Why wise housewives stop cooking oatmeal
Heat treatment of products is not always appropriate. Of course, some dishes are simply made to be eaten raw. These include tartar (snack), carpaccio, various exotic delicacies, vegetable and fruit salads. However, there are foods that we are used to cooking, although it turns out that it would be more useful to eat them raw. It is about them that the editorial office will tell in more detail. "Site".
Below we will talk about 5 products that are more useful to use without prior heat treatment.
How do you use these products? Did you know about these recommendations? Share with us in the comments. Of course, despite all the benefits of raw food, we do not advise completely switching to raw food. It is proved that this food system has its disadvantages. However, you should take into account the above to take from these 5 products only the best. Good luck!

Below we will talk about 5 products that are more useful to use without prior heat treatment.
- Oatmeal Uncooked oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber, protein, quality carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it retains much more nutrients, and its glycemic index is much lower than that of cooked porridge. Therefore, we recommend you not to cook this cereal, but soak in warm water or cook lazy oatmeal, which will be a great breakfast.
- Cauliflower As you know, cauliflower has a positive effect on the female body, and also strengthens the heart, helps metabolism and improves brain function. A decent list, isn't it? But, unfortunately, after boiling or frying in the bar, cauliflower will lose a significant part of its properties. But it can be safely eaten in raw form!
- Lentils Lentils are the record holder for the content of plant protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, it has a lot of iron, calcium and other necessary trace elements, fatty acids and vitamins. As a result, these legumes perfectly increase immunity and stimulate metabolism. To get the most out of lentils, you need to germinate it (this process will take only a couple of days). All because sprouted grains also have vitamin C. By the way, sprouted lentils are very convenient to sprinkle in vegetable salads.
- Bulgarian red pepper It is red pepper that is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and other compounds that have a beneficial effect on cell regenerationHair growth, vision, nails, skin and even mood. By the way, did you know that vitamin C in red Bulgarian pepper is 3 times more than in 100 g of orange? But keep in mind that after thermal exposure, its amount decreases by 2.5 times. In second place in the ranking of utility is yellow pepper, and only in the third – green.
- Flaxseed oil Flax seeds are famous for their healing properties, an abundance of vitamins and the ability to support digestion. So we recommend getting flaxseed oil if you still do not have it. Add it to salads, porridge or simply eat a teaspoon of butter daily. However, do not use it for frying, otherwise flaxseed oil will become toxic.
How do you use these products? Did you know about these recommendations? Share with us in the comments. Of course, despite all the benefits of raw food, we do not advise completely switching to raw food. It is proved that this food system has its disadvantages. However, you should take into account the above to take from these 5 products only the best. Good luck!
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