Instructions for preparing pumpkin cupcakes
There is a special recipe in my arsenal of culinary finds. As soon as the weather spoils (the yard is slush and gray), I take one small pumpkin out of the cellar, divide it into pieces and baking. Some eat just so with cheese or add to salads, but from the second part make puree, and then add it to the dough for the most delicious anti-stress capcakes.
In the section, they turn out bright orange, not to mention an interesting taste combination of pumpkin with chalk ginger and creamy cheese cream. It's a pleasure.
When I bake them, all the households immediately run to the kitchen: the aroma of pastries does not allow anyone to do their business calmly - everyone is waiting for tea with this. delicious.
Pumpkin cupcakes Today edition "Site" He will tell you how to cook. pumpkin. The best way to deal with autumn rain!
Test ingredients
Cream ingredients
With pumpkin, I am not ashamed to experiment. I'm putting finely grated cakes. I can use a carrot instead. Frying potatoes and pumpkin. I add pumpkin to the roast to the soups, to the goulashes, everywhere. She's inconspicuous, everyone eats and doesn't suspect, and I won't admit it.
I suggest you also find out an interesting recipe for pumpkin cookies with a crispy crust, which is prepared in half an hour. It's delicious!
Even in the rainiest times, the day will seem much brighter if the house smells of fresh pastries! These fragrant pumpkin With a gentle and airy cream and cheese will conquer anyone.
Thanks to pumpkin puree, muffins are especially juicy and tender, and fragrant spices make this dessert cozy in autumn!
In the section, they turn out bright orange, not to mention an interesting taste combination of pumpkin with chalk ginger and creamy cheese cream. It's a pleasure.
When I bake them, all the households immediately run to the kitchen: the aroma of pastries does not allow anyone to do their business calmly - everyone is waiting for tea with this. delicious.

Pumpkin cupcakes Today edition "Site" He will tell you how to cook. pumpkin. The best way to deal with autumn rain!

Test ingredients
- 250g pumpkin puree
- 2 eggs
- 140g flour
- 160g sugar
- 60g vegetable oil
- 10g baking powder
- 0.5 tsp soda
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 1 tsp spices (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg)
Cream ingredients
- 400g cottage cheese
- 100g cream (33% fat)
- 40g powdered sugar

- Cut the pumpkin in pieces, lay it on a bowl and bake it in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 45 minutes until ready. The pumpkin should become soft.
- To get a thick puree, put the baked pumpkin in gauze, folded in several layers, and squeeze. Then grind the mass with a blender to a state of puree.
- Ask for flour with baking powder, soda, spices and salt. I usually put chalk ginger as a spice, but you can also add nutmeg and cinnamon if you want.
- In a separate container, mix eggs with sugar and vegetable oil, slightly beat with a corolla.
- Add to the resulting mass pumpkin-pure and mix thoroughly until homogeneous.
- Add the mixture of dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix the mass again until uniform. Fill the cupcake molds with a 2/3 dough, bake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 30-35 minutes until ready.
- Put all the ingredients for the cream in a bowl of mixer and whip at an average speed of about 3-5 minutes. It should be a dense, homogeneous, lush mass that holds the shape well. Fill the pastry bag with cream and decorate the cupcake tops with it.
- Ready. cream-pot Add mint leaves and nut crumbs. Although you can decorate them to your liking. Bon appetit!
With pumpkin, I am not ashamed to experiment. I'm putting finely grated cakes. I can use a carrot instead. Frying potatoes and pumpkin. I add pumpkin to the roast to the soups, to the goulashes, everywhere. She's inconspicuous, everyone eats and doesn't suspect, and I won't admit it.
I suggest you also find out an interesting recipe for pumpkin cookies with a crispy crust, which is prepared in half an hour. It's delicious!
Even in the rainiest times, the day will seem much brighter if the house smells of fresh pastries! These fragrant pumpkin With a gentle and airy cream and cheese will conquer anyone.
Thanks to pumpkin puree, muffins are especially juicy and tender, and fragrant spices make this dessert cozy in autumn!