On which home amulets should pay attention
The kitchen is the most energetic place in the apartment. There are many household and culinary items that can be used as talismans.
With their help, you can protect your home from bad, attract comfort and prosperity to it. Well-being and happiness, peace and harmony are those components of the home atmosphere that can be created by your thoughts, actions and rituals.
House talisman
It is important to periodically update the talismans: use spices, receptacles and dishes to replace with new ones, eat vegetables. Do not let them spoil, covered with dust and accumulate dirt.
Any magic, even everyday, must be supported by intentions and real steps to achieve the intended goal. Therefore, all ceremonies should be carried out deliberately and accompanied by actions.
Read more about folk rituals, traditions and superstitions in our articles. Follow the links.
With their help, you can protect your home from bad, attract comfort and prosperity to it. Well-being and happiness, peace and harmony are those components of the home atmosphere that can be created by your thoughts, actions and rituals.

House talisman
- laurel leaf
The laurel leaf symbolizes purity, inner strength, power, victory. Even in ancient times, the heads of rulers and commanders were decorated with laurel wreaths. He can grant wishes. Take some bay leaves, rub them with your hands into powder, make a wish and smell the spice. Then spread the gunpowder.
The laurel sheet should always be in the house. Tie 5 bay leaves together in a bundle and hang over the door. This will protect the house and attract wealth.
DepositPhotos - Cinnamon
Very useful and tasty seasoning, which is also used as a talisman. This spice is added to cleaning water to clean the house from bad energy. Also, cinnamon is added to tea, necessarily saying over it your desires aimed at bringing peace to the house.
DepositPhotos - Capture
It can become a symbol of family unity. But you need to sew it yourself, according to the pattern, and it is even desirable to sew an image of a house on it. Home amulets made with their own hands are the strongest.
DepositPhotos - Onion, garlic, pepper.
Our ancestors gave these vegetables magical powers. Garlic was protected from energy vampires, onions - from envious, pepper - from eyeballs. Bags have long been hung in the corner of the kitchen.
DepositPhotos - Stupa and pestle
Stupa represents female power, and peste - male. They should be in the house, necessarily together and actively used so that the family man and woman love each other.
DepositPhotos - broom
It sweeps away diseases, poverty, troubles, sorrows and problems from home. You need to store it with a blizzard up. And make sure that it is not worn and lush.
DepositPhotos - Sunflower
Gives vital energy, inspires, delights, it hearth. In the season, you can bring a sunflower head into the house and eat all the seeds from it. It is also advisable to place an image of a sunflower in the house, for example in the form of a picture. It is better to hang over the dining table or near the window, watch and be filled with love.
It is important to periodically update the talismans: use spices, receptacles and dishes to replace with new ones, eat vegetables. Do not let them spoil, covered with dust and accumulate dirt.
Any magic, even everyday, must be supported by intentions and real steps to achieve the intended goal. Therefore, all ceremonies should be carried out deliberately and accompanied by actions.
Read more about folk rituals, traditions and superstitions in our articles. Follow the links.