Why Angela Pearl shares the positive

We have a new year ahead, 2020. According to Angela Pearl, beloved by our readers, this year will definitely not let us relax and get bored. The Year of the White Metal Rat prepares career change And life for all the zodiac signs.

Today's edition. "Site" suggestively change forecast from Angela Pearl next year. Use the energy of 2020 to change your life for the better!

Year of the White Metal Rat 2020
  1. Aries.
    If you want to make a difference in your life, 2020 is the best time. Aries expect changes in status and career. This is a very favorable year for marriage, as well as for finding a work of life. The year will be filled with bright emotions and pleasant travels. In financial terms, you will also reach a new level. For Aries, the year of the White Metal Rat will be very productive and joyful. The main thing is to listen to your intuition, do not forget to enjoy every moment and go forward. Nor will health fail!


  2. Taurus
    Jupiter - the planet of luck and luck will be in the 9th house of the horoscope almost all year. This year will draw a line under all the old business to give you the opportunity to be reborn like a phoenix and start from scratch. Starting in January, a transformation will begin that will direct your life for the better. Perhaps an event in the form of a trip or a meeting of a wise teacher who will change your attitude and change the old way of life. In terms of finance, you can reach a new level if you work hard, but do not forget about rest.


  3. Twins.
    2020 will be a variable year for zodiac signs. However, it will affect Gemini the most, as most of this year’s eclipses will take place in the sign of Gemini. It's time for change and opportunity! It is time to put your fears behind you and boldly move forward towards your happiness. He is the one who will insist on everything. The White RatIt will make Gemini feel differently about their time and the earnings they receive. If you can become more restrained in your desires and reduce the number of “wanters”, this will allow you to allocate a good amount that can be properly invested.


  4. Cancer
    The first thing worth doing Cancer in 2020Decide what you want to achieve under Rat protection. It’s always hard to choose between home and work because you like to focus on one thing. However, in 2020, both family and work will require you to do your homework. In the spring, the focus may shift towards loved ones. You will gladly help relatives and friends in their problems. Your colleagues will also be able to count on your support. Be careful about your health, do not forget about rest!


  5. Lev
    The rat is the first sign of the zodiac, which means that this is the perfect time for such ambitious and purposeful people as Lions. If during this period you decide to drastically change your direction of activity: find a new job, open a business, start investing, then luck and luck as if they will carry you to the goal! This is a good year to improve your health and complete all unfinished business. The second half of the year will bring good profits and changes in personal life. Do what inspires you – luck will be on your side!


  6. Virgo
    Beginning new, 2020 You will remember a lot of impressions that will fall literally from all the cracks. Here you have new books, and travel, and acquaintances, and unexpected insights. No wonder that by mid-January you will feel a slight fatigue and even sadness from the fact that your life is not what you dreamed of. At this point, it is important to give yourself a break, limiting the number of cases and contacts. The stars promise you a career breakthrough, so you need to stay in shape. And don’t forget that the first half of the year is the beginning. It’s time to put your fears aside and take action!


  7. Libra
    In the first half of the year you will find gifts, trips, meetings, confessions and intriguing offers. Unfortunately, a surge of emotions threatens to drain you to the bottom. To avoid the crisis that may occur in the spring, try to get a little bit out of your current affairs. The circle of friends and communication will change. There will be a lot of communication with new people. Many business trips, negotiations and relocations are expected. A temporary financial crisis is not excluded, so even a small business trip can bring a decent amount. Most importantly, watch what is happening, accept everything with dignity and without unnecessary ambitions.


  8. Scorpio
    The beginning of 2020 will force you to focus on solving financial problems and clarifying relationships with others. Surprisingly, intense dialogue with slight signs of scandal will even give you pleasure, because Scorpios are well-known lovers of justice. Having cheered up in such an unexpected way, at the end of January you will most likely start implementing some long-awaited business project. You are waiting for business trips, business meetings and acquaintances, as well as inspiring corporate parties. Health will be strong, if you do not forget about sleep and proper nutrition!


  9. Sagittarius
    From the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will feel an improvement in the financial sphere. Trying to live easily and easily, Sagittarius in 2020 will feel the need for a family. And the universe will hear his request: a meeting with the main person of his life is quite likely in the fall. Those who have already met their love should think about marriage. Miraculous changes are waiting for married Sagittarius, hyperresponsibility will also wake up in them, they will want a more cozy home, good repairs, comfortable rest for the whole family and will start looking for new ways to earn money for this. Favorable travel abroad!


  10. Capricorn
    The beginning of the new year 2020 will puzzle Capricorns rather strange against the background of continuous holidays and laziness with a thirst for knowledge. Do not resist the impulse and do not hesitate to sit with the textbook even at the festive table: the patroness of the coming year knows what is pushing you. When in the second half of February you get the chance to radically change your life for the better, it is science that is learned amid the noisy fun that will become your trump card. In 2020, Capricorns will experience periods of severe decline from time to time, and all because in their pursuit of the goal, the last thing they pay attention to is their own health. And ailments can not be ignored and start to monitor yourself before these attacks of pain develop into a chronic disease. And under no circumstances do not self-medicate!


  11. Aquarius
    Indeed, all that is needed for success is to follow your own guidelines, which will be very important for Aquarius in 2020. What worked well in the past is no longer true. Including the idea of your place and role in this world. Many Aquarius will think about changing jobs. Changes should enrich and transform Aquarius! You will be pleasantly surprised – everything will happen naturally and harmoniously.


  12. Fish
    Throughout the year, you will receive many new business offers. Listen to your inner voice and your intuition will tell you the right decisions. You can bring bright colors into your life and fill it with unforgettable impressions. Lonely Pisces will have something to do in 2020 besides their personal lives. Your priorities can be arranged in such a way that there is no time for romance: you work a lot and actively, something happens at work, so you have to work even on weekends. The only way to somehow arrange your personal life, if the acquaintance, which turns into love, happens right at work. And that could very well happen!


For those who are already thinking about a festive outfit for a New Year's party, I suggest you find out in what color to celebrate the New Year - 2020 to each zodiac sign. Metal Rat rules the ball!

Heavenly Patron of 2020, White Metal RatShe respects the strong and the brave, and if you don't back down, she'll give you what you deserve. Next year is a time of positive changes and quick decisions, if you do not become lazy and let things go by themselves, and take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, you can count on the gifts of fate!


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