7 crazy facts that science has learned about the human body in recent years
People opened their own kind for centuries, carefully documenting everything that's inside. And now, it seems to us that we, the people already know everything we need to know about our bodies. The site publishes a selection of which will convince you that this is not so. 1. Right now, in your face little mites live h2>
2. Hey, stop scratching your skin! Without it we can not survive h2> It is easy to guess that some people react very badly to a lot of spiders regularly organize rave parties in their skin. It is now believed that the skin disease known as "acne rosacea" and leads to inflammation and rashes can be caused by the immune reaction of the body to these microscopic lavkraftovskih monsters.
3. Microbes in our intestines influence our lives h2> Medicine always knew that we were literally stuffed with tiny creatures called "intestinal microflora", and these creatures can both help us and harm.
4. Not all intestinal microbes are friendly h2> Recent studies have shown that some species of intestinal microorganisms have evolved so much that were able to influence the vagus nerve - the one that connects the brain and the gut, so that they may make us have certain foods. < br />
5. More recently, in our lap we discovered a new part of the body h2> We have always believed that the knees - this is what allows us to fall without raising different things off the floor.
6. Scientists have found stem cells in the adult human teeth h2> Stem cells - a "T-1000" of our body. They can be transformed into anything. They are - the Holy Grail of medical science, as the control of stem cell makes it possible to grow new organs when necessary, without waiting for the queue for transplantation.
7. In our mind there is a switch h2> In medicine, that shows us Hollywood, naturally, if you get hit on the head, then lose consciousness. And you will not mind as long as it starts the next scene of the film.
1. Right now, in your face little mites live h2>
Once, in 2014, scientists sent a powerful electron microscope on the surface of a human face and has since not stop yelling in high definition the average human face like a lunar landscape, and our beginning, right now, live a tiny spider, now known as «demodex brevis».
Yes, in the beginning. The researchers found that 100% of people carry in their faces huge colonies of microscopic spiders.
2. Hey, stop scratching your skin! Without it we can not survive h2> It is easy to guess that some people react very badly to a lot of spiders regularly organize rave parties in their skin. It is now believed that the skin disease known as "acne rosacea" and leads to inflammation and rashes can be caused by the immune reaction of the body to these microscopic lavkraftovskih monsters.
However, the life of our young cohabitants are not too encouraging. They live a very short time, because nature did not bother to give their anus. So suffice it to them only to eat, lay eggs and die. And it's kind of a plus: at least millions of spiders living in your face, do not use it as a toilet.
Oh, wait a minute, here they say that all the feces are simply stored within them, and when they die, everything is released to the outside, all over our face.
Well, excuse me. At this news pros there.
3. Microbes in our intestines influence our lives h2> Medicine always knew that we were literally stuffed with tiny creatures called "intestinal microflora", and these creatures can both help us and harm.
But only recently we were able to assess the full extent of their impact. It is so great that today many consider our inner ecosystem private body which is as important as the liver, pancreas and bladder.
Micro-organisms in our internal involved in the regulation of metabolism, help the immune system and fight disease. And they're not some little thing - now lives inside of you about a hundred trillion microorganisms and their weight varies from 1 to 2 kg of the total weight of your body.
4. Not all intestinal microbes are friendly h2> Recent studies have shown that some species of intestinal microorganisms have evolved so much that were able to influence the vagus nerve - the one that connects the brain and the gut, so that they may make us have certain foods. < br />
These microbes appears to prefer sweets or food with a high fat content instead of some healthy alternatives, so that they can be one of the reasons that some of us have uncontrolled addiction, such as beer and cheese that we eat to as long as do not start sweating skim milk.
Releasing chemicals that stimulate our nervous system and stimulating the draft, or, conversely, stimulating our pleasure centers, if their demands are met, germs very effectively shape our diet, in accordance with their whims. It is also believed that these inner puppeteers may be partly responsible for the current epidemic of diabetes and obesity.
Fortunately, the microbes can be beaten at their own game well. Overcoming imposed microbial food cravings, we can, in fact, take the edge off their hunger. After dieting - it is practically genocide. So, listening as it should, you can hear the anguished cries of their puppeteers.
5. More recently, in our lap we discovered a new part of the body h2> We have always believed that the knees - this is what allows us to fall without raising different things off the floor.
But our knees arranged surprisingly difficult, so subtly that many operations on his knees fails. Often frustrated surgeons write that even after successful surgery on his knees people still can not walk as much as before. And so it went until 2013.
It was then that several Belgian surgeons have decided that in their understanding of the anatomy of the human knee something clearly not enough, and went in search of this secret.
They found a previously unknown in the knee ligament, which is able to solve many puzzles that body part.
The availability of this bundle is theoretically supposed back in 1879, when French surgeon Paul Segonde insisted that our knees more than four chords. He even claimed to have discovered a new bundle, but he did not specify exactly where.
Now that the discovery confirmed the existence of the Belgian contraption, which they called "anterolateral bundle" its detailed study is likely to lead to an increase in the number of successful operations on the knee.
6. Scientists have found stem cells in the adult human teeth h2> Stem cells - a "T-1000" of our body. They can be transformed into anything. They are - the Holy Grail of medical science, as the control of stem cell makes it possible to grow new organs when necessary, without waiting for the queue for transplantation.
The catch that stem cells exist within the human embryo. Then there was a concept called "harvesting embryos", which for obvious reasons is very upset many people.
Fortunately, this assumption proved false scientists, and they found a way to stem cell research without creating a dystopia in the style of "The Matrix", because only recently been discovered stem cells in adult teeth.
This discovery also challenges the longstanding assumption that the stem cells are only in one direction. That is, that they actually began as cells can turn into something more concrete, but not vice versa.
In the above case, scientists detect cells in the teeth, could not understand how they got there. And then we see how the nerve cells in the teeth spontaneously transformed into stem cells! It is, in fact, the biological equivalent of stuffing scroll back.
When the same phenomenon was observed in rats, the researchers decided to see what would happen if you shoot a laser into the cells. In the experiment, the cells are stimulated by a laser, damaged teeth restored twice as fast.
And now scientists think over whether they can use the soft inner tissue of our teeth to grow from these other types of tissue.
7. In our mind there is a switch h2> In medicine, that shows us Hollywood, naturally, if you get hit on the head, then lose consciousness. And you will not mind as long as it starts the next scene of the film.
If something like that happens to you in real life, the chances that you will ever get up, very, very slim. And most importantly, until recently, scientists did not fully understand why all this happens.
This lasted until 2014. Last year, scientists may wildest of them, during probing of the human brain have found that we have literally switch consciousness.
In fact, the experiment was carried out in the study of epilepsy, but the fact that experts have found along the way was the biological equivalent of the power button on your computer, which can be held up until the screen is darkened. Scientists have discovered that the stimulation of this area, known as slaustrum, a weak electric current causes loss of consciousness. And after repeated stimulation of the area consciousness returns.
via www.cracked.com/article_22180_5-insane-things-we-recently-discovered-in-human-body.html
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