How to brew coffee in Turkey
A cup of perfect coffee in the morning is the key to a bright, rich and productive day. But in order for the drink to be truly flawless, it should be boiled correctly. After all, the taste of coffee can be affected by even the most insignificant at first glance details such as the composition and temperature of the water, grinding of grains, the heating speed of the Turks. And in the East, they believe that when brewing coffee, you need to think only about the good, otherwise bad thoughts will spoil the drink.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to make coffee in Turkey At home, to please yourself in the morning a really good drink. Moreover, there are subtleties in this case that many coffee lovers do not even suspect.
How to brew coffee in Turkey
Knowing these details will help. brew. And so that you can already enjoy a new taste of the usual drink, we offer a step-by-step cooking technology. This is the basic recipe for Turkish coffee. In the future, you can experiment at your discretion to build a drink of corporate taste.
By the way, it is recommended to serve such coffee with a glass of water at room temperature. The fact is that even one sip of pure water will clear the taste buds, which helps to fully enjoy the taste of properly brewed coffee.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to make coffee in Turkey At home, to please yourself in the morning a really good drink. Moreover, there are subtleties in this case that many coffee lovers do not even suspect.

How to brew coffee in Turkey
- Suitable water
Coffee should be brewed only in clean water. Everyone knows what terrible water flows from our taps, but it will not be superfluous to remind. Although it is possible to remove chlorine from tap water using a home carbon filter or ozonator, it is still better to get bottled, spring or well water for the drink. - Slow fire.
To prepare the most delicious coffee you will have to get up early, because the brewing of the drink does not tolerate haste. The Turk should either be placed on the smallest fire, or even hold in his hand over the burner. - The right Turk
A thousand years ago, coffee was brewed in ordinary pots, but such unadapted dishes did not allow to preserve either the taste or aroma of the drink. Later, the Arabs created a special vessel with a narrowed neck - Dalla, which became the prototype of the modern Jezva (Turkish). The ideal container has a wide, thick bottom and a narrow neck (half the diameter of the bottom). The wider the bottom, the better the drink warms up. And the thickness of the walls, for example, the copper Turk should be at least 1.5 mm.
Moreover, the volume of dishes is also important, because it makes no sense to cook one portion in a large vessel. And if you cook a portion of 100 ml of drink at a time, then choose a Turk with a volume of about 150 ml so that the rising foam has enough space.
126862 - salt
Few people know, but salt helps the aroma and taste of coffee to reveal completely. Moreover, the salt itself in the drink will not be felt, and you need it literally a couple of crystals - at the tip of the knife. And this is table salt, in any case not iodized salt. Someone also adds a pinch of cinnamon or even black pepper. There are those who salt coffee beans at the time of roasting. By the way, you can roast in butter, and when the grains cool - grind. It turns out a drink with a slight creamy taste. - sugar
If you plan to drink coffee with sugar or spices, then experts strongly recommend mixing all dry additives with ground coffee before adding water. And sugar is better to choose cane, not white.
Knowing these details will help. brew. And so that you can already enjoy a new taste of the usual drink, we offer a step-by-step cooking technology. This is the basic recipe for Turkish coffee. In the future, you can experiment at your discretion to build a drink of corporate taste.

- The first thing to do is sprinkle your coffee in Turku, add loose ingredients to your taste (sugar or spices) and pour half the pure water at room temperature.
- Wait until the air bubbles stop coming in.
- Now share the remaining water in which you can pre-dilute liquid additives (milk, honey). Moreover, the liquid should reach no further than the place of narrowing of the neck, otherwise the foam formed when heated can spill out.
- Keep the Turk on the slowest fire. After a minute, mix the contents of the container to prevent the appearance of lumps. All we have to do is cook. No more stirring.
- Do not let the coffee boil or the foam run away, because then the drink will be spoiled, and its true taste and aroma will be lost. As soon as the foam begins to rise, pour the coffee with the grounds into a preheated cup.
- Another couple of minutes (2-3) will take the drink to absorb everything you need, and the grounds were at the bottom. Now we just have to start tasting the drink.
By the way, it is recommended to serve such coffee with a glass of water at room temperature. The fact is that even one sip of pure water will clear the taste buds, which helps to fully enjoy the taste of properly brewed coffee.