Signs of a confident person

“In order to live wisely, you need to know a lot, remember two important rules for the beginning: you would rather starve than eat anything, and it is better to be alone than with anyone.” – Omar Khayyam

The philosopher very aptly selected words and could fit a piece of life in a few lines. Unfortunately, it is much easier for people to be with someone and then break up than to build a serious relationship. Due to the fact that we have a huge choice and opportunities to find a mate, the need to build a family fades into the background.

To meet the love of your life is a great happiness. Alas, appearance can be deceptive, and the true motives of the relationship are not always clear. It is only after a while that we determine whether we can live our entire lives with this person, or whether the relationship is not good.

An insecure man is torture for the whole family, so you can try to either help him overcome complexes or say goodbye to him. 15 signs of insecure men Identify the problem before a serious relationship.

  1. A man is only interested in you, all his conversations and activities come down to your relationship. He does not communicate with colleagues, spends all his free time at home. This man has no hobbies or ambitions.
  2. Jealous for no reason to an ex-man. He will check social media posts and look for evidence of his innocence, even if you don’t give him any reason to be jealous. An insecure man will always think he is not worthy of you.

  3. They confess their love after a short period of time together. If after a few dates, a man confesses his love, you should be wary, because you do not know each other very much. No matter how flattering all romantic confessions sound, over time they can lead to trouble.

  4. He worships you. At first, the feeling that a partner’s feelings are incredibly strong can be very pleasant, but over time it will become boring. Pleasant words will become worn out and may even annoy.
  5. He always asks if you love him. Insecure man needs continuous confirmation of the love of his companion. this partner hyperbolizes any signs of attention and immediately falls into despair if it seems to him that you stopped loving him as much as before.

  6. Jealous of friends: both men and women. He will be annoyed by your gatherings with friends, if you go to visit without him, be ready for repeated calls and messages. He truly believes that all your free time you have to give only to him, otherwise - oh, horror, you do not love him.
  7. It forces you to show your love as much as possible. It's upsetting that your ardor is gone and you don't love him as much as you did a week ago. Under this pretext, he can start a conversation about breaking up a relationship, thereby making you feel guilty. If you celebrate the guilt, you will try to prove your love, and in the end it can get very boring.

  8. He complains about the girls he has met before, condemns them, and blames them for being insincere. Before you, everyone used him and abandoned him for a better man. The more you delve into and believe these stories, the more you will feel sorry for him and remain in this unhealthy relationship.

  9. He's following your social media like it's his second job. Any update or comment will not be overlooked.
  10. He observes what and to whom you write in private messages, eavesdrops on phone conversations or asks what you talked about with a friend.

  11. He often gives compliments and gifts. Such a gesture will bribe any girl who has read love novels, but after a while this behavior will look like an attempt to appease or once again draw attention to yourself.
  12. I can't stand criticism. If you try to help by expressing your opinion, it can turn into resentment and misunderstanding. Choosing a life partner It consists in mutual understanding and support, but not in constantly feeding the ego of the partner to the detriment of himself.

  13. He always suspects you of treason. Whether it’s a colleague or a consultant you’ve talked to for more than two minutes, the verdict is the same: you’ll be tempted to change as soon as the opportunity comes. He feels competitive when he sees another man next to him.

  14. He wants you to always be there. The idea of taking a day off from work and falling in bed all day is an unprecedented luxury, sometimes it is very romantic. But he doesn’t just suggest, but insists and claims that he feels very bad without you.
  15. He is only happy when you are happy. Partners feel each other, often their mood is very similar. But with this person it will seem that you have to be happy, not for yourself, of course, but for him to be calm.

How to find a life partnerThe one that's perfect for you? This is not an easy question, but you can definitely say that a person is suitable for you if you do not feel constrained in anything next to him and he gives you the freedom to do what he loves and is not jealous at every step. A harmonious relationship is not a fairy tale, but a great work of two people who love each other.


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