Why is my mother not happy with the gift of her home?

It doesn’t matter how many friends and acquaintances you have around you throughout your life. How do your relatives and children treat you? Surely. soullessness His inner pathology will not allow him to be completely satisfied with life, happy and self-sufficient.

Naturally, external factors can also lead to such a sad result. Education, surrounding people, financial condition and so on – all this is very important. But no philosopher has yet answered unequivocally the question of “being determines consciousness or consciousness determines being.” Everyone gets to the answer on their own.

My mother is a typical elderly woman who is difficult to please. And it's not that she criticizes my appearance or my behavior. No, I have already formed myself as a person, after all, 31 years is not a joke. But in all my life I do not remember from my mother a really kind, warm word.

Throughout her youth she wandered around various apartments. I got married at the age of 18, and about 4 months later I arrived. It is clear that the bride was already in a position and a well-thought-out marriage can not be called. When my dad decided to divorce, I was only 3 years old. Naturally, I was left with my mother, and she went back to her parents’ home. My grandmother and her second husband, my mother's father.

My mother's second marriage was also, shall we say, very fragile. With my stepfather, they had several dozen breaks, which, however, ended in mutual reconciliation. I don't remember those days very well, but it was probably due to mutual affairs and other nonsense. But my stepfather couldn't take it either. Somewhere in grade 8 or 9, I remember they quietly divorced. By then, I was warned that this might be the way I was prepared.

My mother lived with my grandmother and her husband. Only now with me. These were not very happy times. Grandma and Uncle Sakib were pretty heavy people and had long since stopped pretending to be happy with my mother. On the one hand, I understand them, but on the other hand, sometimes even me, their granddaughter, got a dose of negativity.

But a couple of years later, I went to the capital to study. And since I studied well, I had some perspective in the future. After working for about half a year (officially, because I began to combine studies with work in my second year) at my company, I received a very tempting offer. Abroad. America. That night I called back and agreed. I spent 10 years in the United States.


In her letters, my mother often complained to me that she did not have her own corner in the world. It was impossible to rent an apartment, and living in an apartment with my grandmother was unbearable. Because of this, she lost old friends and began to have nerve problems. It is a joke for an adult woman to be on the rights of an unloved daughter, who was required to fulfill any, even the most stupid and far-fetched "requests."

But the years went by and I developed my career well. That very man, unfortunately, could not be found and I decided to visit my mother, relax, and at the same time present her my gift. Buy a house. Not the capital, of course, but still hometown. It was a good time. My grandparents, Sakib, I barely spoke to each other – they preferred one silent dinner and just said goodbye to their mother.

My mother and I walked, talked, shared some female rumors and everything. Now she was living in her house, but partially without furniture, and I was visiting her. Unfortunately, it all lasted about a month.

Soon my mother started complaining about life again. The way the house is furnished, she no longer likes it. Her friends never showed up despite trying to get them together. The wrong age. There is nowhere to go in town, nothing to do. Sadly, all of this leads to depression. It's just me, so I'd better spend more time with my parents.

But personally, my plans were different. I wanted to take a walk with some interesting man. Go to a few cafes and restaurants. The budget allows. But somehow it didn't work out. The men were either already with rings, or moved to the capital, or were not interested in me personally. Turns out that happens. Sitting with my mother in front of the TV I was tired and I just didn’t know where to go.

A month later, they called from work and reminded me that it was time and honor to know. I flew away with relief and slight annoyance. My mom didn't even go to the airport with me. On the contrary, she scolded me. “You can’t make all the money” and “you leave me alone.” These are the words I heard from her before she left.

Well, that's probably how people work. Even positive changes in his life will not always change him. Something inside will always be the same. But I don't have to suffer for it. Bye, Mom. I hope you and I will see each other again and you will be happy in this moment.


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