I attach the bag on the train with cable ties to the handrails, they are indispensable in everyday life.

Nylon, cable or plastic clamps are a simple and affordable solution to many complex household tasks. They can help you in an unforeseen situation, and the applications they have a pond, which will be discussed in this article. But the disposability of flexible assistants slightly spoils the overall picture. But wait a minute, it's not that clear. It turns out that there is a way to reuse the most common screeds, and we will demonstrate it!

Nylon screeds a bit of history. Cable screeds were invented in 1956 by engineer Maurus Logan. And they gave him this idea... Boeing planes. Not the planes themselves, but the process of making them. Watching workers knit knots from a sturdy waxed cord to connect miles of wires, he realized there had to be a way to make it easier.

In 1958, plastic clamps went on sale under the brand name Ty-Rap. Today on sale you can find clamps of a variety of shapes, designs and colors: reusable, frost-resistant, non-combustible. But at the heart of this diversity is the same genius idea of Maurus Logan.

Smartphone and screeds Need a smartphone stand? We already wrote how to make it out of clamps. But it's even easier to use screeds.

In the same way, you can securely attach to the smartphone overbank. Lifehack: If you do not have ties of sufficient length, connect the two by putting one in the ear of the other.

Sometimes I am going for a walk, and the phone is discharged. You can recharge it in the bag along the way, but there is a high probability that when shaking the gadgets will separate.

A fastening of clamps will firmly connect the phone to the overbank and ensure uninterrupted charging of your device.

When the grip is not at hand, and the handle of the pan is too hot, it will help the loop from the screed.

The same loop will allow you to conveniently hang kitchen spatulas, vegetable cleaners and other accessories for the kitchen on any hook.

Especially those whose hole is too small to hang them in any other way.

Tourists in a hike and trip God himself ordered to have screeds. First, they allow you to replace the carbine, securely fastening a variety of tourist trifles.

Secondly, screeds are perhaps the easiest way to fix shoes, zipper, tent, attach something to a backpack and so on.

About the interesting experience of using screeds on trips I had to read in the Network. One of the users said that always before falling asleep in the train car, attaches a bag with a clasp to the handrails of the car. In the morning he cuts him with nail scissors. Yes, there is additional hassle, but you can sleep well: things will definitely stay in place.

Some drivers always carry clamps in the glove compartment of their car. And the reasons for this are more than enough.

After all, it is great when all the details are reliably fixed with bolts, nuts or screws. But no one is immune from breakdowns. And sometimes they happen away from shops and service stations.

If this happens, a cable screed can become that life-saving straw that makes it possible to somehow get to the nearest service. It will not allow you to lose the caps, license plate or other parts of the car.

Stitches and short curtains Plastic clamps will allow you to easily lengthen the curtains or curtains. This method is suitable if they are attached to hooks. Remove the curtains, carefully measure what the curved nylon screeds should be so that the curtains are of the correct length.

Mark with a marker on the clamps the desired number of centimeters. Carefully stretch all the clamps under the loop on the corsage tape, so that there is the same distance between them. Lock the plastic in the rings and cut off the excess.

To separate the plastic clamps, you will need only a small screwdriver with a narrow end. Put the tail of the screed up to open the clamp.

Looking closely, you can see a tongue in it, which rests on a plastic ladder and does not allow the lock to open.


Between the tongue and screed you need to insert the tip of the screwdriver. When this is done, it remains only to pull, and the clamps will open. It can then be safely used again. It is better to understand how to open the plastic clamps, you can watch the video above.

Agree that cable screed is a genius invention! Now I always have a pack of screeds on hand. When I go on a hike or a trip, I always take a couple of things with me. Just in case. Not much?


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