A dashing way to saw plywood without serrated for those who did not hold a blade in their hands
Even if you have never done any repairs, this day will come. And it would be nice to know a few life hacks that would definitely help while working with tools. For example, there are 3 surefire ways. how to cut plywood sheet No denting or chipping.
© Freepik Only at first glance it may seem too easy to do. In fact, it's a serious problem. Not even expensive and high-quality tools. But there's a way.
Plywood leaf Plywood is one of the most popular building materials. It is most often used during the independent construction of any buildings, for example, in the country. And if earlier it could seem that cutting plywood is “like two fingers on asphalt”. In fact, you need to remember a few practical tips shared by experienced craftsmen with golden hands.
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A post shared by KLUCHUK. UA Plintus ta Profili (@plintus_kluchuk)
Yes, for the correct cutting of plywood or similar materials, no file is suitable. Best to choose. serpentwhich will be directed upwards. If you work with plywood often, you can buy a whole set of saws. It will be more profitable and economical. Please note that cut the plywood sheet must be strictly at right angles. In addition, you need to saw across the compressed fibers of plywood. This also minimizes the appearance of unwanted chips.
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A post shared by STRAY SELF (@stroysam.khartzysk)
On modern tools should be a special button that would fix it at one working speed. Constant deceleration or acceleration of the jigsaw rightly may lead to the appearance of chips. Such a button will definitely simplify the work of novice craftsmen who have not yet fully learned each tool. But if you have a desire to work with plywood more often than once a year, it is better to study the range of cutting tools. Different manufacturers offer a wide range of products for all types of work. Ask the consultants of the stores of building materials and tools, which device is suitable specifically for you.
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A post shared by Bosch Tool in Russia (@bosch_go)
Paint scotch It may sound like a joke, but it really works. Try to stick a paint tape on a pre-planned cut line. You need to cut carefully on the tape.. This should make the cut cleaner and without chipping.
© Freepik Important information. While working with any tools, take care to protect your eyes from possible dust or small fragments.
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A post shared by Photographer Kiev Dmitry Korzh (@dmitriy_korzh)
Even if you do not work with a jigsaw every day and cut plywood sheet you do not have an urgent need, remember these tips. You're gonna need them. And if you want to get more interesting life hacks for repairs, ask for advice from your dad, uncle or grandfather. Our dear and respected men are masters of all trades.. They certainly have several of their own solutions that help in the work.
Have you heard of such tricks?

© Freepik Only at first glance it may seem too easy to do. In fact, it's a serious problem. Not even expensive and high-quality tools. But there's a way.
Plywood leaf Plywood is one of the most popular building materials. It is most often used during the independent construction of any buildings, for example, in the country. And if earlier it could seem that cutting plywood is “like two fingers on asphalt”. In fact, you need to remember a few practical tips shared by experienced craftsmen with golden hands.
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A post shared by KLUCHUK. UA Plintus ta Profili (@plintus_kluchuk)
Yes, for the correct cutting of plywood or similar materials, no file is suitable. Best to choose. serpentwhich will be directed upwards. If you work with plywood often, you can buy a whole set of saws. It will be more profitable and economical. Please note that cut the plywood sheet must be strictly at right angles. In addition, you need to saw across the compressed fibers of plywood. This also minimizes the appearance of unwanted chips.
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A post shared by STRAY SELF (@stroysam.khartzysk)
On modern tools should be a special button that would fix it at one working speed. Constant deceleration or acceleration of the jigsaw rightly may lead to the appearance of chips. Such a button will definitely simplify the work of novice craftsmen who have not yet fully learned each tool. But if you have a desire to work with plywood more often than once a year, it is better to study the range of cutting tools. Different manufacturers offer a wide range of products for all types of work. Ask the consultants of the stores of building materials and tools, which device is suitable specifically for you.
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A post shared by Bosch Tool in Russia (@bosch_go)
Paint scotch It may sound like a joke, but it really works. Try to stick a paint tape on a pre-planned cut line. You need to cut carefully on the tape.. This should make the cut cleaner and without chipping.

© Freepik Important information. While working with any tools, take care to protect your eyes from possible dust or small fragments.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Photographer Kiev Dmitry Korzh (@dmitriy_korzh)
Even if you do not work with a jigsaw every day and cut plywood sheet you do not have an urgent need, remember these tips. You're gonna need them. And if you want to get more interesting life hacks for repairs, ask for advice from your dad, uncle or grandfather. Our dear and respected men are masters of all trades.. They certainly have several of their own solutions that help in the work.
Have you heard of such tricks?
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