can return hair to its natural color.
But that's not all miracles. Overcoming the gray hair is only the first vital step. Further – more, the color of the hair with the help of the introduction of special genes.
Genetics Ronald Hoffman from the Oncology center in California managed to grow in rodents hair a different color. We are not talking about hair dyeing, namely about their farming. Coloring hair is very original – bright green and glow in the dark, but, says the researcher, you can try out other colors.
The fact that in hair follicles of mice was hooked the jellyfish genes that are responsible for the pigment such extreme colors. The gene was introduced with the help of the common cold virus, programmed to hit only the hair cells. Thus, animals were in fact "infected" with the new colors.
The technology of obtaining the extreme-green colouring of the hair is already fully developed, however, the researcher understands that palette of colors here is an obvious flaw. So now comes the search for alternative genes for transplantation, which can give a decent color.
Source: /users/104