Some facts about rats
How many species of rats exists today? Why is the profession of the Pied Piper because demand in the Indian megacities? What is common in rats with primates? How many young female rat can give birth? As the rats are guided in the dark? The rats are dangerous to humans? Answers to these and many other questions you will learn from this issue. (Caution: Some of the photos may seem unpleasant or even frightening)
1. Remember the tale of the Pied Piper? And in many major Indian cities such as Mumbai or New Delhi this profession is very real today. The main fighters against rodent populations here are specially hired people who are called "night killers of rats." "Night" - because they have to work in the dark.
2. Bombay Pied Piper bear metal vat full of rats killed in the city streets. The daily rate of contemporary Indian Pied Piper 30 rats. Everyone who was able to fill more than 30 pieces, is awarded for each carcass above the norm.
3. Work Ratslayer - not for the faint of heart. Occupation is not only unattractive in every sense, but also very dangerous, because the rats are carriers of many diseases.
4. In some regions of India, rats broil on the fire.
5. The poor of India and representatives of low-caste Indians (musahar) long ago entered into your diet fried rat meat.
6. Fried rat has long been sold in local markets. A government of Bihar, one of India's poorest states, officially called on residents of the state to move to rat meat to cope with rising food prices and keep stocks of rice.
7. In India, the ratio of these rodents are rather contradictory. For example, in the Hindu temple of Goddess Durga in Rajasthan rats revered as sacred animals and sing them with milk.
8. The allegation that western metropolises such as New York, the number of rats is twice the number of people does not correspond to the truth. In fact, rat populations in New York is about a quarter of a million individuals.
9. However, the rats were still "champions of survival" of the planet Earth, as to endure the most severe conditions.
10. Rats are particularly dangerous because they can eat almost everything that comes their way. The main source of food for the rats in the western cities - are the remnants of the food industry, fast food: kebabs, burgers and pizza leftovers. In this regard, even in Britain it launched a campaign calling on to keep clean the city streets.
11. For a long time people are struggling with rodents using poison baits.
12. To date, there are about 50 species of rats. The most common - a black and gray rat. Black rat on average smaller Pasyukov (gray rats). They are omnivorous, but prefer vegetable feed and live in houses and warehouses. Over the past few years, their population has declined significantly since they were ousted gray rats
13. The gray rat or Pasyuk spread around the world much more. She also omnivorous, but prefers more meat and fish.
14. Rats are particularly active at night. These rodents are not very good vision, but hearing, smell and touch them excellent. In complete darkness the rat is guided through his mustache, which constitute one of the main senses in these rodents. Rat whiskers vibrate at a frequency of about 8 Hz.
15. The gestation period of the female rat for three weeks, and immediately after birth, they are ready to conceive again. Thus, for 12 weeks a rat can give birth to 100 babies.
16. If you think that rats are strong only in reproduction, you are mistaken. In tests on rats ingenuity give very good result.
17. The researchers also found that rats can shy away from jobs that they can not afford. Though earlier it was believed that only primates are capable of assessing their own forces.
18. The sense of smell plays in the life of rats the greatest role. Even at large distances, they can accurately detect traces of food. With the smell of rat determine their relatives and reserves the areas.
19. Rats have a pronounced sense of nepotism. One rat group can combine up to 200 animals. The group has its own "taster", which checks the food. Also, rats love to tickle each other, coming together.
20. In addition, rats that spoil food and are known as carriers of many infectious and parasitic diseases in humans. The most feared of diseases carried by rats, is the bubonic plague.
via bigpicture.ru

1. Remember the tale of the Pied Piper? And in many major Indian cities such as Mumbai or New Delhi this profession is very real today. The main fighters against rodent populations here are specially hired people who are called "night killers of rats." "Night" - because they have to work in the dark.

2. Bombay Pied Piper bear metal vat full of rats killed in the city streets. The daily rate of contemporary Indian Pied Piper 30 rats. Everyone who was able to fill more than 30 pieces, is awarded for each carcass above the norm.

3. Work Ratslayer - not for the faint of heart. Occupation is not only unattractive in every sense, but also very dangerous, because the rats are carriers of many diseases.

4. In some regions of India, rats broil on the fire.

5. The poor of India and representatives of low-caste Indians (musahar) long ago entered into your diet fried rat meat.

6. Fried rat has long been sold in local markets. A government of Bihar, one of India's poorest states, officially called on residents of the state to move to rat meat to cope with rising food prices and keep stocks of rice.

7. In India, the ratio of these rodents are rather contradictory. For example, in the Hindu temple of Goddess Durga in Rajasthan rats revered as sacred animals and sing them with milk.

8. The allegation that western metropolises such as New York, the number of rats is twice the number of people does not correspond to the truth. In fact, rat populations in New York is about a quarter of a million individuals.

9. However, the rats were still "champions of survival" of the planet Earth, as to endure the most severe conditions.

10. Rats are particularly dangerous because they can eat almost everything that comes their way. The main source of food for the rats in the western cities - are the remnants of the food industry, fast food: kebabs, burgers and pizza leftovers. In this regard, even in Britain it launched a campaign calling on to keep clean the city streets.

11. For a long time people are struggling with rodents using poison baits.

12. To date, there are about 50 species of rats. The most common - a black and gray rat. Black rat on average smaller Pasyukov (gray rats). They are omnivorous, but prefer vegetable feed and live in houses and warehouses. Over the past few years, their population has declined significantly since they were ousted gray rats

13. The gray rat or Pasyuk spread around the world much more. She also omnivorous, but prefers more meat and fish.

14. Rats are particularly active at night. These rodents are not very good vision, but hearing, smell and touch them excellent. In complete darkness the rat is guided through his mustache, which constitute one of the main senses in these rodents. Rat whiskers vibrate at a frequency of about 8 Hz.

15. The gestation period of the female rat for three weeks, and immediately after birth, they are ready to conceive again. Thus, for 12 weeks a rat can give birth to 100 babies.

16. If you think that rats are strong only in reproduction, you are mistaken. In tests on rats ingenuity give very good result.

17. The researchers also found that rats can shy away from jobs that they can not afford. Though earlier it was believed that only primates are capable of assessing their own forces.

18. The sense of smell plays in the life of rats the greatest role. Even at large distances, they can accurately detect traces of food. With the smell of rat determine their relatives and reserves the areas.

19. Rats have a pronounced sense of nepotism. One rat group can combine up to 200 animals. The group has its own "taster", which checks the food. Also, rats love to tickle each other, coming together.

20. In addition, rats that spoil food and are known as carriers of many infectious and parasitic diseases in humans. The most feared of diseases carried by rats, is the bubonic plague.

via bigpicture.ru