What days will be favorable for new beginnings in the year of the Rat
According to experts studying the impact of celestial bodies on the earth world and man, 2020 will be full of different events. Changes in one area or another will occur in almost all signs of the zodiac. And that these changes will only benefit you, beloved by our readers Angela Pearl sent a list of the best days in the world. rat-year.
Using this calendar, you can make a plan for a month or even a year to know when it is better not to start important things, and which of the days will be the most favorable for starting a business, registering a marriage or going on vacation.
Calendar of events for the year
You can hear more about this year’s events from Angela Pearl in this video.
Advice A for those who are planning a holiday, I suggest to learn how to choose a country to travel during the holidays. In our list, the European part of the globe, all countries in the direct zone of a pleasant budget flight.
This year will give us a lot. highlights, opportunities and change for the better. Go boldly to meet your dreams, fear nothing and enjoy every moment of your life. Good luck!
Using this calendar, you can make a plan for a month or even a year to know when it is better not to start important things, and which of the days will be the most favorable for starting a business, registering a marriage or going on vacation.

Calendar of events for the year
- January
From the first month of the new year - January - we will expect as many as 3 events. Particular attention should be paid to January 10. From 8 to 12, there is a high probability of a romantic relationship, and if you do not yet have a life partner, the stars recommend paying close attention to this date! On January 11, Uranus will turn in direct motion in the sign of Taurus. Since Uranus is a planet of surprises and surprises, we can expect things to go wrong. Especially strong will feel Taurus and the opposite sign – Scorpio.
January 12 will be a conjunction of 2 powerful slow planets Saturn and Pluto, they join in the sign of Capricorn. This powerful compound occurs once every 30-33 years. Global transformations in life are possible zodiac sign! - February
On February 17, Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Pisces. This planet will force us to remake and improve the existing way of life. Be especially careful on February 17th! Himself. retrograde It will last from February 17 to March 10. Do not make valuable purchases without having to travel abroad, especially when it comes to flights. - march
On March 29, Jupiter will join Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This kind of event happens once every 13 years! Jupiter - the planet of luck and luck - will bring positive aspects to almost all signs of the zodiac. There are gifts of fate, especially in terms of finance. - April
The first half of the month will be very successful for all zodiac signs. Since April 25, Pluto has been turning retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. On April 24th, 25th, 26th, it is not advisable to plan important matters from which you expect a positive result. Registration of business, wedding and start of treatment should be postponed to other dates! - May
On May 6, the karmic nodes change the sign from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius (they will be in these signs for 1.5 years). On May 13, Venus turns into a retrograde motion. You can’t do anything related to beauty. Any cosmetic procedures and the beginning of repair work at the finishing stage is better to postpone until the end of the month. - June
In June, many events will slow down. This is a great time to complete previously unfinished business. But new beginnings should be postponed. This is a good time for a vacation, but do not fly on eclipses 5 and 21. On June 18, Mercury will again turn in retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer. Important dates that will affect each of us will be June 5 and 21. These days carry a powerful potential, so it is worth planning the most significant events. Everything will be especially successful if they are associated with creativity and creation! - July
From the middle of the month (July 12), Mercury turns in direct motion. From July 12, you can make large purchases, sign contracts and start new business. - Augustus
August 15 Uranus unfolds in the sign of Taurus. We should expect a pleasant surprise from this day. Don’t be angry if something goes wrong! - September
On September 9, Mars turns into a retrograde motion in the sign of Aries. This can affect the lack of strength and energy. It is especially worth being careful in terms of health, so as not to get injured at work or when playing sports. - October.
On October 4, Pluto turns in direct motion. There is no need to plan anything important on this day. On October 14, Mercury retrograde (until November 3) in the sign of Scorpio awaits us again. Perhaps there are people from the past in your life. - November
On the last day of November, another important event will take place. It will take place in 8 degrees Gemini and can negatively affect your communication and social circles. Special attention on this day should be paid to whether you do not have unfulfilled promises and unfinished urgent matters on which the life of another person depends. On the day of the eclipse and three days after it, you need to double-check any information that comes to you, as well as avoid unnecessary chatter, gossip, spreading rumors.
On November 30, 2020, special caution should be shown to Taurus, Gemini, Scorpions, Capricorns and Pisces: planets with complex aspects have accumulated in these signs. - December
On December 14, Sagittarius, Gemini and Capricorns should focus and check everything they do several times. It is in these signs that this day can cause problems at work or in business.
You can hear more about this year’s events from Angela Pearl in this video.
Advice A for those who are planning a holiday, I suggest to learn how to choose a country to travel during the holidays. In our list, the European part of the globe, all countries in the direct zone of a pleasant budget flight.
This year will give us a lot. highlights, opportunities and change for the better. Go boldly to meet your dreams, fear nothing and enjoy every moment of your life. Good luck!