My husband came back from abroad and bought an apartment, not for us, but for his parents.

Why not delay the wedding, if you decided to get married, and why is it sometimes useful to pacify your temper? About this and not only you will be able to learn from today’s life story of our charming reader Julia, who managed to get answers to these questions thanks to personal bitter experience.

Yura and I had everything like everyone else. First we met a couple of years, and then the wedding began to plan. Yura, as an offer made, and began to go to work, save money for housing, so that after marriage, he did not hang around his parents’ neck. Wedding planning lasted 4 years.


Yura’s parents were initially skeptical about our painting. With only six months left, we were advised to spend some time in a civil marriage to see if the relationship should be formalized. And in order not to spend money on a rented apartment, they offered to live with them.

Yuri liked the idea of his parents, but I did not. Not only did they live outside the city and I would have had to spend twice as much time on the way to work, but the caring relatives also wanted to hang all the chores on me. They, you see, it was customary to first find out whether the hostess of the girl will succeed, and only then to think about the wedding.

In addition, I would have to live alone with his parents, as a month after this conversation Yura again went to work. I was not tempted by that prospect at all. So I flatly refused. As a result, just before the departure of Yura, we quarreled with him to pieces...

In all the time that Yura was abroad, he never called me. I tried to contact him myself, but the phone number I knew was always unavailable, and his parents flatly refused to give me another.

Six months later, Jura finally showed up. He called and asked to come to his parents. I didn’t want to see or hear him anymore. The only thing that was interesting was what excuses he came up with to explain what he had done to me.

As it turned out, he was not going to justify himself. At the meeting, Yura only asked to return the wedding ring, and then gave the bag with things I had forgotten at his parents’ house since the last visit, and escorted it to the door.

He bought an apartment after all. Not for us, but for our parents. I still don't understand why it all turned out like this. Maybe I shouldn't have been so categorical then?

What do you think was the real reason this couple broke up? Was it possible to avoid conflict and end the story with a happy ending? We will be happy to discuss this with you in the comments. In the meantime, we say goodbye and wish you a good day. See you soon!


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