What salt in bags to buy for dishwasher instead of expensive recommended salt

How to put salt in the dishwasher, so that it washes away food from the dishes and does not leave white divorces on it?

Those who often use a dishwasher know that it is not enough to choose and install it. We need quality detergents. And if they stand like diamond dust, you start looking for an alternative.

After hard water, detergents form little foam, the walls of the kettle are quickly covered with scale, white plaque appears on the plumbing, shades and the inner surface of the heating tanks.

Who wants to get divorce plates instead of sparkling dishes? Personally, I am not satisfied with this result. So until recently, I used salt for the Finish dishwasher.

My Bosch dishwasher has a special container for salt, which helps soften the water. Salt should be loaded following the instructions.

When first loading salt, you need to fill this container with water, then salt.

When the salt is exhausted, the red indicator on the panel will light up. After that, you can use several more times, and then you need to download everything new.

The dishwasher with Finish salt works properly, no deposits are observed. There are no signs of hard water on the dishes either. But only in a package of 1.5 kg and its price is 160-180 rubles. I'd like less. It's just salt, even if it's purified.

Not so long ago, an alternative was found among friends in the boiler room of a country house. On the wall was a 25-pound bag with the inscription "Aquafor". I asked what it was. It turned out that salt is for water softening.

According to the manufacturer, the salt "Aquafor" does not contain foreign impurities, dissolves in water slowly, gradually, which allows more economical use of water and active substances. At the same time, a bag of 25 kilograms costs 800 rubles.

If you look at the price of a kilogram, you get 32 rubles against 110-120 for Finish. Buying a large bag at once, you can save 3-4 times, and this, in my opinion, is a lot! Especially since I haven’t noticed the difference yet.


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